
An Qi also knew about Zhang Tai's death, so she was not surprised when the police came. They thought that the other party would also ask about some basic information about the other party and the quality of the relationship between the two.

But I didn't expect that the mysterious-looking police officer in front of me would actually ask him his attitude towards Zhang Tai in the first sentence!

This was somewhat unexpected to her, and was somewhat different from what she had originally imagined.

"Uh, comrade police, I don't quite understand."

"You understand very well, and my question is very simple. I want to know if you really like him. This is the man who was arranged by your fathers. Although he may not be able to get married, he is bound to Zhang by chance. Tai...do you like him?"

Being asked this question out of the blue, An Qi fell silent.

Soon she raised her head and looked at Luo Fei seriously. Since the other party asked this question seriously, she had to answer it seriously.

"I like him. I've liked him since I first met him."

"Not only because his appearance meets my requirements, but also because of his temperament and his attitude towards me."


Zhou Fan was a little confused when the other party said this.

"Are you saying that he ignores you and often has conflicts? Ms. An, you don't have masochistic tendencies, do you?"

"No, that's just the appearance."

An Qi first lowered her head and calmly refuted Zhou Fan's words, and then explained everything seriously.

"I'm not infatuated with him, but I just like him. I want to try to get into his heart, but in this case I have no other choice. But he is different. He doesn't abuse my love and indulgence for him. More than once, he told me flatly no.”

"He has never had a relationship with me. He just asked me to stay away from him every time. He refused very simply, but due to his parents' reasons, he could only forcefully play with me."

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment after hearing what the other party said.

I really didn’t expect that this time I would be short-sighted. This guy named Zhang Tai is really a good guy!

"I understand...there's one more thing!"

Luo Fei also nodded.

"On the night of the incident, you went to his hotel. I want to know what you went to do. According to the surveillance, you left soon after you went there, and your mood was a little wrong. Can you tell us in detail what happened at that time? What."

Finally getting to the point, An Qi sighed.

"I wanted to have a showdown with him that night, but it didn't work out. He still didn't want to have any further relationship with me. It was all because of my parents, so I was very angry and left..."

"Does he have the habit of taking sleeping pills?"

"Sleeping pills?"

An Qi was stunned for a moment, and then started to talk thoughtfully.

"One thing is that he seldom suffers from insomnia, but once he wakes up from insomnia, he will have a headache, so he asked a doctor to prescribe this medicine and kept some with him."

"I see……"

Luo Fei fell into deep thought.

It seems that the other party ate it himself, which is more likely.

After all, having a big quarrel with a woman and a showdown will definitely make you feel bad. In this case, you need some medicine to help you sleep.

However, there is still a very serious problem right now!

"Ms. An, do you know that Zhang Tai has a habit of SM?"

"I know."

The question is already explosive, and the answer is even more explosive.

At this moment, Zhou Fan was stunned. The relationship between the two was so normal and there were always conflicts. Why would Zhang Tai tell the other person such a private hobby?

"Wait a minute...I'm going to the bathroom."

After saying that, An Qi got up and left.

Zhou Fan grabbed Luo Fei.

"Lao Luo, this is too strange. Why did Zhang Tai even tell her this? Isn't this perverted!"

"When we just went to his parents' house, I noticed the scenery in the bedroom. At that time, he had completely stopped avoiding people. Everything was on the surface. Even his parents could know about it, let alone what they knew about it. The woman who was forcibly brought together..."

"In other words, Zhang Tai may not care and has accepted his habit."

Zhou Fan was shocked when he heard this.

"It's actually like this, I really didn't notice it."

As expected of Luo Fei, he only thought about chatting with Zhang Tai's parents before and really didn't notice this detail.

Soon, An Qi came out.

"Comrade policeman, I just mentioned Zhang Tai's hobby. I know this too. He wanted to persuade me to quit at first, so he told me about it."

"But it didn't seem like anything to me, so I didn't really care."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Fei and Zhou Fan were greatly shocked.

It seems that this woman is very open-minded in this regard, at least she has no discriminatory attitude.

Some people in today's society are ashamed to talk about this kind of topic. Perhaps it is because of the general environment that they keep the matter secret.

"Then have you had any communication with him in these aspects?"

"No, I just bought him a lot of things in this area, which can be regarded as gifts. This is one of the reasons why we still barely maintain a relationship, because I respect his preferences."

In this way, the other party's suspicion is indeed not that serious.

A woman can accept that someone she loves but doesn't love her has such a hobby, so she is naturally very open-minded, and the other person may not know it.

It remains to be investigated how Zhang Tai died, but now they have finished asking questions.

"Okay, then I won't bother you."

After Luo Fei stood up, he suddenly looked at An Qi beside him. He always felt that there was something else that the other party had not told him.

This is a kind of intuition to solve the case!

Although he couldn't tell what was strange, he could clearly feel that the other party had not finished speaking. He was not deliberately hiding it, but felt it was unnecessary.

"Ms. An, is there anything else you want to tell us?"

"If you do, I hope you can tell the truth. This will be good for both Zhang Tai and you. At least we can find the truth about his case."

An Qi thought for a moment and finally shook her head.

"No more, comrade police."

"If I remember anything else, I will tell you the truth."

Hearing what the other party said, Luo Fei couldn't ask for anything more, and then left with Zhou Fan.

The search for clues has come to an end.

After interviewing two insiders and exploring the scene, I needed a place to calm down after all this time and digest the clues I got this time.

Back in the office, Zhou Fan went back to the dormitory first, leaving Luo Fei alone.

Because the investigation is not over yet, some key exhibits have not yet been returned to the family.

This includes the cell phone that has been deciphered.

Luo Fei believed that there must be some clues that he usually ignored, hidden in the chat records.

It is impossible for a person like Zhang Tai to do things flawlessly.

The other party must be hiding his own little secret. If the secret is emptied and eliminated, traces will inevitably be left.

Even now Luo Fei can't guarantee that what his parents and An Qi said to him are true.

They may have told part of the truth, but they didn't tell the whole truth.

"Let me see if there's anything else you want to tell me..."

Luo Fei picked up the other party's phone again, opened the chat history, and scrolled down from the beginning. Except for some more important contents, he chose to skip them directly.

After browsing it roughly, I still can't find anything else special.

It seems that someone deliberately deleted some parts of it, but unfortunately it is still his own intuition.

Luo Fei checked repeatedly, but still couldn't figure it out.

Why would such a person commit suicide in such a weird manner? Since An Qi has no habit of SM and cooperates with others, how on earth did he tie himself up?

Who helped him?

Is the mysterious man who helped him the person behind the murder?

After thinking again and again, Luo Fei opened the thinking tunnel.

Whenever I get stuck in reasoning, I will use this method to force myself to calm down, collect all the clues, force myself to concentrate, and perform high-load brain analysis.

At this time, all surrounding sounds disappeared.

The footsteps of people in the corridor and the rustling of branches in the wind outside the window were all silenced at this moment.

Luo Fei's whole body was wrapped in a mysterious space at this moment, as if he was in a small space, and in front of him was Zhang Tai hanging upside down.

The other party is still hanging in front of him with that weird posture, and the peaceful smile in the photo...

This kind of environment of talking to the dead in the dark made Luo Fei feel depressed, but he wanted to seek answers and find flaws in the other party, so he could only accept his feelings at the moment.

Die by drinking hatred? No, there was a smile on his face before he died.

That is being hurt by love! Love has never begun, why should we be hurt by love?

No, just because he doesn't love An Qi doesn't mean he doesn't love other people.

The explosion and development of this SM attribute cannot be separated from the assistance of others. It requires at least a partner that he recognizes. Only if the two of them work together can this game be achieved.

Yes, there must be a third person, and this third person is the person who has always trapped Zhang Tai's heart.

third party! That's right, it's not a matter of mental cheating, but Zhang Tai has always missed another person.

This would explain why he retains this habit and has a fixed circle.

"Yes, that must be the case."

Luo Fei rushed towards the dormitory building without saying a word.

In the dormitory, Zhou Fan was cooking a bowl of noodles and was about to put it in his mouth when suddenly the door behind him was knocked open.


This sudden shock almost sent him away...

"Hey, who is it?"

Zhou Fan, who was confused, turned around and saw Luo Fei staring at him with excitement. There was a tacit understanding between the two people who had been together for a long time. He instantly understood that the other party must have a clue.

"found it?"

"found it!"

"Is it directly related to the case?"

"Yes, directly related!"

After hearing what the other party said, Zhou Fan couldn't sit still. He immediately pulled Luo Fei into the room and sat down, signaling the other party to speak quickly.

Luo Fei quickly explained his reasoning. Zhou Fan's eyes lit up as he listened. It made so much sense!

I really didn't expect this.

All this time he just thought of Zhang Tai as a normal SM lover.

Thinking about it now, no one stipulates that this hobby must be cultivated with one's so-called partner. If there are other people who have a close relationship with him secretly, then the relationship between the two parties will inevitably occupy the main body of their emotional life! This is the concept of third party!

"Now we have to try to find out this third party who has been concealed."

Zhou Fan excitedly took the other party's phone.

But soon he looked depressed again.

"Oh, it's difficult. His parents said before that he has almost no other friends except his social circle and work circle, and they even classified his activities."

"If such a person really has something selfish to hide, he will definitely do everything possible to hide it."

Luo Fei shook his head.

"Not necessarily. If this third party is important to him, in order not to damage the relationship between the two parties, Zhang Tai will definitely save the contact information with the other party in the chat list or his mobile phone."

After saying that, he started rummaging directly.

I had no clue what I was looking for before, but this time I had to check it carefully.

Zhou Fan was also checking it out, and suddenly discovered something special.

That is, there are a total of six pinned to the top of Zhang Tai’s chat history.

In addition to two work groups, a boss, and parents, there is actually one other person!

The person noted that he was his friend named Wang Jiafeng.

This is a special person who is neither in the work circle nor in the circle of childhood friends, and is very independent.

It seems that the relationship between the two brothers should be very unusual...

But Zhou Fan suddenly discovered a very interesting place.

"Look, Lao Luo, there is nothing in Wang Jiafeng's chat box. Aren't the two of them talking?"

"If you don't say anything, then why do you stick to the top?"

Luo Fei also fell into deep thought for a while.

As the saying goes, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. If two people have a good relationship, then they will definitely have a high psychological status. It seems that it is understandable not to chat.

Regarding the friendship between them, Luo Fei couldn't say much.

There are doubts about Wang Jiafeng's identity. It can only be said that there is a need to be suspicious, but the specific situation needs to be investigated.

"This guy can't be related to An Qi. It's a love triangle. This is too bloody."

The ethical maze opened at this moment, and the complicated plot began to be figured out by the two of them. It was terrifying to think about it and it was difficult to accept it.

Because of Zhou Fan's guess, Luo Fei's brain was almost burned.

Suppose Wang Jiafeng likes An Qi!

An Qi likes Zhang Tai!

However, Zhang Tai and Wang Jiafeng are good brothers who chat at the top of their conversation. Even An Qi, the opposite-sex partner arranged by the family, does not have this honor.

Tragedy and tragedy happened like this? Who is the murderer?

Luo Fei suddenly felt that it was still confusing if he kept sorting things out. Since this was the case, it was better to take the initiative. He should investigate and visit.

"This Wang Jiafeng seems to be his good brother from the notes. Maybe he met in society. In short, they have a close relationship. Maybe we can go and meet him."

"That makes sense!"

So the two immediately contacted each other and made an appointment to meet at each other's home.

Luo Fei still had some doubts about this matter along the way, and the worries in his heart became more and more serious. If all this has changed because of the existence of this third party, then it proves that Zhang Tai's parents and An Qi both have feelings for him. concealed.

Why do they want to hide something from themselves? Is it possible that they really have something to hide?

By the time Luo Fei and the others arrived, it was already approaching evening.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, we are here to understand the situation."

"Officer Luo, Officer Zhou, please come in..."

While talking, a thin and small man opened the door.

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