Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 233 The suspected company accidentally involved (please subscribe)

Section Chief Li handed over the information in his hand and explained on the side.

"Bureau Tang and Bureau Zheng, the identities of these two people are indeed like this. Although I have verified it in many ways, it does show that they are related to this person, so I summarized them all."

Luo Fei looked at the information, with memories constantly in his mind, and all these details were imprinted in his mind.

The man who jumped off the building and died with Guo Donggang in his arms was named Yang Wei, and the man who was shot in the head by himself was named Chen Bo.

According to the identity information of these two people, it can be seen that they are now unemployed.

But one thing worth noting is that their social relationship is rather weird.

They used to have certain friends and many close family members, but in the past year or so, they have gradually faded out of sight...

I even no longer have contact with some of my relatives.

No one knows what they are doing, but these two people are not living on minimum living allowances, and they do not have any social security, so they are living without a job.

With the efficiency of the Intelligence Investigation Section, even begging can be found, but there are no clues.

There must be something fishy about the economic security and living conditions that come from unknown sources.

"It's interesting that homeless people are hired to kill people!"

"Looking at this time, they should have been exposed to this industry a long time ago. At least they have a history of doing dirty things, so they were sent to kill people and silence them."

"There must be someone silently supporting you, otherwise it would be impossible to be unemployed for such a long time and still live a stable life..."


Zhou Fan pointed to the last page of the information.

There is a commonality here that is not immediately obvious.

"Both of these two people worked for the same company before they lost their jobs! Yundi!"

"This is the largest Internet company in Binhai, and the most important thing is that their positions are not low. One is a software engineer, and the other is an outsourcing project manager."

Everyone else looked back, it was true!

At this time, Liao Xingyu raised his doubts.

"They did a good job, why were they fired? Moreover, the reason for leaving was not clearly stated on it. Judging from this situation, it is possible that they submitted the application on their own initiative, which is a bit unreasonable."

"Yes, it is indeed a bit weird. These two jobs are enough for them to have enough food and clothing, not to mention that neither of them has any foreign debt. It is a bit unreasonable to throw away such a valuable job."

Suddenly, Tang Jianguo pointed to the information in front of him.

As the director, although he usually does not do the detailed work of investigations, it does not mean that he has no vision.

"Yundi...there is a problem with this company. Chief Li, please call out the relevant information."

"Let's make a breakthrough from here!"


Soon, the most recent introduction to the company and its status were put on the screen, and everyone present started to discuss it.

Liao Xingyu was the first to speak and raised his doubts.

"Although it is an online Internet development business, its main gimmick is outsourcing work and only accepting orders sporadically. It is unlikely that such an operating model with meager income can survive to this day. It is very difficult not to have its own main development program and main business. of."

At this time, Han Tiesheng, who had been silent beside him, also spoke.

"Smartphones have led to many Internet trends in recent years, and the matrix revolution has been advancing. It is unlikely to rise simply by doing errands for others."

"Yundi's momentum is not small, and the reason for its success has never been clear, so the internal core competitiveness has not been known to the outside world over the years."

After hearing the other party's introduction, Luo Fei nodded with satisfaction.

He thought that the hot-tempered captain had a shortcoming in this aspect, but he didn't expect that he was also rough in details and quick in thinking, which really surprised him.

Tang Jianguo sighed softly.

"Yundi Network Company is in deep trouble. It's a pity that as an ordinary network company, people would not pay attention to it."

As the director of the Binhai City Public Security Bureau, he had also learned about this Internet company before, but because he was purely interested at that time, he did not delve into it further.

Financial support ensures that the company does not collapse. If it is not listed on the market and does not cooperate with external parties, it can be regarded as monolithic!

It is also difficult to investigate such companies.

Several others nodded in approval.

Han Tiesheng was still looking through the information, hoping to find some more clues.

But it's a pity that at the moment, besides going to the police to handle the case, he only wants to catch the murderer, and that's all he wants to do...

Suddenly Luo Fei thought of something.

“What if this internet company doesn’t get off to a good start?”

"All of their businesses and their own company strength can only be regarded as middle and lower reaches, but they have never closed down and are still developing steadily. In the years since their establishment and development, they have become the leader of Binhai step by step. This is It proves that there are definitely other forces supporting them.”

"We might as well guess where this power comes from. The counterfeit banknote gang that has recently emerged is most likely it!"

"With the help of the Internet as a cover, we secretly find buyers and use data to make resource allocation adjustments,"

What he said was clear and flowing. Although it was just conjecture and supplementary information, it was indeed well-founded.

After hearing the explanation given by Luo Fei, Liao Xingyu's eyes suddenly lit up.

He also thought of this possibility!

It's just that his conjecture was too vain, but after Luo Fei summed it all up, the situation was completely different.

Because if these people are not strong enough, or are fired because they offended the mall manager or messed up something themselves, then they will be registered in the intelligence.

Now he is defined as a homeless man, but he has no worries about food and clothing.

So there is a huge assumption hidden here!

That is because Yundi Network wanted to openly use its subordinates to help with work, make connections, and run between the two sides, so it used them as external helpers in the name of expulsion.

"How is it? Does this explanation make sense?"

Luo Fei cast a look of approval.

"Yes, this way we can identify the surveillance target at once."

"Counterfeit banknote gangs need to be protected by local indigenous forces when doing business. Not all of Yundi's employees may be insiders, and those who are unaware will continue to do their jobs."

"Informed people are the special chess pieces of this Internet company. They make plans when it's important and discard them when it's not important."

"Just like Yang Wei who jumped off the building, there must be some belief supporting him, either inducement or coercion, otherwise he would not have made such a tragic decision to die together."

Luo Fei looked at Section Chief Li and his tone suddenly became serious.

"We have to continue the investigation and find out all the relatives of the two deceased people who had good relations with each other in the past, and then make a statistics on the property status of these people. It should be enough protection for the desperadoes to die without hesitation."


Then there was another crackling sound in the department.

Half an hour later, Section Chief Li printed out several documents again and excitedly handed them over to them.

"There is indeed something wrong with this Yang Wei."

"He had an aunt with whom he had a good relationship. Although we lost contact later, the past cannot be erased. Yang Wei's studies from high school to university were funded by this aunt."

"Two hours ago, his aunt's account received an additional three million yuan, but it was not transferred from the name of the company, but someone transferred it in the name of an individual."

Tang Jianguo and Zheng Changjun shouted in unison.


"Whatever you say, you must thoroughly investigate and find out the identity of the person who made the payment!"

He is indeed an old classmate and partner from the police academy. This kind of tacit understanding is like no other.

Luo Fei and others smiled knowingly.

In fact, they all had suspicions in their minds. The reason why they did not use company accounts or corporate finance to do this was to avoid suspicion. This further proved that the other party had something up their sleeve.

Yang Wei and Chen Bo had severed ties before, and the changes they made after resigning may also be to protect their relatives and friends.

As long as there are fewer contacts and fewer contacts, these traces will not be so easy to detect...

Yang Wei did a really good job in this regard.

But the Skynet is vast and meticulous, and those who should be discovered cannot be hidden.

But I have to say that this is also a kind of protection for my aunt.

"Check! Even if we check the household registration relationship, circle information, and the relevant identities and social status of these people, we still have to find the commonalities among them."

Tang Jianguo's tone became excited as he spoke.

It’s hard to catch a clue, it’s impossible to give up easily!

In this way, everyone was waiting in the department. When they were hungry, they bought food from outside. When they were tired, they took a rest on the sofa.

Neither director retreated, and the others were even more embarrassed to say anything.

After all, the undressed combat style is in line with the current situation.

"It was found. The information database screening and relationship network were more complicated, but it was still found."

"That private account belongs to a female college student from Binhai, who is only nineteen years old this year."

"Her card was indeed registered with her ID card, but the money in the card was entered from different channels. Three million was transferred in batches, and then uniformly transferred into Aunt Yang Wei's account. "

"Different channels? What a big network."

Tang Jianguo sneered.

"It seems that I really underestimated this so-called Yundi. He used the Internet to mobilize multiple accounts to cause trouble. It seems that the method is really clever."

Zheng Changjun and others on the side nodded.

Section Chief Li took his report and continued to explain.

"Tang Bureau, although these accounts come from different identities, they all have records of disbursing the same amount of money from the same account. The program terminal they use is unique. It is a service platform built with the help of Yundi."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

The method is indeed superb!

Using outsourcing as a cover to build a platform and some fixed procedures, it doesn't matter even if there is no profit, since it is still a transfer and transfer of property.

Use the identities of some social amateurs to conduct financial diversion and use their accounts as output ports.

The money is separated and the people are separated, but the final payee is the same.

In this way, unless it is an investigation with a clear goal, Yundi's head will not be found at all.

The layout of this Internet company is really clever!

"It seems that we are going to meet this Yundi. Maybe they are related to the Jinchi guy who the counterfeit banknote gang wants to cooperate with."

Zheng Changjun said thoughtfully.

But Tang Jianguo's expression turned serious.

"Old Zheng, this matter is difficult to handle."

"If we confront Yundi's senior managers head-on, or directly conduct a public investigation of their company, it may cause certain conflicts."

"Many of Yundi Network's senior executives are linked to the city's online business. Providing technical support is one thing. The key is that as large taxpayers, rash investigation may cause inconvenience."

As soon as this reason came out, everyone was in trouble.

Even Luo Fei frowned.

It seems that the water in Binhai is really deep.

Suddenly, Han Tiesheng spoke. The fire he had been holding in his heart since just now suddenly burst out.

"Director, what are you afraid of? I'll just take people there to investigate. Even if they have no problem, they should always cooperate with the investigation."

"It is natural for the police and the public to cooperate. If they refuse, then they have something up their sleeves. If they agree, we will directly take action to arrest him!"

While speaking, the other party winked at Luo Fei in a very handsome manner.

It's like showing your courage to the other party!

Tang Jianguo walked over and hit the other party on the head.

"Can you please give me some peace of mind? You are just a desperate person. This kind of thing is more than your brain. If they really dare to do illegal things, they will definitely make preparations in advance."

"Just waiting for you to knock on the door, and then they will take advantage of you. There is a price for alerting the enemy."

"Once they are fully prepared, we find nothing, and the public relations team exaggerates on the Internet, attacking the credibility of our police. With your big head, can you still stop the public from talking about it?"

None of them can cope with the current situation.

The reason why Zheng Changjun came here with the team was to help them solve their troubles.

But now this trouble has put both directors in a bit of a dilemma.

If the city's senior leaders knew about it, it would definitely not be easy to deal with.

The rampant behavior of counterfeit banknote groups has done a lot of harm to the country, but the impact of a thorough investigation of key enterprises in the city is also not small.

At this time, how to weigh the situation became the pressure on their police force.

Just then, the phone rang.

It's a call from the office...

The call was not sent to the mobile phone, but directly to the landline. Tang Jianguo felt something was wrong and rushed back.

Soon, Tang Jianguo came back, but with a smile on his face.

Zheng Changjun knew there was good news when he saw the other party.

"God is really helping me. I want to breastfeed, but my mother is here. I miss my mother's family, and the baby's uncle is here!"

"Just tell me what good news it is."

Tang Jianguo solemnly announced, "Everyone, someone from the Provincial Public Security Department is coming tomorrow morning. Secretary Wang will personally lead the team. The focus is to make work arrangements and new instructions for this counterfeit banknote incident and explosion case."

"At that time, there will definitely be help in our investigation. It would be best to set up a 928 task force to run the two cases in parallel. If there is an order from the top, what if it is Yundi?"

"He must be thoroughly investigated and his true colors will be revealed!"

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