Solving the case is a little bitter, but my sister is super sweet

Chapter 494 We have been waiting for you for a long time

February 18, Sam Country.

The CIA director, two deputy directors, and four department heads... died.

Including their families, no one was spared!

February 20, Gallic Rooster.

The Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense, also known as the Second Bureau of the General Staff.

The director, four deputy directors, and seven department heads... died.

February 22, John Bull.

Military Intelligence Department V...

February 24, Sakura Country...

February 26, Kimchi Country...

February 28, Da Mao Country...

March 2, Sam Country.

Lin Xuan's expression seemed to be frozen, without any fluctuations.

Quietly looking at the heavily guarded 'White House' in the distance.

His eyes were empty and deep, like a pool of stagnant water, without the slightest ripple.

All the participants of the six countries who participated in the 'God Hunter Plan' have been killed.

Do you think this is the end?

No, the killing is still going on.

Revenge has just begun!

Lin Xuan wanted to kill some people and scare them out of their wits.

Let them know what the consequences would be if they had no bottom line.


A pair of perfect figures stood beside Lin Xuan.

A soft body nestled in his arms.

Another soft body hugged his waist from behind.

Lin Xuan's eyes showed a glimmer.

Gradually, there was color...

"Stinky baby, go home."

"That's enough!"

The words of the Mu sisters rang in Lin Xuan's ears.

Two threads of love entangled.

God, locked!


Dragon Country, Beijing.

Countless old men stood in the airport, watching the slowly landing passenger plane.

Their eyes were complicated.

Feelings, warmth, kindness...

The top leaders of many countries were afraid.

Those who only knew about interests and power finally discovered the preciousness of life.

If there is no life, what is the point of talking about interests and power?

But they didn't expect it.

When some bottom lines are broken, the consequences will be so serious.

A sword fell towards their necks like cutting melons and vegetables.

They finally felt the pain, fear, and panic.

They offered countless benefits to beg Long Guo.

Request Long Guo to put the sword back into the scabbard!


When Lin Xuan went berserk, did he listen to Long Guo?

Anyone who knows him knows his character.

They all know that this is a complete lunatic.

You dare to provoke him.

He dares to beat your dog brain out.

If he doesn't let his thoughts flow, no one can help!


There are still people who can control him and smooth his hair.

Looking at the plane, the old people all breathed a sigh of relief.


He is back!


In March, the air is filled with the breath of spring and shows a unique charm.

The old trees in the courtyard are sprouting tender green buds, and the greenery is adorning the branches.

Lin Xuan lay on the recliner, resting his head on Mu Qingyan's legs like a young master.

He looked at Mu Qingtian, who was squatting beside him and massaging his legs like a little maid.

A satisfied smile appeared on his handsome face.

"What are you laughing at?"

Mu Qingtian winked and said coquettishly.


Lin Xuan laughed and turned his head away.

He buried his cheek in Mu Qingyan's belly.

"You bastard, dare you ignore your sister?"

Mu Qingtian narrowed her eyes, took off her shoes, stretched out her little feet, and teased her brother.

Her jade feet had round toes and white soles, and she deliberately rubbed them on Lin Xuan's thighs.

This was unbearable.

Lin Xuan grabbed her feet and threw them up.


Mu Qingtian exclaimed happily, and the whole person flew into the air.

But she was not afraid at all, instead she giggled.

She landed with joy and was held in her brother's arms.

Lin Xuan took Mu Qingyan's hand.

The three siblings walked out of the house...

The sun shines through the sparse clouds and falls on the street.

There are endless pedestrians on the street, and their faces are filled with the joy of spring.

Some are in a hurry, while others are strolling leisurely, enjoying this beautiful season.

Lin Xuan is strolling.

His two sisters are holding his arms.

There is wind, clear sky, beautiful women, and busy traffic.

Spring is so good!

"In the past, I thought I would win 5 million one day."

Lin Xuan deliberately laughed exaggeratedly: "When I pay the 20% accidental income tax and get 4 million, the first thought is... to pay back the money!"


The two girls laughed so hard that they pinched him.

In fact, they envied him for still looking innocent and dreaming.

"The second thought is to taste the taste of 1982 Lafite."

Lin Xuan said seriously, "I must spend in revenge!"

1982 Lafite?

The Mu sisters laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt.

Poor little fool, he was brainwashed by the movie.

"Does he look like a bumpkin?"

Lin Xuan was very proud, "The third thought is that I must buy a car... But look at the remaining balance, forget it, I can't afford a luxury car, I'll choose one of 200,000 or 300,000 yuan first."

The two girls listened quietly, smiled quietly, and looked at him quietly.

Two different pairs of eyes, but equally soft as water.

"Next, I have to buy some gold and manage my finances."

Lin Xuan had a silly smile on his face, and said silly words, "As for whether to lie down... I don't want to. I want to see the most unpopular scenery, meet the most gentle people, spend more time with my parents, and be more filial..."

"Don't you want to have a girlfriend?"

Mu Qingyan's eyes revealed a deep tenderness.

"I really didn't think about that dream." Lin Xuan had a toothache.

"What if I have a girlfriend?"

Mu Qingtian asked coquettishly.

"It should be..."

Lin Xuan raised his hands and hugged them in his arms, saying softly: "Let's blow the spring breeze together, enjoy the summer night sky, look at the autumn maple leaves, and walk in the snow together... We did it!"

Yes, we did it... The two girls hugged him.

Their eyes were warm and clear, flashing endless tenderness.


Lin Xuan gently pushed them away.

When they were surprised and stunned, he raised his hands.

Two ordinary gold rings appeared in his hands.

The rings were very rustic, really very rustic.

But the two girls were looking at it stupidly.

Their cheeks flushed, and the corners of their mouths were full of happiness.

Surprise, shyness, charm... appeared in their eyes and faces.

"That what..."

Lin Xuan's old face was a little red, and he murmured, "I don't have money. You guys control all my money. I bought this with my private savings. I swear, that money is only enough to buy these two wedding rings, and there is no more... eh?"

The two girls rushed over and hugged him tightly.

They cried and laughed, and cried.

They still beat his chest in tears and laughter.

This idiot finally knew how to propose.

We have been waiting for you for a long time!

Lin Xuan hugged them gently and looked at the spring in front of him.

Asked the mouth.

It tells us that there is hope for sunrise.

Asked the eyes.

It says that there will be thoughts for sunset from now on.

Asked the heart.

It says that it can't help, peace!

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