Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 183: Harmful to others (please subscribe and vote monthly)

Luo Fei can also understand Zhao Donglai's actions.

After all, this is something that could end a person's future, so he should be cautious.

Liao Xingyu, Zhou Fan, and Li Jun arrived quickly.

After the three people came in, they sensitively noticed that Zhao Donglai's expression was a little too heavy.

What's going on?

Liao Xingyu was the first to speak, "Captain Zhao, are you looking for us?"

"That's right, I have something to ask you... You and Captain Lu were responsible for Guo Jing's case. Do you still have any impressions of the people involved in the case?"

"Well, this case hasn't been around for long, and I still have an impression... But Captain Zhao, why are you asking this?"

"...You and I have worked together for some time, so I will tell you the truth."

"Guo Tianlai always comes to make trouble these days. I thought it wouldn't be a problem if it goes on like this, so I asked Luo Fei to go to the detention center in the afternoon, and I gave up on Guo Tianlai's wish."

"But Luo Fei went there and found that there are still many doubts about this case... Of course, I don't mean to question anyone, but the first rule of law enforcement principles of our public security is to be fair and impartial, objective and truth-seeking, so In this case, I have to ask more questions.”

Zhao Donglai did not say that it was Luo Fei's idea, but put all the problems on himself.

If he had to offend someone, he would definitely be more suitable than Luo Fei.

Luo Fei naturally felt his painstaking efforts and was moved in his heart.

Liao Xingyu and the others were shocked.

This case has been closed a long time ago. If he says this now, isn't he saying that this was an unjust, false, and wrongly decided case?

But after spending so many days together, they probably knew what kind of person he was.

If he wasn't completely sure, he would definitely not speak rashly.

"Captain Zhao, we understand what you mean. If you have any questions, just ask them directly!"

"As a police officer, you have to live up to your clothes. If you have any doubts, you should clarify them. If you have any problems, you should correct them. There is nothing you can't ask!"

"That's right, Captain Zhao, just ask."

Zhao Donglai was very satisfied with the attitude of the three people.

"I want to ask, regarding the computer purchased by Guo Jing, do you regard it as a purchase with stolen money?"

"Yes, this is indeed included in the evidence submitted."

"Then do you know that Guo Jing has the habit of saving money? And his father, classmates and teachers all know this."

"Regarding this, it was indeed mentioned in the previous interview transcript, but Guo Tianlai said it himself. Guo Jing started in junior high school and only had a few dozen yuan of pocket money every month. How could he save more than 10,000 yuan."

"But Guo Tianlai denied that he had said this, and instead stated that Guo Jing had 800 monthly living expenses. Luo Fei also confirmed this with Guo Jing's class teacher, and the situation was true."

When the three of them heard this, their expressions changed.

Zhao Donglai continued, "Moreover, Guo Jing's class teacher reported that in order to save money at school, Guo Jing not only often cooked with pickled vegetables, but also helped classmates run errands to earn extra money. She also earned over a hundred or ten yuan a month."

"Captain Zhao, when did this happen?"

"Is there a mistake? There is no such thing in the previous interview records!"

"Luo Fei just learned about these today."

Luo Fei also spoke at the right time, "After I discovered that the case was suspicious, I came back to report it to Team Zhao. Team Zhao asked me to find out again, so I asked Guo Tianlai and Guo Jing's class teacher and classmates, and they all said so. .”

"But I clearly remember that there was no such information at all at that time!"

The three of them were confused, and Luo Fei was also a little confused, "You don't know?"

"But I specifically confirmed it with Guo Tianlai and the head teacher, and they both said they had complaints. Why didn't you know? Who was the police officer responsible for the visit at that time?"

"At that time, Team Lu and we were still in charge of investigating Lao Wu's case, so one group was mainly responsible for the case, and they should also be doing the interview."

"Yes, we only followed up later. We were mainly responsible for finding evidence to convict Guo Jing. Our direction was also to trace the whereabouts of the stolen money and other follow-up work. The previous situation was indeed unclear."

"So if you want to know the specific situation now, you definitely have to ask a group of people."

When Zhao Donglai heard this, he immediately looked at Luo Fei and said, "Luo Fei, go and call He Xin and the others."

After the three people came in.

"Captain Zhao, you are looking for us."

"He Xin, who did the interviews about the criminal record of Guo Jing, the suspect in the robbery and shooting case?"

When Leng Buding was asked about this, He Xin and others were a little confused.

But seeing everyone's serious faces, He Xin could only say honestly, "Team Zhou and Wang Tao went together."

Their former captain Zhou Lei is now the captain of the inspection team.

Luo Fei nodded at this time, "Captain Zhao, Guo Jing's head teacher did say that she reported the situation to a police officer named Wang and Zhou."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Donglai realized that the problem probably occurred with Wang Tao and Zhou Lei.

"He Xin, have you read the transcripts of their visits?"

"I have seen it. According to regulations, this information needs to be integrated and analyzed, so we discussed it together at the time."

"Then do you remember whether there is any record in these records about Guo Jing's monthly living expenses of more than 800 yuan?"

He Xin was still thinking, but Lin Jie nodded, "I remember, yes."

"What, then why can't I see in the later file information that only Guo Jing only has a few dozen pocket money per month!" Zhou Fan exclaimed.

"Because this conclusion was reached at the end of everyone's discussion. At that time, Wang Tao said that Guo Tianlai was suspected of excusing Guo Jing, so his words cannot be trusted."

"So they went out of their way to investigate the prices of meals in the canteen, and then we calculated based on the daily minimum standard. Guo Tao can save up to a few dozen to a hundred dollars in pocket money every month."

"So you came to this conclusion from this?" Zhao Donglai looked stunned. He couldn't believe what he heard, and the others looked even more incredulous.

"Lin Jie, Lin Jie, I don't even know what to say about you. Our police handle cases based on evidence, not on our own. If we were like you, why would we go to the scene and just sit in the office and make up our minds? Isn’t that enough?”

Zhao Donglai was so angry that he slammed the table, and the three of them immediately lowered their heads in shame.

"Team Zhao, we actually felt something was wrong at the time, but Wang Tao said he was visiting, so he must know the situation better than us."

"He is also an old man in the police force. We naturally believe in his professionalism, so... we agreed. Captain Zhao, you suddenly asked this, is there something wrong with this case?"

"Problem? Big problem!"

Zhao Donglai said angrily. Seeing that the three of them were still confused, he could only wave his hands weakly to Luo Fei, "You should tell them."

Luo Fei briefly talked about the clues he learned, "... Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that you made a mistake in this case."

The three of them turned pale instantly.

In recent years, in order to avoid unjust, false and wrongful convictions, the Ministry of Public Security has become more and more strict in its requirements for law enforcement officers.

Once what Luo Fei said is true, they may be punished or directly expelled.

After all, they are his own people now, and Luo Fei feels uncomfortable except for this kind of thing.

But things have happened, and the most important thing now is to figure out the problem.

"He Xin, what I don't understand is that if you just come because you don't believe in Guo Tian, ​​what about Guo Jing?"

"These are all evidence that can prove his innocence. I believe he must have emphasized it repeatedly. Don't you want to go to the school to find Guo Jing's teachers and classmates for verification?"

"I have verified it, but Guo Jing can't provide proof of saving money, so no one is sure whether he spent the money or really saved it."

"In addition, all the evidence pointed to him at the time, but he never let go, which caused the entire investigation to reach a deadlock."

"So Wang Tao and Team Lu suggested that if Guo Jing continues to lead us by the nose, we won't be able to solve the case for years and years, so we might as well ignore his confession."

"Directly focus on investigation and evidence collection. As long as we find enough evidence to prove that Guo Jing committed the crime, we can directly convict him even if he does not prosecute."

"I know this. When we followed up, it was indeed the direction of the investigation. As for Guo Jing's interrogation, there was almost no interrogation. That's why we didn't understand what Team Leader Luo said."

Liao Xingyu said hurriedly, and the other two people nodded again and again.

Hearing this, Zhao Donglai could roughly guess why an experienced city criminal police detachment would make such a low-level mistake.

Lu Jianfei must have been focused on Lao Wu's case at that time, and it was inevitable that he would miss something if he paid attention to the progress of the case.

Coupled with Wang Tao's deliberate misleading, it would be strange not to make a mistake.

Although the provincial department later took over Lao Wu's case, allowing them to finally shift their focus back to this case, the direction had deviated, which must have been a wrong step and a wrong step.

This Wang Tao is really harmful!

Zhao Donglai was extremely angry and said to everyone, "Okay, you all should go back first. Don't make any noise about this matter for now until Director Zheng and I reflect it."

Everyone left with mixed emotions.

"What about the team leader? We won't be fired, right?"

As soon as he returned to the office, Zhang Wei looked at Luo Fei with confusion.

In the previous case of Lao Wu, the three of them followed Luo Fei and got a second-class personal merit award.

It’s just that the city has scheduled the commendation meeting at the end of this month.

During this period, he had been looking forward to going on stage to receive commendations at the end of the month, but unexpectedly something like this happened midway.

Luo Fei shook his head, "I dare not say this, but if what you say is true, then the main problem is not with you, so don't worry too much."

"I estimate that the police will definitely set up an investigation team to investigate. Just tell the truth. I will also help you and Captain Zhao to beg you and let him protect you."

"The worst we can do is take a punishment. Anyway, as long as the person is still in the team, it will be even if he makes more contributions in the future."

Luo Fei's words moved the three of them deeply.

"Thank you, team leader!"

"Thank you. It was you who said that we are a team. If that's the case, now I have to shoulder the responsibility together if you have something to do!"

Luo Fei had a good impression of them. If they were really fired or transferred due to this incident, he would have to adapt to the newcomers again.

Rather than doing this, it is better to keep them.

Here, Zhao Donglai hesitated for a long time with his cell phone, and finally dialed Lu Jianfei's number.

In the face of justice and friendship, he will definitely choose justice.

But Lu Jianfei had taken good care of him in the past, so the only thing he could do for him was to say hello in advance.

As for whether the other party understands or not, he can't control it...

The call was answered quickly.

"Donglai, why did you remember to call me today?"

Lu Jianfei was smiling happily on the other end and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Captain Lu, I called you today to tell you something... There may be another problem with Guo Jing's case."

"Is there a problem? Please explain carefully what you mean."

"This is the case..."

Lu Jianfei's breathing gradually became faster as he listened.

After many years of experience in handling cases, he still didn't realize the problem.

So he actually made a wrong case?

"Captain Lu, this matter is too important. I can only report it to the superiors truthfully. I hope you can understand."

Zhao Donglai finished apologetically, but did not hear the other party's reply for a long time.

He guessed that the other party might be complaining about him, and he smiled bitterly and was about to hang up the phone when he heard Lu Jianfei say, "It's okay Dong Lai, you can report it to Director Zheng."

"I won't blame you. If you can call me in advance, I already appreciate your kindness."

Lu Jianfei's voice seemed to have aged more than ten years.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Donglai stopped writing and directly called Zheng Changjun to explain the situation.

Zheng Changjun naturally didn't believe it at first. After confirming it several times, he finally believed that he was serious.

Then everyone else became numb.

Lao Wu's case had just allowed them to regain some face in front of the public, and now they were going to do this to him?

"Donglai, come over and report to me immediately, and take Luo Fei and all of them with you!"

"This is no joke. Do you know how much criticism and pressure our Ministry of Public Security will suffer if this is true? Not to mention the accountability from above, the public opinion alone is enough for us, let alone the accountability of the victims. Got it!"

Speaking of this, Zheng Changjun suddenly felt happy again.

Fortunately, Guo Jing did not execute the execution. If the death was revealed, he might lose his position!

Zhao Donglai acted quickly and led everyone there.

Wait to hear them out.

Zheng Changjun was so angry that he vomited blood, pointed at He Xin and the others and said, "You are really looking for trouble for me!"

The three of them shrank their necks and did not dare to breathe.

Fortunately, the other party didn't have time to scold them at the moment.

"Donglai, you take them back first. I need to hold a meeting with the bureau immediately to discuss this matter... I tell everyone not to get off work yet and wait for my call at any time!"


After coming out, Zhao Donglai said to several people seriously, "Judging from Director Zheng's tone, we will probably be asked to check this case overnight."

"So we have to prepare in advance. Liao Xingyu and Zhou Fan, please contact Guo Jing's class teacher immediately and re-verify the situation. Luo Fei and I will go find Guo Tianlai."

"Li Jun, please go back to the police station first and inform everyone to be on standby. As for you..."

As Zhao Donglai spoke, he glanced at He Xin and the others, "It may not be appropriate for you to participate in this case again, so just go home and wait for notification."

This is a disguised form of suspending their employment...

Fortunately, with Luo Fei's previous guarantee, although the three of them felt uncomfortable, they were not in trouble.

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