Early morning.

The morning light awakens the sleeping city.

On both sides of the street, the steaming snack stalls exude tempting aromas.

The stall owners are busy skillfully, frying, deep-frying, boiling and roasting.

The aroma of various foods interweaves together, forming a unique morning scenery...

Several plainclothes criminal police are sitting at the dining table.

Each of them frowns and has no taste for food.

A pair of eyes full of fatigue and red veins show that they are very tired now, very tired, and need to rest.

Unfortunately, the case will not wait for anyone, let alone give them time to rest.

Looking at the criminal police in front of him, Lin Xuan seems to have regained the feeling of his previous life.

Not sleeping for one or two days is commonplace for criminal police.

When I was the busiest, I still remember working overtime for a month and a half.

I also remember that a colleague fell asleep while eating because he was too tired.

As a result, his whole face fell on the rice bowl.

The bowl was broken and his face was disfigured!

According to official authoritative statistics, the average life expectancy of front-line police officers in Longguo is 48 years old.

Compared with the national average life expectancy of 75 years, the police have a life expectancy of 27 years less.

Some people always think that they deserve the life they can live and work in peace and contentment now.

But they don’t know that countless people are working hard for people to live and work in peace and contentment!

“Do you have a partner?”

Guo Haofei took a bite of the bun and looked at Lin Xuan with a smile.


Lin Xuan drank a mouthful of tofu brain to cover up his embarrassment, “Not yet!”

I’m sorry for being a dog in two lives!

Speaking of which, the times nowadays are not the past.

Not to mention that he is only 22 years old now.

It’s not too late to find a partner at the age of 30.

Well, he thought so in his previous life.

As a result… Lin Xuan burst into tears.

In fact, he also wanted to be a promising young man with abalone.

Unfortunately, his profession does not allow it.

This is really not a joke.

The profession with the lowest marriage rate in the country, the police can rank in the top five.

The first place is the Dragon Country soldier!


The faces of the members of the task force showed a kind and playful smile.

"Listen to my advice, find a partner before you get a permanent job."

A team member laughed, "Otherwise, after you get a permanent job, you will be so busy every day that it will be too late to find a partner."

I can't do it... Lin Xuan smiled and nodded, and continued to eat.

But in his mind, a pair of figures inexplicably emerged.

They are so perfect.

One is like a demon, and the other is like a fairy.

But after analyzing the strength, Lin Xuan came to the conclusion.

There should be no possibility between him and the Mu sisters.

If you put aside the trivial things between men and women.

Having two sisters like this is not bad.

Just as Lin Xuan waved away the distracting thoughts in his mind and prepared to continue analyzing the case.


A police commercial vehicle came speeding and stopped on the side of the road.

A member of the task force quickly got off the car, came to the front of everyone, and said to everyone excitedly: "I found something.!"

In the car.

"Through a night of investigation and telephone consultation, we got some clues from Zheng Yutong and Wu Xiaohui's roommates in college."

"Zheng Yutong and Wu Xiaohui had a good relationship during college. They both liked to play and go to entertainment venues, such as bars and nightclubs."

"Starting from the third year, classmates said that they became rich and bought a lot of luxury goods. I asked them who bought them. Could they have boyfriends?"

"In the end, the two girls just smiled and changed the subject."

"Later, the classmates found something. They saw a pregnancy test stick in the trash can and found that Wu Xiaohui was pregnant. "Wu Xiaohui's demeanor was not right those days."

"Not long after, Wu Xiaohui fell ill, and Zheng Yutong took care of her on weekdays. Classmates suspected that Wu Xiaohui had an abortion after getting pregnant."

"Once, classmates remembered that Zheng Yutong and Wu Xiaohui drank too much, and they quarreled after returning to the dormitory that night."

"Wu Xiaohui cried and shouted, saying that they were played like dogs by someone, and said that those people were too perverted, she couldn't stand it, didn't want to continue, and planned to go back to her hometown after graduation."

The team member sitting in the co-pilot said this with a slightly cold expression, "I suspect..."

Lin Xuan and Guo Haofei, who were sitting in the back row, looked at each other.


Lin Xuan also said last night: high-end circles often use the most primitive way of communication.

Some shortcuts to enter high-end circles are nothing more than using this method.

This is also the fastest way for some girls!

But there are also different levels of selling.

Like the later generations' socialites, young models, and business ladies, they are definitely better than the low-end ones.

But they have very high requirements for appearance and figure.

The people they come into contact with are all rich, powerful, influential, or some second-generation or something.

However, they are just treated as playthings, pets, and toys.

This also fits what Wu Xiaohui said after getting drunk: they were played like dogs by someone.

Maybe those people played a little perverted.

Wu Xiaohui had a psychological breakdown and didn't want to continue.

Lin Xuan picked up a laptop.

There was a street photo of Wu Xiaohui on it.

It has to be said that compared with Zheng Yutong's mediocre appearance, Wu Xiaohui's appearance is very high.

If she is given a score.

Lin Xuan can give Wu Xiaohui 7 points.

As for those who give 10 points.

There are only two people in his heart, the Mu sisters!

Even so.

In the eyes of many people, Wu Xiaohui is also considered a beautiful woman with high appearance.

The clues found by the team members are indeed very important.

Because Lin Xuan has already deduced.

Wu Xiaohui should have come into contact with a special person.

And, she took something from this person.

That led to her death.

So is it possible.

This person is one of those who played with her like a dog?

"What else did you find?" Lin Xuan looked at the team member in the co-pilot.

"One more thing."

The team member continued to report, "In college, starting from the sophomore year, Zheng Yutong often approached some good-looking seniors and juniors, not only often invited them to dinner, but also took them out to play with Wu Xiaohui."

"Some seniors and juniors ignored them after going out with them once, and some girls often went out with them."

"And those girls who often went out with them have one characteristic... they became rich!"

Hehe... Lin Xuan and Guo Haofei sneered.

The role played by Zheng Yutong in the past.

Could she be a brothel owner?

If so, it can also explain why Zheng Yutong can afford those luxury goods.

‘Matchmaking’ must be a commission!

Next, the direction of the investigation has become simple.

Find those girls who played with Zheng Yutong and Wu Xiaohui during college.

Then get the identity information of some people from them.

Finally, screen out the suspects!

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