Solving the case is a little bitter, but my sister is super sweet

Chapter 277 Some people died, but not completely dead

While Zhou Lie was shocked.

Lin Xuan in the Black Spring Pool was also surprised.

The depth of the pool is only about three meters at most from the outside.

He discovered it when he dived into the water.

After reaching five meters, the bottom has not yet been reached!

Continuing to dive, I found that the entire pool was descending at a weird angle.

It will give people the feeling of ‘trompe l’oeil’.

This is a weird phenomenon that makes people's vision go wrong.

It's like when you look at a bottle, it's only as big as your palm from a distance.

Up close, it's actually as long as an arm.

Visual error!

Lin Xuan's expression completely changed in the water.

The ‘strange slope phenomenon’ and the ‘pareidolia phenomenon’ appeared one after another.

It shows that this pool is not ordinary weird.

Lin Xuan, who had dived six meters away, raised his head.

The water surface can no longer be seen above the head, and we have entered a place similar to an underwater passage.

He might even imagine that Zhou Lie on the pool should be scared, right?

Do you think he disappeared?

After pondering for a while, Lin Xuan continued to sneak in the passage.

That monster-like body didn't feel any discomfort even when it was holding its breath.

When Lin Xuan swam about forty meters, the underwater passage went upwards.

After swimming for a few more meters... Lin Xuan's head surfaced.

A burst of turbid gas rushed towards his face.


At the same time, it was pitch black.

Lin Xuan's super vision saw a huge cave.

At the same time, I also saw a... rusty metal door!

Climb ashore.

Lin Xuan tore off his clothes and covered his mouth and nose.

Walking in the dark cave, I came to the metal door.

The door is surrounded by cement blocks.

Lin Xuan stretched out his fingers and dug into the cement, his face gloomy.

Old, but still solid.

His eyes moved and looked towards the metal door.

I reached out and knocked. The sound was 'thick' and there was no echo.

Lin Xuan did not find the door lock.

There is only a disk-shaped object embedded in the gate.

There are also some small holes and metal squares.


Lin Xuan felt that something extremely dangerous was hidden behind the door.

That kind of danger could easily erase him from the world.

"Bomb, or what?"

Lin Xuan couldn't understand.

Prepare to go back first and shake people.

Jump back into the water.

Through the underwater passage, slowly swim up to the Black Spring Pond.

Before he even touched the water.


His heart beat suddenly and his pupils contracted violently.

The feeling of extreme danger came instantly.

The danger this time is unprecedented.

I felt at least ten terrifying murderous auras.

Soldiers? !

In an instant, Lin Xuan's expression changed drastically.

Not a warrior from the Dragon Kingdom!

Boom... Lin Xuan's body rushed out of the Black Spring Pool.

The moment he rushed out, his body fell to the ground and rolled.

Da da da……

The terrifying bullets came like a storm.

No matter how fast you hide.

The left leg and hip were still hit by bullets.

Splatter blood!

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Consider yourself lucky.

Faced with seven micro-charges that fired at the same time.

Are you not lucky that you are still alive?

In the face of life and death crisis, he endured severe pain.

Lin Xuan immediately rushed forward and landed on all fours.

Rolling, running, changing direction... there is absolutely no more than 0.3 seconds between each action.

Don't talk about the muzzle under such terrifying movements.

Not even the human eye can follow.

It also made Lin Xuan's body seem like a ghost passing through.

Appeared next to a soldier holding a micro charge.


He slashed the soldier's throat with his palm.

At the same time, he also saw clearly the figure and appearance of this soldier.

He is 1.7 meters tall, has an expressionless face, and has eyes devoid of human emotions.

His physical characteristics are extremely distinctive.

The key point is that he has bow legs...Lin Xuan is full of murderous intent.

Soldiers of Sakura Country!

But at this time, that was not what he cared about.

Instead, he saw Zhou Lie lying on the ground not far away.

His super hearing allowed him to hear Zhou Lie's heartbeat.

Lin Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing a group of soldiers, even he, a loser, was injured.

The King of Soldiers is nothing, he’s lucky not to die!

Da da da……

Bullets struck, and Lin Xuan's expression changed again as he hid behind the soldier's body.

I didn't expect those soldiers to be so cruel.

Will shoot his comrades without hesitation.

One bullet after another penetrated the body of the soldier in front of him.

The blow hit Lin Xuan's arms, which stood upright and were in front of his head.

Blood flowers burst out.

Fortunately, there were corpses of soldiers to block it, and fortunately there were arms to block it.

The bullet was resisted by Lin Xuan's monster-like body.

Bang...the bodies that were beaten into a hornet's nest flew out.

Lin Xuan had already raised his bloody arm.

A pistol appeared in his hand.

Bang... five shots per second!

One soldier was hit in the head, but only broke his cheek.

The other four soldiers actually dodged the bullets.

This is the terror of a soldier, when you raise your weapon.

People have already begun to dodge, anticipating your shot.

It looks like he is dodging bullets!


Bang...another five shots per second.

If you can escape the first time, can you escape the second time?

And how can a body that is avoiding change its direction?

Three soldiers' heads were blown off.

But two soldiers still dodged.

What they got in return was... Da Da Da!

Six more soldiers fired crazily, and bullets covered the sky.

All the space in front, behind, left, right and center of Lin Xuan was completely blocked.

Not even a chance to dodge!

However, the soldiers shot fast.

Lin Xuan was even faster.

They could predict the trajectory, but Lin Xuan was better than them.

Before the rain of bullets hit.

Lin Xuan had already ejected, like a cannonball.

Bang, hitting a soldier.

His fist also pierced the soldier's chest.

At the same time...

Bang, five shots per second.

The magazine was empty, and the pistol fell off.

Lin Xuan's palm had already grabbed the submachine gun in the soldier's hand.

Da Da Da... gunfire splashed.

Who knew that the remaining soldiers had already dodged.

Is it useful?

Lin Xuan fired with a submachine gun in one hand.

With the other hand, he grabbed the self-defense pistol on the soldier's body.

Bang, five shots in one second.

One hand holding a submachine gun, one hand holding a pistol, shooting in coordination, multitasking!

Those soldiers who were dodging the submachine gun fire were using military evasive movements.

This time they couldn't even dodge, and three of them were shot in an instant.

But the other two had already fired their submachine guns when they were dodging.

Bullets hit Lin Xuan one after another.

Bang bang...

Putting down the pistol, Lin Xuan fell down.

The heads of the last two soldiers exploded under the bullets.


Lin Xuan, covered in blood, fell to the ground.

It hurts... Lin Xuan wanted to cry.

His body was hit by bullets in more than a dozen places.

A normal person in this state would probably have died.

However, it was worth it to kill ten soldiers.

Lin Xuan, who was forcing himself not to lose, had a weird smile on his face.

He felt the wound from the bullet was wriggling and itching rapidly.

The bullet head came out of the wound, and the wound was healing rapidly.

However, Lin Xuan closed his eyes and stopped breathing.

Some people are dead, but not completely dead, and still want to make trouble.

Come on.

Let's play a hearty battle of wits and courage.

Let me see what that thing is!

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