Night, 10:35.

In a residential building, in front of an entrance door.

Lin Xuan and Gou Jiyun looked at each other and pressed the doorbell.

Ten seconds later.

A female voice came from inside the door; "Who is it?"

"Hello, we are the police."

Gou Jiyun responded loudly, took out his police card and placed it in front of the door mirror.

There was a little silence behind the door, and then the door opened.

The door opened, and a young woman wearing women's home clothes appeared in front of them.

Lin Xuan looked at the other party.

She has an ordinary appearance, not related to beauty, and although her figure is not slim, she is considered well-proportioned and healthy.

This person is Zheng Yutong, Wu Xiaohui’s best friend and classmate who was listed as a missing person by the police.

"Please come in."

Zheng Yutong stepped aside and asked two policemen to enter the entrance and take out their slippers.

When he opened the shoe and hat cabinet to get the slippers, Lin Xuan's eyelids twitched a few times.

He saw something.

Five or six bags, a dozen pairs of shoes, sunglasses, hats...

Everything is a luxury product!

And it doesn’t look like a fake or a high imitation.

People who don’t understand these things may think it’s nothing.

Little did he know that each of those seemingly small bags was worth tens of thousands.

The cheapest shoes are no less than 5,000, and some are worth tens of thousands.

There are also sunglasses and hats...

The value of all these things together is already over one million.

Since he is so rich, he can afford millions of luxury goods.

Why rent a house instead of buying one?

still have a question.

Through police investigation, it was found that neither Zheng Yutong nor the missing Wu Xiaohui were natives of the capital.

Belonging to Beidiao personnel, but... unemployed!

Where does a 24-year-old woman get the money to buy these luxury goods?

Lin Xuan frowned secretly.

According to the investigation report, the police in Wu Xiaohui’s disappearance only investigated the process of Wu Xiaohui’s disappearance.

It did not fail to investigate the people around Wu Xiaohui and the family backgrounds of those acquaintances.

But now, Lin Xuan clearly found that something was not right with Zheng Yutong in front of him.

After sitting down, Zheng Yutong brought two bottles of mineral water and placed them in front of the two policemen, "Drink water."


Lin Xuan and Gou Jiyun nodded and did not touch the mineral water.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zheng Yutong looked confused after sitting down.

"It's about Wu Xiaohui."

Gou Jiyun turned around and glanced at Lin Xuan.

"I have a few questions I'd like you to answer."

Lin Xuan looked directly into Zheng Yutong's eyes, "The last time you saw Wu Xiaohui was in a bar?"

"Yes." Zheng Yutong's expression was calm.

Are you so calm... Lin Xuan was thoughtful and continued to ask: "You used to meet each other often?"


Zheng Yutong nodded, "We have a good relationship. We often go out to eat, go shopping, and play together."

"Before Wu Xiaohui disappeared, did you notice anything abnormal about her body?"

Lin Xuan seemed to be smiling, but his eyes were observing the changes in the other person's eyes and expression.


Zheng Yutong thought for a moment and shook her head, "It's normal. I don't think there's anything unusual about her."

"last question."

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his pupils flashed with ridicule, "Does Wu Xiaohui's disappearance have anything to do with you?"

As soon as these words came out, the living room fell silent for an instant.

Even Gou Jiyun, who looked like a tool man at the side, was stunned for a moment.

He looked at his little brother in astonishment.

what's the situation?

As for Zheng Yutong, his eyes were wide open and his mouth was open with a shocked expression.

Lin Xuan's eyes were staring at the other person's eyes.

After rebirth.

His five senses are enhanced, and his vision is so good that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

He seemed to be looking into Zheng Yutong's eyes.

In fact, he is observing the other person's pupils.

When people are shocked, frightened, frightened, excited, etc., their pupils will change uncontrollably.

Often this kind of pupil change will allude to a person's psychological activities.

Many people should have heard of the ‘lie detector’.

In fact, lie detectors are real.

Used to test a person's breathing, pulse, frequency, blood pressure and skin moisture when speaking.

Later, criminal investigation technicians discovered that when criminals lie, their pupils will change drastically.

Later, a 'pupil analyzer' was added to the polygraph.

In this way, the suspect's pupil changes can be used to analyze whether he is lying.

Can Lin Xuan distinguish the changes in other people's pupils?

That's right.

The super five senses after his rebirth allowed him to not only analyze the changes in other people's eyes.

His super hearing allows him to hear the heartbeat and frequency of others.

When asked this question: Does Wu Xiaohui’s disappearance have anything to do with you?

Lin Xuan found that Zheng Yutong's pupils shrank violently and uncontrollably.

at the same time.

I also heard the woman's heart beating violently.

It's a bit amazing... Lin Xuan moved his eyes and looked at the other person's face.

Zheng Yutong's expression was extremely normal.

He looked dumbfounded, as if he didn't understand why Lin Xuan asked this.

It's more like saying: How could Wu Xiaohui's disappearance have anything to do with her?

However, the changes in her eyes and heart had already betrayed her.

Zheng Yutong would never have thought of it.

The handsome policeman in front of him has an ability comparable to that of a lie detector!

"what are you saying?"

Zheng Yutong pretended to be shocked, with an unacceptable and confused look on her face, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Sorry, I just asked."

Lin Xuan stood up with a smile, "No problem, sorry to bother you."

Gou Jiyun also stood up in confusion, not knowing what this little brother was doing.

The two walked towards the entrance.

And behind them.

Zheng Yutong's face showed a trace of ferocity, and a cold flash in her eyes.

Who knew that these changes just appeared on her face and eyes in an instant.


Lin Xuan turned around and looked at her with a smile.

Zheng Yutong's expression also froze on her face.

"You are pretending to be like that."

Lin Xuan sneered, "You are worthy of studying acting."

Studying acting?

Zheng Yutong and the missing Wu Xiaohui both graduated from Capital Normal University Code College, majoring in acting in art.

Some people say: Women are born drama queens.

This sentence is not a joke.

The ratio of men to women in the world who are engaged in the performing arts is 1:31.

Women are 31 times more than men.

This fully shows that women are much more talented in acting than men.

What's more, they are women who have studied acting professionally.

Is it not difficult to disguise yourself and deceive others?

But in terms of how to disguise, you can control your facial expressions and movements, and pretend to be vivid.

But you can't control the changes in your pupils and heart.

When Lin Xuan's words fell, Zheng Yutong couldn't control her expression this time.

She had already lost her color, and her face seemed to be drained of blood in an instant, turning pale.

Her eyes were wide open and full of panic.

Fear and anxiety!

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