Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 137 Hawkeye shows off his power (please subscribe and vote monthly)

Because both Luo Fei and Luo Fei acted without any problems from beginning to end, the old uncle gradually let down his guard.

Faced with Wang Pingchuan's pleading, he really relaxed and said, "You kid, okay, wait, I'll call you and ask."

As he spoke, the old uncle put the mobile phone in his hand on the table, and then took out another mobile phone from his trouser pocket in front of them.

Luo Fei was caught off guard and quickly glanced at Wang Pingchuan, as if he was asking him what was going on with his eyes.

The latter shrugged helplessly, saying that he didn't know either.

It turned out that according to their previous plan, after the other party dropped their guard, Wang Pingchuan would find a way to ask the other party to call the boss.

In this way, they can find out the boss's mobile phone number by investigating the uncle's call time records.

But who would have thought that the other party actually had two mobile phones.

Luo Fei has realized that their plan may be destined to fail, but he still doesn't want to give up.

So almost subconsciously, he quickly stood up, pretended to move his neck, and quickly glanced at the other party's mobile phone interface.

At the same time, the eagle vision gene and the chimpanzee memory come into play at the same time!

It was also his luck. At this time, the old uncle happened to stop at the interface of browsing the address book, then selected one of the phone numbers and dialed it.

As the interface jumped, Luo Fei immediately looked away.

Because the speed was fast enough, the old uncle didn't notice his peeping movements at all.

Little did he know that in just a few seconds, Luo Fei's brain, which was integrated with the memory of a chimpanzee, had already memorized the phone number in an instant.

While silently reciting in his mind to strengthen his memory, he pretended to play with his mobile phone, quickly opened the chat dialog box with Wang Yong, and sent the number.

At the same time he typed the next line.

"Immediately check this mobile phone number and the number he was talking to at this time."

After thinking for a while, he added, "Remember, don't alert Captain Zhao and the others for now. Just check secretly and tell me the results."

He kept an eye out.

If Zhao Donglai and the others were told directly, then the xz police would probably know everything after a while.

And once they found out, Luo Fei was not sure whether the other party had an informant in the police force. After all, the boss was so powerful that no one could tell.

So Luo Fei still trusts his subordinates.

After doing all this, he immediately exited the chat interface, then opened a video software and started watching.

The old uncle continued to talk to the other party.

He didn't turn on the speakerphone, so he couldn't hear what was being said on the other side, but it was not difficult to tell from his few words that he was indeed helping Wang Pingchuan get business.

He hung up the phone after a while and said, "It's done. The boss said that there happened to be another family who wanted to buy a boy recently. The younger the better, the better."

"After you go back, immediately pay attention to a target. After you succeed, it will be the same as before. Yang Dawei will take over for you and send the child there. I will transfer the money to you when the time comes."

"Uncle, thank you very much!"

Wang Pingchuan held his hand with tears of gratitude and kept thanking him.

"Kawako, you don't have to be polite to me, just do your job."

The old uncle said something and then stood up, "It's getting late. You guys eat slowly and I'll leave first."

"Uncle, are you leaving now? Can you sit there for a while?"


After Wang Pingchuan pretended to stay, the old uncle waved his hands and walked out.

As soon as he took off, Wang Pingchuan immediately opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Luo Fei with a look.

At this time, he was in the group that acted quickly, sending messages to inform everyone.

"Attention, the target person is about to leave."

"Height is about 1,755, weight is estimated to be between 145, slightly fat, wearing black clothes, cap, mask, and sunglasses."

After describing the old uncle's physical features in detail, he motioned to Wang Pingchuan, "Let's go out and talk about it later!"

When the two of them went out, there was no sign of the old uncle outside.

Following the scent molecules he left in the air, Luo Fei knew that he should have left.

Then he took a look at the action group and found two messages sent by Yang Su a minute ago.

"Received, the target person has been found."

"We've followed."

Luo Fei let out a sigh of relief. At the same time, a private car stopped in front of them.

Because the old uncle had already left, there was no need for them to continue pretending, so Zhang Jun directly rolled down the passenger window and said, "Come up quickly."

After Luo Fei opened the car door and let Wang Pingchuan sit in, he did not follow.

"Comrade Zhang Jun, I still have some things to do, so please take him back and hand him over to my colleagues first."

After saying that, Luo Fei ran quickly in one direction without waiting for Zhang Jun to speak.

Zhang Jun called several times from behind but didn't stop, so he had no choice but to let his colleagues drive the car back to the bureau first.

After the two of them took Wang Pingchuan up, they felt normal

"Where is Luo Fei? Why didn't he come back with you?"

"Comrade Luo Fei said that he still had something to do, so he left the man in our hands and ran away."

"What? Director Zheng, what's going on with you, comrade?"

As soon as Zhang Jun finished speaking, Zhou Zijie frowned and looked at Zheng Changjun in disbelief, his face full of displeasure.

"He is the only one who has met my uncle now. Now he doesn't come back quickly to report the situation to us, but he is still running around? Is this how he treats his work?"

Already used to Luo Fei's way of handling cases, Zheng Changjun realized as soon as he heard that Luo Fei was still running around at this time, he must have made some new discoveries.

Then when he heard Zhou Zijie say this about his people, he suddenly felt a little unhappy.

How should Luo Fei handle the case? He, his direct leader, has not said anything yet. What right does a cross-provincial director have to dictate?

But the two of them were on the same level and not very familiar with each other, so it was hard for him to get angry. He could only explain patiently, "Director Zhou, you misunderstood."

"Comrade Luo Fei, his performance on our side is very good. His sudden departure must have provided some clues, so we just need to wait patiently."

"New clue? Then he is even more wrong. No matter what he finds, he should come back and report to his superiors as soon as possible. Then we need to decide how to investigate and arrange it. How can he act privately!"

The more Zhou Zijie talked, the more unhappy he became, and he added at the end, "Now I really doubt whether your criminal police officers have the basic common sense and self-awareness of being a police officer."

The implication is that the criminal police in Jiangzhou City are unorganized and undisciplined.

Of course, he was not entirely targeting Luo Fei, but more mainly to vent his unhappiness.

You must know that Wang Pingchuan has always been a prisoner that the police are arresting. A few days ago, they finally found recent photos of his life.

So if the Jiangzhou police hadn't interfered, then after Wang Pingchuan was arrested, this huge gang's trafficking case would definitely be the performance of their xz police.

Instead of like now, not only do they have to completely and unconditionally cooperate with the police in other places to solve crimes on their own land, but they also have to take the lion's share of the credit, and they can only pick up bits and pieces.

Zhou Zijie was deeply unhappy about this, but he had no choice but to let the other party find out first, so he could only endure it no matter how unhappy he was.

But now that Luo Fei's apostasy had given him an opportunity, he naturally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to ridicule and restore the gap in his heart.

As soon as he said this, Zhao Donglai and other criminal policemen from Jiangzhou City all looked unhappy.

Because the other party's words were not only questioning Luo Fei, but also insulting the professionalism of all the police in Jiangzhou City!

It is unbearable!

However, the other party's official position was much higher than theirs, so they dared not speak out in anger, so they could only look forward to Zheng Changjun, hoping that he could help them regain some ground.

And Zheng Changjun did not disappoint them.

He said with a half-smile, "Director Zhou criticized that our Comrade Luo was really impatient in solving cases, just like the Wang Pingchuan case this time."

"If he can act in accordance with the rules and procedures like you xz comrades, then we won't have to make this trip... So don't worry, I will definitely criticize him when I get back!"

His words seemed to be acknowledging Zhou Zijie's point of view, but what he was actually saying was that your xz detectives are well organized and disciplined, but what's the use? Have you found Wang Pingchuan?

If not, are you proud of yourself?

In the end, it is not possible to catch the fugitive that you have not caught for more than ten years without the help of our unorganized and undisciplined comrades!

Zhou Zijie naturally heard his subtext, and his expression suddenly turned ugly.

But he couldn't find anything to say back. After all, he really didn't have much confidence in this matter.

"Okay, two leaders, since Comrade Luo Fei has discovered something, let's wait until he comes back. Anyway, there is no rush at this moment, right?"

Seeing that Zheng Changjun had gained face for them, Wu Cheng quickly jumped out to smooth things over.

It is impossible to really let these two people fight too hard, otherwise neither party's face will look very good.

What's more important is that they will need the cooperation of the police in the future. There is no benefit in a stalemate now.

Zheng Changjun and Zhou Zijie were not imprudent people. They choked each other and went down the stairs.

"Comrade Wu is right." Zhou Zijie was the first to laugh.

Zheng Changjun was about to speak, but at this moment, his and Zhou Zijie's cell phones rang at the same time.

The two of them stopped talking nonsense and immediately went to the side to connect.

Zheng Changjun's call came from Yang Su.

This is not considered an escalation.

Because this operation was under his full command, the call from the other party was naturally placed directly on his mobile phone.

"How's Yang Su? Did you find anything when you followed my uncle?"

"Sorry, Director Zheng, we lost the person."

"Lost?!" Zheng Changjun was shocked.

Although Yang Su and Zhang Fan are only from the county criminal police team, their performance has always been very good. In addition, with them is the captain of the xz city criminal police team, and their abilities are certainly not to mention.

In the end, the three of them took action, and they were still able to lose track?

Is this reasonable?

"Yes, this guy is too cunning. We and several of xz's comrades were all dumped by this guy."

"What's going on? Please tell me in detail."

Yang Su explained, "After he came out of the hotel, he got into a taxi. I don't know if he noticed that our car had been following him, but he actually got out of the car..."

At that time, there were two teams responsible for tracking the old uncle. One team was Yang Su and the others, and the other team was the leaders of the four action teams of the criminal police team.

Because the place where the other party got off the bus was not a pedestrian street, once they got off the bus too, they would be absolutely exposed.

So when they discovered this situation, they immediately discussed briefly and finally decided that one group of people would continue to slowly follow behind, while the other group of people would immediately go to the front, so as to control the opponent between them. If anything happened, they would also Able to respond promptly.

This seemed to work at first. Although they occasionally lost sight of each other, fortunately, they did not lose each other's whereabouts in the end.

However, when the other party turned into a tunnel, Yang Su and the others, who had been following far behind, lost sight of him for about half a minute. When they followed the tunnel again, they could no longer find him.

The three people called the people in front of them and asked them, but they said they had not seen each other come out.

Several people immediately got out of the car and looked carefully in the tunnel. Finally, they judged based on experience that the other party should have taken advantage of the half minute to stop a car and run away.

After realizing this, several people were angry but had no choice but to call back and report.

After Zheng Changjun heard this, he felt bad.

Originally, he had hoped to track the other party's whereabouts and find out some useful clues, but now it seems that there is no chance.

"Okay, then you can come back first and then talk about it."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Cheng immediately asked, "Director Zheng, have you lost Yang Su and the others?"

"Well, the other party's counter-reconnaissance awareness is too high. They didn't dare to follow too closely and lost the person."

"Then what should we do? Why don't we immediately check the surveillance along the way and see if we can find any clues?"

"...It's okay to check it out. Then I'll go talk to Director Zhou."

Zheng Changjun thought about it, and although he felt that his suggestion would probably be in vain, he still decided to give it a try.

Then he went over to discuss it with Zhou Zijie.

At this time, Zhou Zijie also received the news from Sun An. Realizing that the situation was serious, he had no intention of fighting with Zheng Changjun. After the two discussed it, he immediately went down to make arrangements.

Then Zheng Changjun found Zhao Donglai again, "Captain Zhao, can you try to locate the opponent's position again?"

Zhao Donglai shook his head, "Director Zheng, I have tried many times, but to no avail. The other party is too smart and will turn off his phone for a few minutes every once in a while, so it is not easy to capture at all, but if there is better equipment, maybe he can Try..."

Upon hearing this, Zheng Changjun gave up immediately.

For better equipment, you have to apply to your superiors, and by the time you get it, the day lilies will be cold.

Forget it, we're not trying to capture the other party anyway, just leave him if he loses them.

After comforting himself in this way, Zheng Changjun stopped worrying about it and signaled Zhao Donglai to stop working, and he put his focus on other aspects.

Soon, Yang Su and others returned to the team.

As soon as both parties came back, they first went to their leaders and made a brief report.

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