Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 280 There is nothing wrong with Director Feng!

It seems that he really underestimated the three Ni brothers. At this moment, Luo Fei only had this thought in his mind.

I thought that from the initial conversation with them, I had already figured out the basic status of these three people, but I never expected to hear from these doctors’ mouths that the three of them had become so vicious!

A good medical worker was forced into such a situation.

To be able to raise the upper limit of medical trouble so high is to underestimate the ability of these three people to handle things.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

Luo Fei suppressed the anger in his heart and let the second doctor come in and asked the same question.

But the answer given by the other party was very different from that of Dr. Li before, and there was basically no difference.

At that time, the doctor who was in charge of the entire operation was implicated, and everyone was treated as a joke by the hospital. The three Ni brothers were in trouble and were relentless in their pursuit of things.

They firmly believe that nothing will happen to their mother!

The so-called rescue failure was entirely because the doctors did not try their best.

What's more, their eldest brother Ni Zhigang also pointed out that it was because Director Feng Wensong did not charge enough money and wanted to raise the price and charge more benefits, so he did not perform the surgery according to the normal operation...

Eventually, their mother passed away due to lack of timely rescue.

As he spoke, the doctor also had the same expression of indignation on his face.

Luo Fei took a deep breath. Not to mention these parties, he, the audience, was also a little hypertensive at the moment.

"Are all three of their brothers involved in this farce?"


With a look of helplessness on his face, the other party looked back at the door, and sighed and shook his head when he thought of Director Feng standing outside.

"Comrade police officers, you may not know how much trouble they caused to Director Feng by causing such trouble."

"Huh? You say."

Luo Fei raised his hand and started taking notes. He wanted to hear the complete inside story of this matter.

"After the operation, they were supposed to arrange for the family members to sign and properly dispose of the body of the deceased. But before entering the morgue, they started making trouble again and threatened to sue the authorities!"

"They said that they wanted to avenge their mother, and that they had to knock Director Feng completely down. This incident also alarmed the hospital, and the higher-ups urgently started an investigation. They made things that were not in the first place a fuss, and everyone in the world began to discussion."

"Rumors can't be stopped."

This last sentence touched Luo Fei deeply.

It is indeed the case!

Especially for medical workers, nothing will immediately arouse people's vigilance after being exaggerated.

After all, as an industry on the verge of turmoil, if someone is involved in a sensitive issue because of a single sentence, an investigation will begin immediately.

This is one of the most unbearable hassles of working in the medical profession.

"The next trouble for Director Feng will come."

The doctor sighed.

"First, the superiors suspended Director Feng for a week, saying that they considered the impact. Many family members of the patients jointly applied to lay off Director Feng. With the attitude of rather than trusting him, they asked the hospital to also Very helpless."

"Professional title evaluations and year-end bonuses have all gone to waste. Director Feng's hard work over the past few years has been wiped out by just one sentence of investigation."

Listening to the other party's story, the gloomy look in Luo Fei's eyes became more solemn.

Ignorance cannot replace brainlessness, and brainlessness cannot replace shamelessness!

The three Ni Zhigang brothers are really assholes to the extreme!

It is simply abominable to forcefully inflict fear and grief on others just to satisfy your own inner revenge and uneasiness.

"Logically speaking, our Director Feng may be promoted to deputy dean next year. This is a decision made at an internal meeting. In ten years, the qualifications he has worked through for ten years will be destroyed in one fell swoop... Sigh."

"Although work has resumed now, no one knows whether there will be deeper processing."

Listening to what the other party said, Luo Fei shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

After sending the other party away, it was time to face Director Feng Wensong and Feng, but at this moment Liao Xingyu had already rushed over angrily.

The investigation and discussion over there had ended, but seeing the furious look on the other party's face, Luo Fei knew that the testimonies and accounts of both parties were exactly the same.

"This is simply unreasonable. I think the only good thing these three bastards have is that they are filial sons."

"Indiscriminately, without knowing the truth of the matter, you rashly throw dirty water on others. Do you know how serious the consequences of doing so are!"

"Lao Luo, how could there be such a person? Ah! He turned a good doctor into such a state. He only wants to bring down the doctor just because he has some money. Does he have the heart?"

"In short, after solving cases for so many years, meeting people for so many years, and experiencing things for so many years, I dare to say that judging from the current situation, there is nothing wrong with Director Feng!"

Listening to what the other party said, Luo Fei couldn't help laughing, and then waved his hand for him to sit down.

"Okay, let's handle the case together. Justice comes first, personal matters last. Let's talk about business first."

The last one also came in.

Looking at Director Feng in front of them, Luo Fei and Liao Xingyu fell silent.

The other party is still the same as before, calm and gentle, with a bit of vicissitudes in his eyes, but his complexion is still the same. Seeing this scene, one can't help but feel his psychological strength.

How can someone who has been treated so unfairly still be able to maintain his past status quo?

It's just that Director Feng has experienced a lot of things in the world.

Not to mention whether it is discovered or not, at least it can stabilize one's own state of mind, which is what a doctor who can help the world by hanging the pot should have.

Director Feng looked at the two of them and just sighed.

"Comrade police, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Director Feng, did you receive the red envelope?"

Luo Fei got straight to the point, which shocked Liao Xingyu on the side, but then he thought about it and realized that he was too obsessed.

Even if there are 10,000 people defending and interceding for the other party, you still have to ask the things that need to be asked, and not a single question should be left out.

This is the fairest verdict!


"Have you ever mentioned to them about receiving red envelopes or thinking that the money is too little and you need to increase the price?"


Director Feng's face was serious, but his tone did not waver at all. He could not feel the displeasure of being offended at all. Maybe he had looked away.

"Okay, I believe you."

Luo Fei didn't see any black energy from the other party's body, not even a trace of impurities. From this, he could see that the other party's heart was pure and free of impurities.

Only those with a flawless mind can be fearless in the world's violent waves!

This is the mentality that a person with justice in mind should have. From this point of view, the other party is worthy of wearing white clothes.

"Tell us about Liu Cuiyun. We need to know the details about her situation and her three sons."

Only then did Luo Fei ask the key points he wanted to know. All the preliminary preparations and investigations just now were just to clarify the overall context of the matter.

The most critical issue now is for the chief surgeon to speak personally. After all, as the person involved, Director Feng has the most say.

"Oh, one word, injustice."

"Comrade police, I believe my colleagues have just mentioned to you that Aunt Liu's physical condition is already very bad. To be precise, her physical strength and heart's endurance have reached the limit."

Luo Fei and Liao Xingyu looked at each other, yes, this can indeed be confirmed.

Not to mention the physical condition of the old lady Liu Cuiyun, having three sons who had caused trouble and committed countless crimes in the past was enough for her to drink from.

It’s not easy to spend half your life wiping your son’s butt.

Not to mention an aunt who couldn't bear it, even a kind-hearted monk would have to die in despair.

"I was very careful during the operation. Because the injection was under general anesthesia, I had to be precise. It couldn't be too fast. This would damage the arteries and subthoracic blood vessels. It couldn't be too slow. The anesthetic time is limited and the dose The problem is, if something unexpected happens, there will be no chance at all.”

Listening to the other party's specific description and explanation, Liao Xingyu became anxious and kept drinking water.

Although Luo Fei didn't express his position, his hands were sweating.

"Fortunately, everything went smoothly. The last step was just to do the suturing. But an accident happened. The old lady's lungs were weak due to myocardial inflammation and began to lack oxygen. Because there was not enough time in the end, there was no time to intubate again. So we could only grab time, but in the end we couldn't keep the person. At four o'clock that afternoon, the person was gone."

Hearing this, Luo Fei and the others took a deep breath.

It can be seen that it is rare for Director Feng to remember things so clearly after such a long time.

"Then what?"

"Then we reported the news to the family and tried to explain the situation, but the three brothers insisted that I had killed the old lady. They said that I thought they gave them too little red envelopes, and said that I was raising the price from the ground up. Finally, they raised the price from above. The complaint said that I intentionally made a mistake and caused the death of the old man..."

Doctor Feng didn't say anything else, he just thought quietly for a moment, and then let out a long sigh.

Now we basically understand clearly that it was the three Ni brothers who wanted to die and insisted on causing mischief, which led to this situation.

"Okay, Director Feng, thank you."

"You go back to work first. If you need anything, we will notify you as soon as possible."

After watching the other party leave, Luo Fei leaned on the chair with a gloomy look on his face.

This case is not a small one, and it seems a bit mind-numbing at the moment.

Of the three Ni brothers, the eldest is missing, the second is dead, and the third is unaware. There are also conflicts between the brothers, but the motive for the murder is insufficient. Although the motive is insufficient, the evidence points to them.

Now that a medical incident is involved, I was wondering if the doctor would take revenge, but just now these people were fine.

It is most likely that Director Feng is in a flawless state...

This is truly a deadlock within a deadlock!

Luo Fei was the first to break the dull atmosphere.

Now that you're here, you can't come in vain. You have to do something after all, otherwise it would be a shame.

"Regardless of whether Director Feng's situation is directly related to the three Ni brothers, it is a established fact that Ni Zhigang disappeared from the hospital and never showed up again. Let's go and investigate the scene."


Then the two people came to the corner where Ni Zhigang disappeared according to the surveillance. This is a surveillance blind spot. According to the situation in the video, from here to the back is the inpatient department.

Although there is a certain distance, there is a square arranged by the hospital in the middle, so it is impossible not to see it at all.

Logically speaking, to disappear from here, you must either enter the inpatient department or go directly to the second floor.

Unless the other party walked into the hospital along the surveillance blind spot.

"Old Liao, under what circumstances would he disappear directly?"

"There is only one place where it is clear and there is no trace of the other party at all. If he may disappear, there is only one place."

Liao Xingyu suddenly looked at the door directly behind him.

"Fire escape, stairwell!"

Luo Fei nodded seriously.

"That's right. I didn't take the elevator, didn't go to the inpatient department, and didn't reappear here. This is the only possibility."

Then the two of them pushed open the stairwell door and walked in. There didn't seem to be anything different inside.

Luo Fei and Liao Xingyu checked separately.

One inspected the stairwell and the other observed the platform, and the two began to inspect each brick.

After searching around, the two of them found no clues. When Liao Xingyu turned around, he suddenly missed the step and fell down the stairs. He skidded dozens of times and his buttocks exploded.

"Oh, it hurts...hiss, my tailbone seems to have been cracked."

Liao Xingyu grimaced in pain, and Luo Fei hurried up to help him, but while helping him, Luo Fei made an unexpected discovery.

"What a fall."

"What did you say?"

Liao Xingyu had a look of collapse on his face. He was almost crying because of the pain. How could the other party still be in the mood to joke with him?

Luo Fei pointed to the long series of marks on the side of the stairs next to him. Although it was very subtle, it could still be seen that there were traces of dragging and friction all over it.

Under normal circumstances, it is invisible. It can only be noticed when looking at this angle, which shows its concealment.

"what is this?"

"Traces! It's left after the clothes and pants rubbed on the stairs, and the friction will only be left if the degree of friction is severe."

Liao Xingyu on the side was a little confused, why are there drag marks here? This doesn't even look like it.

"Lao Luo, could it be left by something else?"

"No, let me show you."

After speaking, Luo Fei immediately ran to the opponent.

"Hey, wait... Lao Luo, don't, don't... ahhh!"

A series of screams came, and Liao Xingyu was about to cry without tears. He was pulled upward by Luo Fei dozens of times, and his already painful butt felt like needles.

"You're going to kill me..."

In pain, Liao Xingyu still looked down in the direction of Luo Fei's finger... He couldn't suffer like this in vain.

As expected, a shallow mark was left on the area where he had just rubbed it.

"It really is!"

Luo Fei nodded with a smile.

"Yes, there will be clues next. Ni Zhigang must have met someone important here."

"As for what happened between him and the other party, we have to trace the traces of friction to the end first!"

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