Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 172 The Anti-Narcotics Brigade Asks for Help (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

After eating, Luo Fei and Yang Mei walked around outside again.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening when I got home.

"Brother, you are finally back!"

As soon as Luo Fei entered, Luo Xiaoxiao was the first to greet him.

Seeing Luo Fei holding several bags of snacks and fruits, the little girl's eyes widened, "Brother, are you buying this for us?"

"I just went to the night market, and your sister Yang Mei bought it for you." Luo Fei said, handing the bag to her.

Luo Xiaoxiao cheered happily and ran towards the living room while carrying her things.

Luo Fei changed his shoes and when he walked over, he saw that he was already sharing the meal with Luo Hao.

Wu Yan was still sitting on the sofa stringing beads.

Because he had called in advance, Wu Yan no longer had to worry about whether he had food.

The mother and son chatted for a while, and Luo Fei said, "Mom, there is no need to prepare dinner at noon tomorrow. Let's go out to eat."

"What should you spend your money on? Just tell mom what you want to eat and she will cook it for you at home. Eating out is unhygienic and a waste of money."

"No, it's the Aunt Tang I mentioned before. Do you remember? She plans to treat our whole family to a dinner tomorrow."

Wu Yan thought for a while before she remembered, "Is it because Luo Hao takes care of her daughter?"

"We can't go here. It's not easy for her to take care of her daughter alone. We don't need to let them spend money."

Wu Yan had been through hardships before and knew best how difficult it was for a single mother to make a living with her children, so she firmly refused to agree.

"I originally thought so, but I solved her husband's case a few days ago, so if Aunt Tang insists on treating us to a meal, I'm afraid she will be angry if we don't go."

Today when Luo Fei got off work, Aunt Tang called again.

He said that they had already decided on a place and just asked them to go directly there tomorrow.

When Wu Yan heard this, she was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something and exclaimed, "You mean you solved the corpse dismemberment case in the city last year?"

The previous case of mutilation of corpses in the city was very uproar and very sensational.

Later, when Luo Fei was talking about Aunt Tang, he casually mentioned something about Zheng Bei, and Wu Yan happened to remember it.

Just as Luo Fei nodded, Luo Xiaoxiao, who was next to him, had already come over excitedly, "Brother, what about the mutilation case? Is it the one that was mentioned in the news last year... Tell us about it!"

Even Luo Hao came over with a curious look on his face, "Brother, you really caught the murderer, so why did he kill someone?"

Everyone is curious, let alone such a sensational thing.

"You will know this when you watch the news. Now the Public Security Bureau has contacted reporters from the TV station. This case should be announced on the news soon."

The impact of this case was extremely bad, causing the city's police to lose face. Therefore, as soon as he caught the other party, Zheng Changjun planned to let the TV station announce the news so that everyone could see the true strength of the police.

"The news won't talk about why he killed people. Brother, I know you have regulations, so can you pick something unimportant and say it? Mainly, I really want to know."

Luo Xiaoxiao pulled Luo Fei's sleeve and acted coquettishly.

Luo Fei had no choice but to tell a few half-truths and half-false words before going back to his room to rest.

The night passed.

On Saturday morning, Aunt Tang made two phone calls in succession early in the morning to remind Luo Fei not to forget the time.

There was no choice but for the family to agree.

When the time came, the four of them went in and found Yang Mei already sitting in her seat, talking to Aunt Tang and her daughter.

Everyone exchanged greetings with each other, talked and laughed after a meal, and then everyone dispersed.

The weekend passed in the blink of an eye, and Luo Fei had to go to work again.

On Monday morning, Luo Fei walked into the police station on time at 7:30.

Zhao Hai and Zhou Hua, who were on duty, were already used to it.

"Team Leader Luo is here so early again. Have you had breakfast?"

Different from the past, when Luo Fei first came, the most they saw was to say hello and then go do other things, but now their attitude is obviously much more enthusiastic.

Lao Wu's case made everyone in the police force see his strength, and naturally they all wanted to have a good relationship with him.

Luo Fei chatted with the two for a while before returning to the office.

At eight o'clock, everyone arrived.

Lao Wu's case has been cleared up, and everyone who has nothing to do has returned to their previous state.

Everyone was chatting at the door, but Zhao Donglai didn't say anything about it.

As long as they are serious about their work, it's okay to be lazy at ordinary times.

Luo Fei is still the same as before, reading while everyone chats.

Zhang Wei wanted to drag him to talk at first, but after he refused, he went to chat with He Xin and the others.

But after all, he and these two people were not of the same age, so he felt bored and ran outside for a walk.

When he came back, he said with a mysterious look, "Brothers, I just heard about a big event."

"What's the big deal?" He Xin and Lin Jie both stared at him curiously.

"Wang Tao may really not stay in the police force anymore. Yesterday morning, when Zhang Yang was on duty, I saw him coming to the team to collect his things. He was completely lost in his thoughts."

He and Xin had already expected this, so they were not too surprised.

"No wonder I saw his desk was empty this morning... Hey, he's also confused."

The three of them sighed.

Although they lowered their voices, Luo Fei could not help but hear them, but he didn't feel much in his heart.

After all, Wang Tao's ending was his own fault.

Not long after, Zhao Donglai actually called everyone together and announced the results of the treatment against Wang Tao.

Wang Tao brought his personal emotions to work, causing the suspect to abscond and almost commit another crime. This was already a serious disciplinary violation, and dismissal from the police would not be an exaggeration under the circumstances.

But considering his situation and the fact that he had made many meritorious deeds in the past, the final result was that he was transferred to a township police station under the jurisdiction of Guangyuan County, and he was still an ordinary police officer.

Everyone finally understood why Zhang Yang said Wang Tao lost his mind when he saw him.

From the city criminal police detachment to the township police station, the gap is so big that it can be said that we were pushed back to before liberation overnight.

Wang Tao's future in this life is basically ruined...

But about this, it's like a drop of water thrown into the ocean.

After we got down, everyone discussed it for a few words, and no one mentioned it again.

Without Wang Tao, the atmosphere of the entire police force feels completely new.

Especially for one group, Zhang Wei and the other two admired Luo Fei very much. They always had a good team and a good team, and Luo Fei's life became much more comfortable.

This situation lasted for two days.

On Wednesday morning, Zheng Changjun suddenly called Luo Fei and Zhao Donglai over.

"Regarding Lao Wu's case, after discussion, we have decided to give you both a second-class personal merit."

Zheng Changjun smiled and patted Zhao Donglai on the shoulder.

Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei both nodded very calmly.

Zheng Changjun also talked about some rewards for other members of the police force. After finishing, he looked at Luo Fei.

"Luo Fei... I have another task here that I want to arrange for you to do."

He said hesitantly.

Luo Fei hurriedly said, "Director Zheng, you can just give the order directly."

"No, don't rush to agree. Wait until you hear what I have to say before you decide."

"Okay, Director Zheng, tell me."

"You all know about Wang Sanqian, right? He died in the line of duty, but this case cannot be ignored, so the anti-drug brigade has been holding meetings and discussions during this period, and finally they decided to send another person undercover."

"But regarding the selection, everyone has some differences. Wu Cheng and I both hope to select an experienced old man from the anti-narcotics detachment, but Pan Hu strongly objects. The reason for Pan Hu's objection is that Lian Wang Sanqian has such experience. People with great ability have died in the line of duty, so if we look for other experienced people, the chance of success is not high. After all, Wang Sanqian is already considered a leader in the anti-drug system."

Pan Hu is also the captain of the city's anti-drug detachment.

"Then Pan Hu strongly recommended Luo Fei. I didn't want to agree at first, but Pan Hu recommended you for a very good reason. He heard a lot about you before, including your deeds of contacting human traffickers, and thought that you were in this area. The performance has been better than that of a large number of elderly people.”

"Furthermore, your sense of smell is very sensitive, which is also very beneficial for searching and tracking. In addition, you are good at analyzing the psychology of criminals. This innate advantage is indeed unmatched by other undercover policemen... Anyway, after what he said, I also I think you are indeed the most suitable candidate.”

Hearing that he was planning to let Luo Fei do such a dangerous thing, Zhao Donglai beside him was extremely anxious.

But in front of him, he didn't dare to let Luo Fei refuse openly, so he could only wink at him.

Zheng Changjun was not blind, so he couldn't see his little tricks. He said speechlessly, "Donglai, you don't have to do these little tricks. Luo Fei is an outstanding talent of our Jiangzhou Public Security Bureau. If we couldn't find anyone, I wouldn't I won’t let Luo Fei take this risk, but apart from Luo Fei, I really can’t think of anyone who can carry out this task.”

Zheng Changjun's tone seemed very serious.

"After several months of undercover work by Wang Sanqian, we found that this drug trafficking gang has branches all over the country. The amount of drugs produced every year is astronomical. If they are not destroyed, we don't know how many people will be harmed."

"So serious!" Zhao Donglai was shocked.

"But... Director Zheng, you also know that Luo Fei has been in the industry for less than a year and has no experience in dealing with drug traffickers. These people are all people walking on the edge of death. No matter how ferocious or cunning they are, they are not as good as human traffickers." They are not on the same level." Despite this, Zhao Donglai still didn't want Luo Fei to take risks.

"That's why I said, let Luo Fei think about it by himself. After all, this time is indeed too dangerous."

Next to him, Luo Fei was deep in thought. He was very confident in his abilities. Although it was definitely risky to be an undercover agent, risks and opportunities often coexisted.

Drug control has always been a top priority for the country.

Therefore, the work of the anti-narcotics police is highly dangerous, and the relative rewards are certainly high, even the highest among all police types in the public security sector.

Given the seriousness of this case, if it is really solved, I will not talk about promotion and salary increase, but I will definitely leave my name with the leader.

Zheng Changjun's eyes fell back on Luo Fei.

"Luo Fei, what do you think?"

"Of course, the risk factor in this matter is indeed very high, so I still hope that you can reasonably estimate whether you can win with your own strength."

"You are an outstanding police officer that our police force focuses on training. Even if you don't take this path, you will still have a bright future... Do you understand what I mean?"

Zheng Changjun is very conflicted now. He hopes Luo Fei will agree, but he doesn't want him to agree.

Luo Fei didn't think too much and said directly, "Director Zheng, I'm willing to give it a try."

Zhao Donglai was in a hurry.

"Luo Fei, Director Zheng asked you to think carefully before speaking. Can you please stop being impulsive?"

This time Zheng Changjun did not object, and also said seriously, "Yes, Luo Fei, you should think about it carefully."

"Director Zheng, don't think about it, I believe I can complete this task."

On the one hand, as a policeman, it is not his style to retreat in this situation. On the other hand, this is a challenge and an opportunity. Luo Fei hopes that he can seize this opportunity.

So now that there is such a good opportunity in front of him, wouldn't it be a pity if he didn't seize it?

Besides, he was confident that with his own ability, it would not be difficult to complete this task.

"Are you really sure?"

"Of course it's true. Director Zheng, I don't need to make fun of my own life just to make meritorious service."

Zheng Changjun confirmed a few more words, and seeing that he was indeed confident, he had no choice but to compromise.

After all, Luo Fei is indeed the best choice.

"Okay then, you can go directly to the Anti-Narcotics Brigade to report after lunch."

Coming out of Zheng Changjun's office, Zhao Donglai criticized Luo Fei angrily.

It probably means that he is too impulsive and should not take risks for the sake of his future.

Although it was criticism, Luo Fei still heard his concern, and it was not the kind of superiors and subordinates, but the elders to the juniors.

He felt warm in his heart and said with an apologetic smile, "Captain Zhao, don't be angry. I only agreed when I was really sure, not impulsive."

Zhao Donglai chatted for a while and calmed down.

Anyway, he agreed. It's useless to talk about it now. It's better to think of something practical.

"When you go to the anti-narcotics brigade, ask Captain Pan for advice on how to deal with drug dealers... Forget it, I'll go with you later."

"Also, remember to keep this matter a secret. Don't tell the police, let alone your family. Don't go home until this case is resolved."

"Ok, I know."

After returning to the police force, Zhao Donglai still couldn't let go of the matter and was worried all morning.

Luo Fei, the person involved, was much calmer than him. He continued to chat and laugh with everyone as if nothing had happened. After lunch, the two of them drove to the anti-narcotics brigade.

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