Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 167 Leading the way (please subscribe and vote monthly)

As soon as Luo Fei and Zhao Donglai entered the police force, Zhou Fan immediately greeted them.

"Captain Zhao, have you found anything?"

Zhao Donglai shook his head.

Zhou Fan looked remorseful, "I'm sorry, Captain Zhao, it was all my mistake this time..."

"It's not entirely your fault, it's because we were all too careless... By the way, have you found anything through the police surveillance?"

"A surveillance camera over there in the parking lot did capture Lao Wu appearing at 4:58, and there was no trace of him again."

"It must be exactly what Team Leader Luo guessed. He secretly hid in a colleague's car and was taken out."

"We are already checking all the people who are off work today one by one. However, since we have several departments here and a large number of people, verification will take some time."

"Notify everyone that except for the verification personnel, everyone should go to the conference room for the meeting!"

Soon, everyone gathered in the conference room.

"You must have heard about it. Based on the information Luo Fei and the others currently know, Lao Wu from the cafeteria is probably the real culprit in the 3.11 corpse dismemberment case last year."

"But there is no trace of this person now, and a provocative letter was just found in his rental house. I suspect that he is likely to commit another crime, so the top priority is to find this person as soon as possible!"

"Liao Xingyu, you immediately take the people from the second group to check the surveillance of the police team to Ankang Community to see if you can determine the whereabouts of this person."

"Li Jun, you and the three groups immediately went to train stations and bus stations all over the city. Although we had issued a notice of co-investigation as soon as possible, we were afraid that he might have other means to get past the inspection and leave the city by car. .”

"Zhou Fan and members of the four groups immediately worked with the whole city to set up checkpoints at various intersections along the city to strictly check passing vehicles and people acting suspiciously."

"Understand Captain Zhao!"

All three groups were dispatched immediately.

"Captain Zhao, what about us?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly looked at Zhao Donglai.

"You go out and wait for orders first, Luo Fei stays."

Several people immediately retreated.

"The letter Luo Fei just sent has been tested by colleagues in the technical team. It is not human blood, but the other party's intention is obviously for you. What do you think?"

"His current mentality should have regarded me as a rival enough to compete with him, so he will definitely commit another crime, and I guess he may have already identified a target!"

"That's what I'm most worried about!"

As Zhao Dong spoke, he banged the table angrily, "How come this kid is so slippery? I still haven't figured out how he discovered something was wrong."

"A person like him is very vigilant in nature. Plus, many people were discussing this matter yesterday. It's not surprising that he heard a word or two."

In fact, Luo Fei also reacted now.

Yesterday, Lao Wu asked him if something happened to the police force. He probably heard something at that time.

"Even if he heard some rumors, at most he knew that we were going to re-investigate this case, but he has never been seen running before. Why did he panic this time?"

"This is not simple. Someone must have accidentally let it slip and let him notice."

Luo Fei sneered.

Zhao Donglai was shocked when he heard this, "It's impossible. The youngest comrades in the police force have only been working for two or three years. Who would make such a low-level mistake!"

"Then what if someone doesn't like me, impulsively or something?"

Facing his sarcastic gaze, Zhao Donglai was stunned for a moment.

Then he said in surprise, "You mean Wang Tao?"

Now the only person in the police force who is dissatisfied with Luo Fei is this person.

"It's not doubt, it's certainty."

In fact, when he first came back, Luo Fei discovered that something was wrong with Wang Tao.

If it was just because he had solved the case and felt shameless to see others, he would feel embarrassed at most, but he looked very panicked and guilty, hiding behind the crowd and not even daring to look at himself and Zhao Donglai.

During the meeting, he kept his head down the whole time, wanting to hide himself under the table.

This was clearly a sign that he had done something wrong.

Although Zhao Donglai couldn't believe that Wang Tao could be so confused, he believed that Luo Fei would not lie.

Since he dares to be so sure, there must be a reason.

"Luo Fei, I will investigate this matter clearly. If it is really him... then I will definitely not tolerate it."

At the end of the sentence, his tone gradually turned cold.

Luo Fei said nothing more.

Because he believed that Zhao Donglai would definitely handle this matter.

While the two were talking, Zhao Donglai's cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was Zheng Changjun's call, he picked it up and reported the current situation to the other party.

Hearing that Lao Wu not only ran away, but also left a provocative letter with unknown intentions to Luo Fei, Zheng Changjun also had a premonition of the seriousness.

"Dong Lai, I don't care what method you use, but you must catch him as soon as possible. You also know how dangerous he is. If he is allowed to commit crimes again, you know the impact."

"I understand, Director Zheng, and we will definitely try our best to trace it."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Donglai wiped the sweat from his forehead, his pressure doubled.

He remembered that Lu Jianfei had lamented that when they first investigated this case, everyone felt like they were being overwhelmed, and the same was true for Zhao Donglai now...

Just as he was wondering where Old Wu would go, Lin Hua, the captain of the police dog squadron, ran in.

"Team Zhao, we have checked all colleagues who drove off work today. Except for Li Qian, a member of the information department who has never been able to contact us, other comrades said that they found no abnormalities."

"And Li Qian's family just found out that she hadn't come home after get off work, and the phone couldn't be reached, so they called their department."

This news immediately aroused the vigilance of Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei.

If contact is lost in this case, the consequences are obvious!

Zhao Donglai became more energetic and said, "Luo Fei, hurry up and have someone determine the location of Li Qian's car through positioning!"

Luo Fei nodded and ran out quickly.

After a while, they successfully locked Li Qian's car through GPS positioning technology.

And what surprised them was that the car was still running, which surprised everyone present.

A group of offices.

Looking at the moving red dot on the computer screen, Zhang Wei said excitedly, "Are they still in the car?!"

Zhao Donglai and others were not as optimistic as him.

With Lao Wu's wit, he could definitely guess that sooner or later they would find out about Li Qian's disappearance, and they would definitely think of him.

So there was no way he would stay in the car and wait for them to catch him.

But whether the person is there or not, they definitely need to confirm.

"He Xin, call the people who set up the card in this area immediately and ask them to prepare to intercept this car immediately. In addition, we also bring the equipment and go there immediately!"

"Captain Zhao, you go over there. I want to check with Zhang Wei about Li Qian's driving route after get off work."

Luo Fei understood that he would definitely miss out in the past. Instead of doing this, he might as well seize the time to find other clues.

Zhao Donglai also understood this truth and agreed without much thought.

"Okay, then go ahead."

Luo Fei took Zhang Wei and left in a hurry.

Later, Zhao Donglai also planned to take He Xin and others to the scene to see what was going on with Li Qian's car.

As everyone cheered and walked out, Wang Tao was left alone and awkwardly sitting at his work station, as if he had been forgotten by everyone.

Everyone was busy working on the case, but he was the only one doing nothing.

Wang Tao no longer had the arrogance he had before. Hesitation and struggle quickly flashed across his face, and he finally gritted his teeth and chased after him.

"Captain Zhao, then, what do I need to do?"

Wang Tao stopped Zhao Donglai in the stairwell and asked with a hint of flattery.

Zhao Donglai stopped and glanced back at him, "No, you go home from get off work first."

Regardless of Luo Fei's speculation just now or Wang Tao's behavior, Zhao Donglai would not let him participate in this case.

After that, he left quickly.

He Xin and the other two glanced at Wang Tao with complicated expressions, shook their heads and hurried after him.

Wang Tao, who was left where he was, suddenly looked extremely ugly.

According to the positioning display, Li Qian's car has been driving in circles in the city center.

By the time Zhao Donglai and the others arrived, the car had been successfully stopped by the two traffic policemen in charge of the area and Zhou Fan and others who had arrived first.

At this moment, a young man wearing a driving vest next to the car was explaining anxiously.

"It was that person who asked me to drive like this... I was just a substitute driver. How could I have known he was not a good person... He gave me money, so I must listen to him..."

Zhao Donglai walked over quickly, "What's going on?"

"Captain Zhao, when we stopped the car, this person was the only one in the car. He should be the driver that Lao Wu found online. He kept circling this area, which was also the other party's request."

Zhao Donglai had already guessed that this was the case. He said calmly, "Take the person back first and make a record. If there is no problem, let the person go."

"By the way, have you checked Li Qian's car?"

"I was about to report that we just found a used syringe in Li Qian's car and an obvious footprint belonging to a man on the back seat, but there were no signs of a fight in the car."

Zhou Fan said and took out an evidence bag, which contained the syringe.

"I asked the driver and the footprints were not his, so I concluded that Lao Wu should have used the key to open Li Qian's car in advance and hid in the back seat of the car. After Li Qian drove away, he suddenly appeared. Li Qian was successfully knocked unconscious by injecting drugs such as anesthetics and then taken away."

"Then let's go back immediately and give this thing to Zhao Tian and others for testing."

With that said, a group of people rushed back to the police station in a hurry.

Soon, through the analysis of the remaining ingredients in the syringe, it was finally determined that it was the same drug that had stunned Zheng Bei and the other three.

Zhao Donglai immediately held a brief meeting with those still in the police force to discuss it.

"Although today is not the 11th, he has been exposed, so he may break the pot and decide to have someone else to back him up before he dies."

"And according to his habits, he usually chooses to do it between three and four in the morning. It's eight o'clock in the evening now, so the time left for us is only five or six hours at most."

After Zhao Dong spoke, everyone's heart sank.

With all the cases investigated here, it can be said that the police have won more than half of the victory.

But if he kills someone again and it's someone from within their police department, it will be like another slap in the face.

Even if they finally solve the case, the joy of victory will still be greatly reduced.

"But Captain Zhao, we have done all we can to conduct searches throughout the city, and this person seems to have disappeared out of thin air..."

Jiangzhou City is a big city with a very large area. In addition, the other party is deliberately hiding from them. It is not easy to find them within five or six hours.

Zhao Donglai also understood this truth. Just when he felt that he had no idea what to do, Luo Fei came back.

He seemed to have run all the way up, and he was still out of breath, "Captain Zhao, what's going on with Li Qian's car?"

"Lao Wu found the driver online and deliberately drove us in circles in the city to numb us."

"Then did you ask about the price, where he got the car, and who gave him the car keys?"

"I asked, and he said it was in a small alley behind Ankang Community. The car key was given to him by a dirty man who was pushing a trash can."

"He still felt strange at the time, but he thought the other party was doing some kind of performance art, so he drove away without thinking much."

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, he added, "From his description, it can be determined that this person is Lao Wu in disguise."

Luo Fei nodded thoughtfully.

Zhao Donglai said hurriedly, "Luo Fei, did you find anything over there?"

"Team Zhao, after checking the surveillance, I found that Li Qian's vehicle was driving near Yongjiang Plaza. It suddenly stopped suddenly. After stopping for about five seconds, the car continued to go straight, in the direction of Lao Wu's Ankang Community."

"Then the car stopped at a surveillance blind spot behind the community. However, I asked Team Leader Liao and compared the monitoring time of Lao Wu entering the community. I can confirm that it was Lao Wu who was in the car."

"Although Team Leader Liao and the others did not find footage of Lao Wu leaving the community in the surveillance, shortly after he entered, a man pushing a trash can came out. Based on his body shape and walking style, it was confirmed that it was him."

"Based on the situation on Team Leader Zhou's side, I concluded that Li Qian was hidden in the trash can by him at that time, and then he drove over. He handed the car keys to the other party, and then pushed away the trash with Li Qian hidden in it."

"Luo Fei, your discovery is very important!"

Zhao Donglai said excitedly, "In this way, we will immediately call everyone back, center on this small alley, call in all surveillance along the way, and visit the surrounding shops. The focus will be on those who push trash cans and have problems walking! I will If you don’t believe me, I still can’t find this kid’s whereabouts.”

When Zhou Fan heard this, he thought it was a good idea and immediately stood up, "Captain Zhao, I'll make arrangements right now."

Luo Fei poured cold water on him directly, "Captain Zhao, do you think Old Wu's cunning will leave you with such an obvious flaw?"

Zhao Donglai's heart suddenly went cold.

"And have you noticed that so far, we have been led by this guy?"

"I know, but now we have no other choice but to passively chase after him."

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