Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 192 Ridiculous Holiday Gun (Please vote for me and subscribe)

"Auntie, is the Zhang Qiang you are talking about the same one who almost married Lin Qi last year, but was exposed at the wedding as having an affair with a married woman?"

Tian Yunfen and his wife looked at Luo Fei in shock, "That's him. Comrade police, how do you know about this?"

Zhao Donglai also stared at him curiously.

Luo Fei sighed, "I happened to see it among my classmates a few years ago."

Speaking of which, Luo Fei and Zhang Qiang are still high school classmates.

It's just the original person. Luo Fei is not very familiar with the other person, and all he has is a vague impression in his memory.

Therefore, when he received Zhang Qiang's wedding invitation, he did not go. He just gave Zhang Qiang a 400-yuan gift among his classmates.

As a result, on the day of the wedding, other classmates who went to attend the wedding came back and instantly caused a stir among their high school classmates.

The information that came out was also very exciting.

It turned out that the groom Zhang Qiang not only had sex with a married woman in private, but also acted as a showman in the wedding room.

It turns out that the bride Lin Qi is also a powerful person. She had discovered the adultery of this couple a long time ago, so she installed surveillance cameras in the new house in advance and successfully captured the two people having sex.

Then the bride found an opportunity at the wedding and projected all the pictures onto the big screen in the hotel.

The woman's relatives yelled and cursed, and the man's relatives lamented about the case. In an instant, the beautiful wedding turned into a farce. Lin Qi also took advantage of the situation and proposed to cancel the marriage.

Zhang Qiang's father couldn't bear the blow and fainted on the spot and was rushed to the hospital.

Luo Fei himself is not a person who particularly likes gossip, but this incident really shattered his outlook. In addition, the group had a lively discussion for a long time, and he was forced to understand a lot.

That's why when I heard Lin Qi's name just now, I felt so familiar.

He briefly talked about his relationship with Zhang Qiang, and then told Zhao Dong about his classmates.

After hearing this, Zhao Donglai was also shocked and said that it had been a long time since he had seen him.

He couldn't help but ask, "How is Zhang Qiang doing now?"

"I don't know. He did such a shameless thing. We have stopped interacting with his family a long time ago."

Tian Yunfen looked disgusted, but Lin Qi's father Lin Yuandao said, "I heard Qi Qi say last time that Zhang Qiang lost his job because of this incident, and his father was sent to the hospital and was also diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage. He was rescued for two months. I went anyway.”

"Because his mother couldn't withstand the successive blows, she also took medicine and committed suicide... Hey, he got retribution."

When Luo Fei and Zhao Donglai heard this, they suddenly felt something.

"Do you know where Zhang Qiang lives now?!" Zhao Donglai suddenly looked stern.

He was stabbed in the back by the woman at the wedding. He lost all face and lost his job. In the end, his parents died one after another because of this...

The two immediately realized that Zhang Qiang was highly suspected of committing the crime.

"I know... why are the police comrades reacting so violently? Are they suspecting that he killed Qiqi?"

Lin Yuan seemed to realize something, and was shocked and angry.

"I can't say for sure now, but it is indeed because of your daughter that he is so unlucky, so we can't rule out that he was desperate and killed someone to vent his anger... Anyway, you should tell us his address immediately!"

"Needless to say, we can find that place. I will take you there. I want to ask this bastard face to face. Why would he kill my daughter when he is obviously shameless?"

Tian Yunfen suddenly said with great anger.

"Comrade family members, we are just suspicious now. We are not saying that it must be him... Besides, we are going to investigate, so it is not appropriate to take you with us."

"If you want us to find out quickly, please cooperate with our work and tell us Zhang Qiang's address."

After hearing what Zhao Donglai said, Tian Yunfen reluctantly reported the address of Zhang Qiang's home.

"Okay, we understand. Just go back and wait for the news. If anything happens, we will notify you as soon as possible."

After saying something hastily, Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei drove out quickly.

According to Tian Yunfen, Zhang Qiang also works in the city.

Two years ago, his parents paid a down payment for a mortgage on a house in Qingshan Lane in the city.

After the house was renovated, Zhang Qiang continued to live here.

On the way, Zhao Donglai called Liao Xingyu again and informed him to rush over immediately with the second group.

Soon, everyone met in a community in Qingshan Lane.

After briefly communicating the situation, the group first went to the property management office of the community to confirm that Zhang Qiang indeed lived in this community, and they decided to come directly.

I arrived at the door of Zhang Qiang's house and knocked on the door for about ten minutes, but no one opened the door.

Zhao Donglai dialed Zhang Qiang's mobile phone number again, and received a voice prompt that the other party's mobile phone was in power-off mode.

"I can't get through. It seems that this guy is very suspicious."

At this moment, Zhang Qiang's neighbor across the door seemed to hear the noise and opened the door.

An old lady in her sixties stood behind the door and asked, "Are you looking for this young man? I saw him going out yesterday, and it seems he has never come back since."

"Going out?" Zhao Donglai was surprised when he heard this, "Auntie, do you know what time he went out?"

"Then I can't remember clearly, probably around two or three o'clock in the afternoon."

At this time, Luo Fei thought of something and immediately took out two front and back photos of the suspect that he printed from the surveillance camera.

"Grandma, could you please help us see if he was dressed like this when he went out yesterday?"

The old lady held the photo and squinted her eyes carefully for a few seconds. "It's him! He was dressed like this when I met him yesterday. At that time, I was still wondering why he had to wear a coat on this hot day."

Hearing this, everyone became excited instantly.

"Liao Xingyu, call the locksmith company immediately to come up and open this door."

"Okay, Captain Zhao."

The old lady had just returned the photo to Luo Fei. She was startled when she heard this and looked at Luo Fei with suspicion, "Young man, what are you doing? Even if you are looking for someone, you can't open other people's doors randomly..."

"Grandma, don't get me wrong. We are the police. There are some situations that we need to find out from Zhang Qiang. He is not at home, so we can only take some special methods."

Luo Fei said and showed his police officer ID to the other party.

When she heard that they were police officers, the old lady stopped worrying and started gossiping again.

"Then what did he commit? Can you tell me?"

"There's just something that needs to be verified with him. Grandma, don't ask. It's better to go back to the house and rest."

After Luo Fei finally sent the gossiping old lady home, the locksmith also came up.

After seeing Zhao Donglai's identity as a police officer, the other party didn't waste any words. He took out his tools and successfully opened the door in just three or two minutes.

Zhao Donglai led everyone in. Smelling Zhang Qiang's scent left in the room, Luo Fei immediately nodded to Zhao Donglai, "Captain Zhao, the smell I smelled in the power distribution room of Lin Qi's apartment was Zhang Qiang's."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Donglai immediately knew that the identity of the murderer had been established.

The most important thing now is to find where Zhang Qiang went.

"Call Zhao Tian and the others immediately and ask them to check Zhang Qiang's network to see if he is absconding in fear of crime."

"In addition, notify Zhou Fan and ask him to contact a salvage team immediately and be on standby at any time! We will search Zhang Qiang's house immediately to see if he will leave any clues."

Everyone looked around Zhang Qiang's room.

Soon, an A4 paper full of words on the coffee table caught Liao Xingyu's attention.

He picked it up, took a look at it, and immediately shouted, "Captain Zhao, here is a suicide note written by Zhang Qiang!"

After hearing this, everyone immediately gathered around.

The suicide note is not too long, probably only two to three hundred words.

The main content is that Lin Qi exposed his behavior, which not only caused him to lose his job, but also caused his parents to die one after another, and he was also criticized by his relatives and friends, and he was embarrassed to see others.

So he was determined to take revenge on Lin Qi. He planned in his suicide note to kill Lin Qi first and then commit suicide.

After reading it, Zhao Donglai sighed and said, "Let's directly inform Zhou Fan to carry out salvage."

From Luo Fei's previous discoveries and this suicide note, it can be concluded that Zhang Qiang must have indeed jumped into the river.

At this moment, Luo Fei's cell phone also rang.

It was Zhang Wei calling.

"Captain, we have copied all the surveillance data from the other side of the river. Where have you been?"

"We suspect that Lin Qi's ex-boyfriend Zhang Qiang is a major suspect and is now at his home."

"Then let's come right away."

"No need, we just found Zhang Qiang's suicide note at his home. We currently suspect that he probably committed suicide by jumping into the river. You should rush to the river opposite Lin Qi's apartment immediately. We will be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, two team members were left to continue searching Zhang Qiang's home. The rest of the team took a car back to the embankment where Zhang Qiang jumped into the river.

At this time, Zhou Fan had also contacted the salvage team. Several staff members wearing life jackets were driving boats and had begun salvage on the river.

Zhao Donglai watched the salvage situation at the scene for a while, and then called Liao Xingyu and other team leaders into the car.

"Although at present, it is very likely that Zhang Qiang committed suicide by jumping into the river, we cannot rule out that this was a ploy to escape legal sanctions."

"So you continue to conduct a detailed interview on his interpersonal relationships, focusing on whether he can swim, and whether he has contacted anyone recently, or whether he has any unusual behavior."

"Also, if he really runs away, he will definitely have money on hand. You can check his bank statements to see if there have been any large withdrawals recently."

"Understood Captain Zhao."

After everyone went out, they immediately took action.

Luo Fei and Zhang Wei were assigned to find Zhang Qiang's relatives to learn about the situation.

However, because most of these people live in rural areas of Jiangning County, in order to save time, they are all contacted on the phone.

Soon, Luo Fei got a lot of clues from Zhang Qiang's uncle.

After hanging up the phone, he was just about to make another call when he received a call from Wu Yan.

"Luo Fei, have you discussed with Yang Mei whether you want to go to your second aunt's house tonight?"

Wu Yan asked as soon as she came up.

Luo Fei then remembered that he was so busy that he forgot about it.

"Mom, I may not be able to come tonight. The police team has a temporary case, and I have returned to the city now."

Upon hearing that he had something serious to do, Wu Yan said she knew it and didn't bother him anymore.

By around six o'clock in the afternoon, the visit and arrangement work was almost complete.

"Team Zhao, we asked several relatives who are close to Zhang Qiang, and they all said that Zhang Qiang felt very guilty and regretful after his father passed away."

"Especially after his mother couldn't bear the blow and committed suicide by taking poison, he locked himself in his room all day long and told his relatives many times that the root cause of all this was because of Lin Qi."

"Furthermore, his uncle and two uncles also said that Zhang Qiang called them respectively around noon yesterday, with the intention of explaining the funeral arrangements."

"But because after his parents' accident, he was always nagging, so everyone didn't think much about it and just enlightened him."

Luo Fei reported the situation on his side.

Then Liao Xingyu continued, "Team Zhao, we asked a few friends who are close to Zhang Qiang, and they all said that Zhang Qiang is not good at water and is a landlubber. In addition, during this period, the balance in Zhang Qiang's card has not been touched. "

"Team Zhao, we also issued a city-wide joint investigation notice as soon as possible, focusing on the city's taxis, bus stations, train stations and other transportation operations. However, so far, we have not received any information about Zhang Qiang's whereabouts. information."

Li Jun also said.

After Zhao Donglai heard this, he sighed, "Then we can only wait for the results from Zhou Fan."

Li Jun and the others have been looking for Zhang Qiang for so long, but there is no body. So there is a 90% chance that the other party jumped into the river.

So now as long as Zhang Qiang's body can be found, this case will probably be closed.

After that, Zhao Donglai waited patiently for another half an hour, but when he didn't receive a call from Zhou Fan, he could only take the initiative to call.

"Zhou Fan, did you salvage anything over there?"

"Not yet. We followed two salvage boats and conducted multiple salvages in the river section where the incident occurred, but still found nothing."

"The salvage master said that the body may have been washed downstream by the undercurrent at the bottom of the river, so we are now working on the river to salvage all the way down."

"Okay, thank you for keeping an eye over there. If you have any news, please inform me immediately."


There was no progress in the salvage work, so Zhao Donglai had no choice but to call everyone together again for a meeting.

"Although based on the current evidence, Zhang Qiang is highly suspected, but the investigation relies on evidence, and the salvage work for Zhang Qiang is still continuing."

"Now everyone should follow the current clues and complete the evidence chain. After the salvage results are obtained, the case can be closed immediately."

"Understood Captain Zhao."

"And Zhao Tian, ​​did you get Zhang Qiang's footprints that I asked you to extract from Zhang Qiang's house?"

"Captain Zhao, after receiving your call, we rushed over immediately and successfully extracted a footprint from the balcony of his house."

"After identification, it was determined that the footprints were consistent with the footprints extracted at Lin Qi's home, and it was basically determined to be the same person. In addition, we also conducted a further autopsy on Lin Qi and confirmed that she died of mechanical asphyxia."

"That's good. Remember to report these to me later."

Around ten o'clock in the evening, good news finally came from Zhou Fan.

"Team Zhao, Zhang Qiang's body has been found, but... forget it, you should come and see for yourself."

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