Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 146 Mother and daughter recognize each other (please collect and vote for me)

Liao Mingjin was frightened away by a loud roar, and he tried to cover it up after calming down a bit.

"Comrade police, don't get me wrong. This damn girl wanted to buy a new mobile phone a few days ago. Her mother and I didn't agree. I didn't expect her to make such a fuss."

"How is it possible that his mother and I are not her parents? If you don't believe it, you can go and ask around our house. All the neighbors can testify."

Of course Gao Meng would not believe his nonsense.

"Really? Then why did I call and ask you, Murakami, and they said that you and your wife had no children at all, and that Liao Dandan was only adopted by you when he was nine years old?"

The secret that the couple most wanted to protect was revealed like this, and they were immediately a little anxious.

"Who said that, Dandan is our daughter? Why are you police talking nonsense! Dandan, let's go and go home with mom, okay? Mom will buy you whatever you want!"

Qin Fang also wanted to coax Liao Dandan back, but Liao Mingjin was more direct.

"Damn girl, couldn't you hear your mother telling you to go home? I raised you so much in vain! Will you come home with us?"

However, no matter how coercion and inducement the couple tried, Liao Dandan would not even look at them, let alone follow them.

Liao Mingjin was so angry that he said, "If you don't want to leave, then let's go!"

As he said that, he dragged Qin Fang to leave, but the latter quickly broke away, "What are you doing? Dandan hasn't left yet!"

"Can't you see it yet? This damn girl doesn't want to go with you at all. I said you can't raise her well enough, but you insist on raising her. It's okay now. It's a waste of my money."

Liao Mingjin yelled at Qin Fang angrily, and at the same time winked at her, "Go back first, and then we'll talk about it later!"

In the current situation, the two of them simply cannot take Liao Dandan away.

So what he planned in his mind was to go back first and then call more people over.

Qin Fang finally understood his hint, and the couple immediately planned to run away.

As a result, Gao Meng took a step forward and said, "You two can't leave now."

"Why, we can leave whenever we want, you have nothing to do with us!"

"Because we suspect you are involved in human trafficking, we have to ask you to come back with me now to undergo investigation."

Originally, Gao Meng planned to wait for the results of Liao Dandan's paternity test before arresting him.

But just now Liao Dandan had revealed the names of his biological parents. According to the procedure, he had every right to take these two people back for investigation.

So he immediately called his subordinates at the police station and informed them to come and arrest the person.

When Liao Mingjin and his wife heard this, they immediately panicked.

"Don't talk nonsense, when did we start trafficking people!"

Gao Meng emphasized his tone, "We will naturally verify whether there is any nonsense, but now I ask for your cooperation!"

Most people have a natural fear of public officials such as the police, not to mention that the couple had a guilty conscience and did not dare to resist at this time.

After a while, Gao Meng's people came and handcuffed the couple into the police car. Gao Meng said hello to Luo Fei again and returned to the police station.

After the couple was taken away, Liao Dandan was also taken to the principal's office.

Yang Mei and Qin Mei comforted each other for almost an hour before her mood gradually calmed down, and then she talked about her experiences over the years intermittently.

It turned out that after she was abducted from Jiangzhou City, she was taken to Wu'an Province for Liao Mingjin and his wife to buy her home.

But she had already started to remember things at that time, so she kept crying and wanted to go home and find her parents.

Liao Mingjin and his wife were afraid that she would go out and talk nonsense, so they kept her at home. Every time she cried, Liao Mingjin would be beaten severely. The other party would not stop until she begged for mercy and called them parents.

As time went by, Liao Dandan did not dare to mention her biological parents anymore for fear of being beaten, and slowly accepted them as her parents. The couple then treated her better.

But they were afraid that she would escape, so the couple kept her locked up at home and never let her go out. It was not until almost a year later that Liao Dandan never mentioned going home again, that they began to relax their supervision of her.

However, the couple was still worried about the gossip in the village, so they simply sold their house in their hometown and opened a fruit stall in the county, which brought in a lot of income every month.

Liao Dandan was sent to a primary school in the county to continue her studies. At first, the couple were afraid that she would talk nonsense, so they would take turns staring at her in school every day, and threatened her at every turn. If she dared to tell teachers and classmates about her past, they would beat her. Kill her.

At that time, Liao Dandan was in extreme panic and anxiety all day long, and she did not dare to ask anyone for help. Later, as she gradually got used to her current life, her desire to find her parents gradually faded away, and sometimes she even doubted the disordered memories of her childhood. Is it a dream of yours?

Until today, the arrival of Luo Fei and the others once again aroused those bad memories of her childhood, which broke out in the middle of the night.

After saying this, she cried and asked Yang Mei, "Sister, you are here to save me, right? Then where are my real parents?"

"Dandan, don't worry. We are here to find you. Your mother... they have been waiting for you to come home."

She couldn't bear to tell him that Zheng Bei had died, so she could only pick up her phone and pull out a photo of Tang Cuifang, "Dandan, take a look, do you know this person?"

Liao Dandan picked up the phone and suddenly shouted with red eyes, "Mom!"

Although the woman on the phone was no longer as young and beautiful as in her memory, she still recognized it at a glance as the mother in her memory.

This sound also convinced Yang Mei that they had indeed found the wrong person this time.

She said excitedly, "Dandan, do you want to go back to Jiangzhou City with us to meet your mother? She has been looking for you these years."

"I think, I think!"

"Okay, then you have a good rest tonight, and we will take you back early tomorrow morning!"

The night of war and chaos passed quickly. Yang Mei, who was eager to return home, picked up Liao Dandan at dawn the next day and prepared to return to Jiangning County.

Before departure, they went to the Daping Town Police Station again.

In addition to thanking Gao Meng for his help, they also need to make some work handovers with him. After all, Liao Dandan's current household registration is with them.

Before leaving, Liao Dandan bowed deeply to Gao Meng and several policemen, "Uncle policeman, thank you."

"You're welcome, little girl. Besides, we didn't do anything."

Gao Meng waved his hand. Thinking of her experience, he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. In the end, he could only sigh, "When you go back, just spend time with your mother."

"Well, I understand...that uncle, can I ask you a question?"

Liao Dandan suddenly said hesitantly.

"you say."

"When I go back, will my parents... my adoptive parents go to jail?"

"If it is confirmed that they really spent money to buy you, then according to the law, they will definitely go to jail... But they all deserve their punishment, so don't worry about it. It's better to go home with Comrade Luo Fei and the others."

Liao Dandan didn't say anything after hearing this, and got into the car with a worried look on her face.

She was still unhappy until the car was far away.

Yang Mei next to her realized that she was in a bad mood and asked with concern, "What's wrong Dandan? Are you still worried about Liao Mingjin and his wife?"

After getting along last night, Liao Dandan already has a certain amount of trust and dependence on Yang Mei.

Hearing this, she nodded, "Sister Yang Mei, although my dad always beat me at first, he got fine later, and my mom... I don't want them to go to jail."

Although the experience when she was first bought back caused a serious psychological shadow on her, she still developed a certain affection for the couple after so many years of getting along with them.

Yang Mei immediately realized that what Gao Meng was most worried about yesterday might still happen.

But she has no position to accuse Liao Dandan of being wrong.

"Dandan, if you commit a crime, you must bear corresponding responsibilities. We can't change it. But after you go back, talk to Aunt Tang. If she is willing to issue a letter of forgiveness, your adoptive parents may be given a lighter punishment."

"But you must not make trouble with her and communicate well. Your mother has really had a hard time these years..."

"Thank you Sister Yang Mei, I understand!"

Four p.m.

After more than eight hours of driving, Yang Mei and the others finally returned to Ningjiang County.

Because Yang Mei couldn't wait to let Tang Cuifang know the good news, they did not return to the police station immediately, but went to the porridge shop in Xinjie.

In small counties, there are generally very few customers who come to drink porridge in the afternoon.

Tang Cuifang had nothing to do. As usual, she found a table and sat down, staring at the door in a daze.

Yang Mei walked in and called, "Aunt Tang."

Tang Cuifang came back to her senses and was a little surprised, "Yang Mei, why are you here at this time? You get off work so early today?"

"Aunt Tang, please stop asking now, I have a big surprise for you!"

"What kind of surprise, so mysterious?" Tang Cuifang smiled angrily, helplessly letting her pull herself up.

"Anyway, you will definitely be happy, but you have to make sure not to get too excited for a while."

"Okay, I promise not to get excited."

Yang Mei then shouted to the outside, "Dandan, come in!"

Liao Dandan and Luo Fei, who had been hiding outside the door, came in.

Tang Cuifang thought at first that Yang Mei had come up with some weird idea to make herself happy.

But the moment she saw Liao Dandan, her whole body was startled!

It is said that mothers and daughters are connected. At that moment, she had already recognized something, but because she cared too much, she did not dare to confirm it easily, because she was afraid that she would be disappointed again...

"Yang Mei, she, she is..." She looked at Yang Mei tremblingly, her voice was shaking with excitement, and she couldn't even speak completely.

Liao Dandan suddenly cried and threw herself into her arms, "Mom, I am Huanhuan!"

"Huanhuan, are you really my Huanhuan?"

"It's my mother, I'm really Zheng Huan!"

Afterwards, the mother and daughter successfully recognized each other. Tang Cuifang cried loudly while holding her lost daughter. Luo Fei and Yang Mei persuaded them for a long time before the mother and daughter calmed down.

However, Tang Cuifang always held her daughter's hand, as if she was in a dream, fearing that she would wake up from this dream.

Knowing that mother and daughter must have a lot to say, Yang Mei and Luo Fei stood up knowingly.

"Aunt Tang, let's have a good chat with Dandan. We will go back to the police station first. If anything happens, please call me."

"Okay, okay..."

Tang Cuifang's heart and eyes were full of her daughter now, and she didn't even care about what she said, she just nodded her head.

Yang Mei and Luo Fei left the porridge shop.

After getting in the car, Yang Meicai sighed.

"What's wrong? You finally helped Aunt Tang find her daughter, but why are you unhappy?"

"It's not that I'm unhappy, I'm just a little worried."

"worry about what?"

"Dandan seems to have a deep affection for her adoptive parents. I'm worried that if she forces Aunt Tang to issue a letter of forgiveness, Aunt Tang will not be able to accept it and will be even more painful..."

As she said this, she regretted, "I shouldn't have said anything before I knew it."

Luo Fei drove the car seriously and comforted after hearing this, "Now that the Internet is so developed, Dandan is still a high school student. She will check it out by herself if you don't tell her, so don't blame yourself."

"And I think the situation is not as bad as you said. Judging from Dandan's attitude, she really hopes to be lenient to her adoptive parents."

"But the way she behaved when she and her daughter recognized each other just now, it can still be seen that Aunt Tang is far more important to her than Liao Mingjin and his wife, so even if she wants Aunt Tang to issue a letter of forgiveness, it will not be as difficult as you think. extreme."

"Is that so? Then I'll feel more relieved..."

While speaking, Luo Fei had already driven into the criminal police team and parked steadily in front of the office building.

The two went upstairs and met Yang Su head-on.

Looking at the two of them, he looked surprised, "Luo Fei, are you back? Have you found the person? Is it Lao Zheng's daughter?"

Serious and Zheng Bei are also old colleagues for many years and have a deep friendship.

So knowing that they were going to find Zheng Bei's daughter, they couldn't help but be concerned about the outcome.

"Although the results of the paternity test have not yet come out, the victim was able to give detailed information about his identity before he was abducted, which is completely consistent with Zheng Huan's situation, so there should be no mistake."

"Really, what about her? Why didn't you bring her back?"

"We have sent her to meet Aunt Tang first."

"That's it..." Yang Su nodded clearly and didn't ask any more questions, "By the way, Captain Zhao is in the office. You guys should hurry over."


The two went to Zhao Donglai's office. As soon as they finished reporting their work, Yang Mei's phone rang.

It was the Danyun City Criminal Police Team who called, saying that the results of the paternity test yesterday afternoon came out, and the results of the two samples were consistent with the relationship between mother and daughter.

Yang Mei quickly told the good news.

"It's better now. We can finally feel relieved."

Zhao Donglai laughed with satisfaction, and then looked at the two of them, "In this case, you two are probably tired from this trip, so go back and rest first."

With everyone's joint efforts, this case has come to an end, and now their police force is completely idle, so when he was happy, he immediately gave the two of them an early shift.

The two of them naturally wanted it, and immediately came out of the police force after saying thank you.

Then Yang Mei called Tang Cuifang in the car and talked about the paternity test results. At the same time, she also inquired about the current situation of mother and daughter.

After confirming that the two of them did not have an unpleasant quarrel or anything like that, she finally hung up the phone with confidence.

Then Luo Fei joked, "Are you relieved now?"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Yang Mei laughed happily.

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