
The sun shines through the half-opened curtains into the bedroom.

The air is filled with a faint smell of sunshine.

It seems warm, comfortable, and peaceful...

Lin Xuan opened his eyes.

The temperature is suitable, the air is fresh, and he felt very comfortable after a good sleep.


Lin Xuan's eyes widened instantly, and his pupils shrank slightly.

He twisted his stiff neck a little bit and looked at his side.

He saw a perfect body lying beside him.

Mu Qingtian?

Or Mu Qingyan?

That beautiful face in deep sleep was less charming and more sweet.

When Lin Xuan's eyes moved down, he saw a long leg that was longer than his life.

It was pressing on him.

The memory before fainting emerged from his brain, and Lin Xuan woke up.

He looked around the bedroom and then looked at the beautiful woman beside him who was as beautiful as jade.


Strangely, the severe pain, discomfort, and weakness in his body were gone.

Lin Xuan could probably guess.

He was taken home by the Mu sisters, and his body recovered on its own, fully revived.

"Are you awake?"

A pleasant and cold voice sounded at the door.

The person who walked into the bedroom in the wind had a delicate and beautiful profile.

She was like a goddess walking out of ice and snow.

Lin Xuan wanted to get up.

He found that his arm was not only pillowed by the beauty beside him, but also numb and unconscious.

Because of his action.

Mu Qingtian turned over dissatisfiedly, huddled in his arms, and twisted her slender waist.

Her tone was naive and lazy, and she murmured, "Sleep a little longer."

Lin Xuan, who dared not move: (⊙_⊙)

Mu Qingyan, who walked to the bed: (¬_¬)

"If I say, I didn't do anything."

Lin Xuan almost wanted to cover his face and said, "Do you believe it?"

Mu Qingyan was annoyed, "If you really did something, the person would be gone!"

Do you have to be so cruel... Lin Xuan rolled his eyes.

Then he carefully pulled out the numb arm from under Mu Qingtian's neck.

She shook a few times with a grin, and gradually regained consciousness.

Mu Qingyan bent down, picked up a thin blanket, and covered her sister.

She said softly, "Go eat something."


Lin Xuan jumped off the bed as if he was running for his life, and followed the ice beauty.

But the two of them didn't see it.

When they left the room, Mu Qingtian slowly opened her eyes.

She raised her delicate lips and blinked her charming peach eyes.

She smiled like a little vixen!

In the restaurant.

The maid Sister Zhao brought the food and placed it on the table.

Lin Xuan was not polite and picked up the chopsticks to start eating.

Mu Qingyan ate very quietly and elegantly, chewing slowly.

After a few bites, she seemed to have no appetite.

She put down her bowl and chopsticks and looked at the big boy in front of her who was eating voraciously.

"Don't look at me, I'm embarrassed to eat."

Lin Xuan spoke incoherently, expressing dissatisfaction.

"You will still be embarrassed?" Mu Qingyan seemed to be referring to something.

"I'm a serious person, of course I will be embarrassed."

His tone was righteous, but Lin Xuan looked like a thief with a guilty conscience.

There was no way not to feel guilty.

The sisters of the Mu family had been hugged and embraced by him.

Some lack of confidence!

Mu Qingyan smiled and said nothing more.

But her eyes were still soft.

It was like a sister looking at a naughty brother.

Facing Mu Qingyan's gaze, Lin Xuan felt a little flustered.

He was afraid that the other party would ask about his physical abnormalities.

He was also worried that she would ask him why he knew about the kidnapping.

Let's settle the score later!

As a result, when he finished his meal, Mu Qingyan did not ask anything.

Instead, Lin Xuan himself could not help but ask: "How was the case handled?"

"It was suppressed by the higher-ups."

Mu Qingyan blinked, a little mischievous, "Why, do you still want to take credit?"


Lin Xuan asked in a tone of doubt, "So many people died, is this the end?"

This is what he cares about most.

In the apartment, he beat four people to death.

After escaping from the sports car, he beat four more to death.

Including Zhou Li, a total of nine lives!

Looking back now, Lin Xuan was a little frightened.

When did he become so cruel?

Worried that he couldn't even be a policeman!

"Don't worry."

Mu Qingyan seemed to see what he was thinking, "You won't be involved."

"That's good." Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The two came to the living room and sat on the sofa.

He habitually searched his pockets again, trying to find cigarettes.

Years of habit, it's hard to change for a while.

Mu Qingyan looked at him with a meaningful look, "Cigarettes?"


Lin Xuan was about to nod, but stopped again, with an impeccable smile, "No."

"I thought you would smoke, so I prepared some good cigarettes for you."

Mu Qingyan joked, "Since you don't smoke, forget it."

Lin Xuan:...

I regret it so much.

What do you say you are pretending to be in front of others?

Looking at his constipated expression, Mu Qingyan chuckled and stood up, walking towards the study.

After a while, she came out with a fashion bag and placed it in front of Lin Xuan.

She took out a palm-sized, golden-green metal box from the fashion bag.

There are nine such metal boxes in the fashion bag.

After opening the metal box, five packs of cigarettes were neatly arranged inside.

It looks very precious at first glance, like a work of art.

Mu Qingyan took out a package and opened it.

There were five cigarettes in the cigarette box.

Lin Xuan looked at this scene in surprise.

Like an ignorant little bumpkin.

Indeed, I have never seen smoke like this before, or even heard of it.

"Starting in 1964, a cigarette factory named Shifang was ordered to make special cigars."

Mu Qingyan took out a cigarette and handed it to Lin Xuan, "Among them, there are three series of cigars: No. 1, No. 2, and No. 13."

"The production, transportation and safety precautions are extremely strict. After the production is completed, it will be sent to the military region by a dedicated person, and then transferred to the Beijing Security Bureau by the military region."

"Then, after strict review and inspection by the Security Bureau, it will be sent to some people."

Lin Xuan's expression changed drastically, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

Sister, is this something a little guy like me can listen to?

"It was classified at the time, but it doesn't matter now."

Seeing that he didn't dare to take the cigarette, Mu Qingyan smiled and shook her head, then put it into his mouth and explained: "Only people in our circle know about a cigarette making group called 132."

"In 1984, the 132 Group officially announced its disbandment, but their craftsmanship has been passed down. The smoke is very good, and many people still like this kind of smoke."

"It's just that it's inconvenient to smoke cigars, so that's why it became what it is now."

Lin Xuan, who was smoking a cigarette, blinked.

Group 132?

He had indeed never heard of it before.

But she saw Mu Qingyan take out a metal lighter from her fashion bag.

I lit the cigarette for him with my own hands and put the lighter into his hand.

How could I be so virtuous and capable... Lin Xuan vomited in his heart and took a puff of cigarette.

The taste is mellow, the fragrance is rich, the aftertaste is long, and it also gives people a pleasant enjoyment.

Looking at the cigarette held between his fingers, Lin Xuan was slightly stunned.

Is this the legendary special cigarette?

Learned a lot!

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