Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 195 Determining the identity of the deceased (please subscribe and vote monthly)

"Early this morning, we determined that the broken body belonged to Zhou Lin. Now we can boldly speculate that the missing women in Huangxu City and Wuyang City happen to be the remaining victims."

"Then it can be inferred from now on that the murderer should frequently travel between Wuyang Huangxu and Jiangzhou City."

"Jiangzhou City happens to be between Wuyang and Huangxu, so the most likely possibility is that the murderer is from Jiangzhou City, and the murderer's economic conditions are average."

Zhao Donglai finished a rough summary and said, "Now let's add to what you discovered yesterday."

"Our group hasn't made much progress yet." Luo Fei shook his head.

"The same goes for our second team."


Everyone spoke one after another, but basically they didn't gain much.

Zhao Donglai was not surprised by this. After all, it only took one day to find out something...

Looking at the somewhat dejected people, he encouraged, "Don't be discouraged. At least we have now identified the deceased, and the hope of solving the case has increased."

"When the identities of the other deceased are confirmed, maybe the hope will be greater."

After some mobilization, everyone continued to work.

Zhao Donglai called the people from the police dog squadron to study the information of several missing persons.

Although the identity of the deceased cannot be determined yet, they have no other clues now and can only rely on this aspect first.

If the guess turns out to be wrong later, they can still investigate in another direction.

But if it is right, if they do their homework now, they can save a lot of time when the identification results come out.

After the bones were brought back yesterday, Zhao Tian and two other forensic doctors conducted an appraisal and determined that the earliest time of death of these bones was only two and a half years at most.

Among these alarm records, the earliest one was exactly two and a half years ago.

The missing person's name is Luo Xiaoyu, a native of Daxian County, Huangxu City. He was 23 years old when he disappeared. The time of disappearance was around three o'clock in the morning.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Xiaoyu’s job before her disappearance was as a bartender at a KTV.

The second missing person, Qin Nian, disappeared half a year after Luo Xiaoyu disappeared. He was 27 years old at the time, a native of Wuyang City, and a masseur like Zhou Lin.

In the fourth month after Qin Nian disappeared, the third missing person Zhou Tong disappeared, then the fourth missing person Wang Lan, the fifth missing person...

Among these missing women, except for two college students, the other four either work in KTV or in the foot-washing city.

And the most important thing is that the time when they disappeared was almost always between 11 o'clock in the evening and three or four o'clock in the morning the next day. There was no surveillance footage of the incident before the disappearance on the road where the incident occurred.

Obviously, the murderer had been deliberately avoiding surveillance.

After studying these six alarm records, plus Zhou Lin's, several people also made a lot of discoveries.

"Captain Zhao, most of the victims are women with special jobs. Do you think the murderer has hatred towards these women, so he targeted these groups in a targeted manner?"

They are all veteran detectives who have been handling cases for many years. It is difficult for them to escape even the slightest clue, not to mention that these clues are so obvious.

Lin Hua immediately expressed his speculation.

"I have the same idea, but the identification results haven't come out yet. This is just our speculation. It's not easy to make a judgment."

"That's true... Captain Zhao, we now have a total of eight transcripts, but we have only found seven bodies."

"So I suggest that we wait for the identification results to come out and confirm that the missing people are these dead people. Then we need to carefully salvage the watershed along the road where the corpses were dumped to prevent any missing bones."

After the previous boss passed away, Zhao Donglai also invited professional divers to look at the bottom of the river, but no more bodies were found.

But it is not certain whether it was carried to other places with the current. Therefore, Lin Hua's proposal is indeed possible.

Zhao Donglai nodded, agreeing with his point of view.

Afterwards, the two discussed some details of the case, and Lin Hua took the people out to get busy.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, another good news came out from Zhao Tian.

Taking the six-point appraisal report, Zhao Tian excitedly opened the door of Zhao Donglai's office: "Team Zhao, the previous six-point personal firm report has also come out...

Here, Luo Fei and Zhang Wei came out of a freight company.

Zhang Wei said bitterly, "Team leader, is it useful for us to run from house to house like this?"

"What if the murderer worked in those two cities before, or he is just a simple psychopath who likes to kidnap and kill people when nothing happens, then didn't we run away in vain?"

"What you said is indeed possible, but that's not how investigating a case is. When there are no clues, you have to take the initiative to look for clues. If you sit in the police force all day long, the clues will never come out on their own."

"You have to be patient when investigating cases. If you have time to complain, you might as well go to the next one with me."

After Luo Fei finished speaking, he opened the car door and got in.

Zhang Wei actually just complained and complained. After hearing this, he hurriedly got into the cab and said, "Team leader, which one should we go to now?"

"Let's go check out Bangbang Moving Company."


According to the survey, there are six or seven moving companies, large and small, in Jiangzhou City.

Bangbang Company is considered the largest among them, with about sixty or seventy drivers and workers under its command.

Of course, this does not include the private car owners who cooperate with them online.

Based on the murderer's method of dumping the body and the things used to hold the body, Luo Fei believed that the murderer was more likely to have private transportation.

Because if a person is chopped into pieces and put into a box or bag, blood stains cannot be avoided.

If he had dumped his body on public transportation, it would have easily attracted the attention of people around him.

But the police had never received any suspicious reports of this kind, so Luo Fei focused directly on the driver.

When they arrived at Bangbang Moving Company, they revealed their identities and quickly met the person in charge.

"Hello, I am Ge Quan, the manager here. I wonder what the two comrades want from me?"

A middle-aged man in a suit with a friendly smile smiled and extended his hand to the two of them.

"Hello, Manager Ge, we're here to find out. Do you usually take orders for moving out of town?"

"Then I must have received it."

"Our Bangbang Moving Company has stores all over the country, and we usually have customers from all over the world who come to us for moving, so we can handle both indoor and outdoor work."

"What about Huangxu City and Wuyang City? Are there any orders from these two cities in the past two years?"

"Yes, yes, we are so close to Huangxu City and Wuyang City. Usually, many people suddenly jump to these two cities due to job changes, so we can often receive orders from these two places."

"So, your moving driver often travels between this city and these two cities?"

"um, yes."

Luo Fei nodded when he heard this and said indifferently, "Can you please give me the moving records of these two cities in the past three years, as well as the information of your online and offline moving drivers?"

"Of course, those who have resigned are also counted. In short, all the driver masters who have worked for you in the past three years will be counted."

When Ge Quan heard this request, he felt a little strange.

However, he didn't ask any more questions and immediately gave Luo Fei two pieces of information as requested.

After Luo Fei arrived at Xie, he pretended to be a visitor and took a look at several masters at work in the company.

The reason why he took the trouble to visit and do it personally was because he planned to save them a lot of trouble if they happened to meet the murderer.

It's a pity that there is no such coincidence waiting for him to encounter.

So he walked around the moving company and still didn't find anything suspicious.

After coming out, he couldn't help but start to think about whether he should change his approach.

After all, he has gained nothing from yesterday to today. If this continues, the hard work is secondary. The main thing is that there has been no progress, which will be quite a headache.

At this moment, Zhao Donglai called.

"Luo Fei, where are you now? Go back to the team immediately. The paternity test reports of those corpses are out."

"Okay Captain Zhao, we'll be right back."

After Luo Fei finished speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone, and then said to Zhang Wei, "Hurry back to the police station, the paternity test results are in."

When Zhang Wei heard this, he was immediately excited and drove back to the police station quickly.

When they came back, everyone else probably arrived around the same time.

Zhao Donglai directly asked everyone to gather in the conference room.

"Comrades, the appraisal results from Team Leader Zhao Tian have just come out."

He held up the thick appraisal report in his hand and said excitedly to the crowd, "After comparison, except for Zhou Lin, the remaining six of the seven corpses just match the family members who came for appraisal today."

"In other words, we can currently confirm that these missing women were all brutally murdered by the same murderer and their bodies were quartered."

As Zhao Dong spoke, he took out the alarm records that he, Liu Hua and others had analyzed and summarized in advance.

"By analyzing these records today, we found several suspicious points."

"There are many similarities in the work and occupation of these missing persons... as well as the time and manner of their disappearance. It can be seen that the murderer committed the crime in a premeditated and prepared manner."

"This also proves that the direction of our previous reasoning is generally correct. Now let's analyze the case carefully..."

"First of all, I think the murderer must have had some unfortunate experiences that caused him to have some kind of hatred towards women such as waiters and technicians, so he specifically selected women who work in this type of job."

"Captain Zhao, in this case, the two college students can't make sense." Lu Xingyu retorted.

There was some truth in his question. Just as Zhao Donglai was thinking about how to analyze this issue reasonably, Luo Fei spoke.

"Then we can relax the conditions a little more. It can be seen from these records that these two female students were probably taken away around early morning at night."

"But universities generally have access control, and the dormitories will be locked after a certain time. However, these two female students did not return to school in the early morning. This will definitely subconsciously target the murderer who already has a certain prejudice against women. Student substitutes are the same as those escorts and massage girls, so it is reasonable for him to kidnap female college students."

Everyone nodded, and Zhao Donglai looked at Luo Fei, "Is there anything else? You continue to analyze."

"Captain Zhao, I suddenly discovered a problem. I have always suspected that the murderer might be a porter, a deliveryman, or someone else."

"But if you think about it carefully, people in this category basically finish delivering an order and either have to rush to the next place or go back to report. They don't have much time to stay."

"But most of these missing people are concentrated in the late night time period...and except for two female students, no one else disappeared on the way to get off work."

"This shows that the murderer is not only familiar with the surrounding roads, but he must have stayed there many times and predicted the other person's route to get off work in advance, so he could abduct people so easily."

Luo Fei paused as he spoke, "According to these conditions, our previous analysis needs to be overturned, and we need to reconsider who is it. Who can have the opportunity and time to stay near where these people work without causing any trouble?" The attention of others and the opportunity to travel between three cities at the same time?”

Everyone was a little stunned for a while.

Taxi, delivery boy... all kinds of professions flashed through everyone's minds one by one, and then were rejected one by one.

Taxis are indeed suitable for the possibility of staying, but generally taxi drivers only solicit customers in their own city. Even if they occasionally encounter one or two cross-city customers, they will return immediately and will not stay for too long.

Not to mention the deliveryman, as Luo Fei said, once the item is delivered, he has to go to the next store immediately, so there is no time to stay.

So besides these professions, what other professions can there be...

Zhao Donglai couldn't help but look at Luo Fei, "Luo Fei, you'd better stop being so pretentious and just tell me your speculation."

"I have two guesses. One is that the murderer does not have a formal occupation, but is a hawker or the like who has relatively free time. The other is someone who often needs to enter and exit these places."

"But people who can frequent such places must not be short of money. This is inconsistent with our previous inference, so the possibility of the murderer being a hawker is relatively high."

Everyone said nothing and motioned him to continue with their looks.

"If it's a hawker, then the car he drives must be a transportation vehicle such as a small truck. This is easy to identify. When we check the surveillance video of Zhou Lin's disappearance, we can see if there are any such vehicles driving around the time. Leave."

Hearing this, Liao Xingyu suddenly thought of something, "Three hours after Zhou Lin disappeared, an empty truck did leave in an alley on the left side of the intersection!"

His words made everyone look happy.

Zhao Donglai even said quickly, "Hurry up and bring out the surveillance camera and let's take a look."

Liao Xingyu didn't talk nonsense. After running out, he came in with a USB flash drive.

Plug the USB flash drive into the computer in the conference room, and after some operations, the screen will be projected onto the big screen.

I found the intersection from memory and dragged the progress bar. Sure enough, a small silver truck appeared on the screen not long after.

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