I have finally finished the book.

It was not easy.

Old readers may know what happened with the first two books.

I will not talk about it.

As for this book, please read it and cherish it.

It may disappear someday.

Those who understand will understand!

To be honest, all three books have won the first place on the new book list and received a score of 9.5. I am very satisfied.

Thank you very much, readers.

Without your support and your constant companionship, I would not have achieved such good results.

Actually, my mind is in a mess now.

After finishing the book, I feel sad and relaxed.

Sadness is that there is no banquet that will not end.

Relaxation is that I can finally rest.

As for when to start the next book and what to write, I have not decided yet.

Sometimes I really don’t want to write about the current topic.

It’s high risk.

It will disappear when it is said to be gone.

The old man has seen it too.

From time to time, there are murders and arson, and corpses are running around. It is disgusting and terrifying. I may not be able to sleep at night after reading it.

I basically don't dare to write anymore.

I don't dare to write about the case, otherwise the book will be gone again.

I also saw a lot of comments from the old men in the comment area.

Some people told me to write a sweet story, and some people told me to write a brain hole story.

Do you think I don't want to?

I also thought about trying a sweet story, writing a fantasy, or a brain hole story.

I also want to write a light book, throw my brain away, like copying some songs, copying some books, copying culture, playing some jokes, filling some chicken soup, and making some money easily.

But I guess I can't eat fine bran, and I'm afraid I can't write it.

Sometimes the style of writing is fixed and it's difficult to change.

As for the next one.

Anyway, I'll study it after I have enough rest.

As for the new book...

Don't rush me, old men, let me have a good rest for a while.

Go read a book, play games, and relax.

Warning to the old men, don't rush me in the comment area.

Be careful that I go to the comment area, and I will do an extreme one-for-one with you.

Anyway, please, I'm afraid of all the people who kept urging me to write a new book.

As for the extra chapters...

I can't write them, you are making things difficult for me!

There is one more thing.

That so-and-so, the young woman you wrote in the comment section, is it true or not?

Damn, there is so much information.

You have stories, but I don't have wine.

But my gossip fire is already burning, why don't you update it?

Don't you realize the seriousness of the problem?

Believe it or not, I will go to your house and give you some local specialties?

Some masters are very shameless, shouting that they want to see the driving skills between men and women.

I seriously suspect that you all have partners.

You are so embarrassed to pretend to be single and hang around us?

Okay, no more nonsense, let's get back to the point.

It shouldn't have a bad ending, right?

It shouldn't be considered a eunuch, right?

It should be perfect, right?

It's really finished!

Thanks again for your support, gifts, comments and ratings.

You gave me motivation, passion and food, which allowed me to finish this book.

I bow and salute.

But all good things must come to an end, so I have to leave.

During this time, I will take a good rest and work hard to finish the opening chapter of the new book.

As for what I will write, I really haven't thought about it yet.

Please give me some suggestions in the comments section.

I will try my best to adopt them and see if I can write them into the book.


This is over, see you in the rivers and lakes!

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