Solving the case is a little bitter, but my sister is super sweet

Chapter 5 My beloved, I want to play blindfolded butterfly catching with you

Lin Xuan didn't say much about the kidnapping case.

But the other party could find out from his words that there was something wrong with the people around him.

This was not something that ordinary people could think of.

It also coincided with his thoughts.

But it didn't mean that there must be something wrong with the people around Mu Qingyan.

There are many possibilities.

As for what it is, Lin Xuan needs to check it out himself.

More importantly, it requires the cooperation of the two sisters in front of him.

"You want to pretend to be our brother, don't want the kidnappers to find anything unusual."

Mu Qingyan smiled, "Live here to find clues through this relationship?"

Smart... Lin Xuan nodded, "Yes."

However, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Why were they the only ones talking.

Why was the one on the bed so quiet?

Turning his head, Lin Xuan was stunned.

Mu Qingtian on the bed actually fell asleep.

So heartless?

Mu Qingyan's eyes were also looking at her sister on the bed, "Why are you confident that you can find the kidnappers?"

Being questioned, Lin Xuan was not angry.

It's normal for the other party to have such thoughts.

It would be weird if the other party didn't question it.

Someone comes to your house and says someone wants to kidnap you.

You can't call the police to avoid alerting the enemy, and you still want to catch these kidnappers.

The most important thing is.

The other party is not a policeman, but a young man in his twenties.

Any normal person would find it hard to accept, right?

"Not me, I'm only responsible for finding them."

Lin Xuan laughed dryly, "You can handle the arrest, or..."

"Call the police?"

Mu Qingyan smiled coldly, "It means that the other party has a lot of people and weapons?"

Sister, you always do this, it will make me look stupid... Lin Xuan rolled his eyes, "There may be high-powered weapons."

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Mu Qingyan put away her smile, "This is the capital of Dragon Country, how can high-powered weapons come in?"

Lin Xuan did not explain anything.

Just as Mu Qingyan thought.

Dragon Country, a country with strict gun bans to the point of abnormality.

Even toy guns with a little power are not allowed to appear.

Someone can bring submachine guns, rifles, grenades, and pistols into the capital.

This is just like telling a story as a joke.

But this group of kidnappers did it.

Each of them had a weapon.

If, just if.

The kidnappers used these weapons not for kidnapping, but for terrorist attacks.

Can you imagine the consequences?

"You can just pretend you don't know about these things."

Facing Lin Xuan's silence, Mu Qingyan's expression was solemn, "The words you ran over to say will bring you a lot of trouble. Facing those kidnappers, your life may be in danger... Why did you come?"

Good question.

Lin Xuan also wanted to ask himself, why did he come?

Isn't it clear that if he said today that there were kidnappers who wanted to kidnap Mu Qingyan, he would be in big trouble?

When someone investigates him in the future, how will he explain it?

There is another possibility.

Will he die again when facing those kidnappers?


Lin Xuan was silent for a while, "I'm a policeman!"

The police are responsible for eliminating violence and preventing illegal and criminal activities.

If you find a crisis or case that threatens the people, you have to go with your eyes closed.


Do you deserve that police uniform?

Mu Qingyan looked at the big boy in front of him.

A little.

A smile appeared on her cheeks, no longer cold.

A gentle smile, warm eyes!


A restaurant in the courtyard.

Lin Xuan, who was sitting at the table, was eating food with big mouthfuls.

But he was confused and a little puzzled.

He never thought that things would go so smoothly.

It was so smooth that it was unbelievable.

The Mu sisters actually believed him easily and cooperated with his investigation.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal... Lin Xuan ate his meal absent-mindedly.

The reason is very simple.

If a stranger came to you and said to you: I know how to buy lottery tickets to win 5 million, as long as you take out 100,000 yuan and buy it according to my method, you will win.

Would you believe this stranger's words?

The Mu sisters believed it!

This is not scientific... Lin Xuan smelled the smell of Werewolf.

While eating, he looked at the flat-headed man not far away.

Hey, why does he look like he has eaten feces?

This is normal.

After all, Lin Xuan was a stranger before.

In a blink of an eye, he became the "younger brother" of the Mu sisters.

Normal people will not only be blinded, but also have their brains sprained.

Lin Xuan's actions not only short-circuited his brain.

Even the CPU was burned out!

At noon.

The sunlight sprinkled through the window into the warm living room.

It seemed to be injected with vitality and vitality.

Lin Xuan sat quietly on the sofa in the living room, playing with his mobile phone.

He was not in a hurry to investigate, and there was no point in being anxious.

Just entered the courtyard and stayed beside the two girls.

If his behavior was abnormal, it would be easy to be discovered by some interested people, including the kidnappers.

The most critical point.

What method did the kidnappers use to "monitor" the Mu sisters?

Although Lin Xuan investigated the kidnapping case in his previous life, he only assisted in the investigation.

This level of case is handled by a special task force, and the city's police force cooperates.

So he didn't know much about some details in the case.

For example.

Lin Xuan didn't know the true "identity" of the Mu sisters in his previous life.

It's different now. The identities of the Mu sisters have been discovered... Horrible.

Otherwise, why would there be guards around them?

If I guessed correctly, there are snipers outside.

These people are protecting the Mu sisters 24 hours a day.

Under such protection, the kidnappers can still successfully kidnap Mu Qingyan.

Don't you think it's scary?

Under normal circumstances, there is only one inference.

There may be something wrong with the people around the Mu sisters.

Leaking their daily activity routes and whereabouts.

But the police investigated in the previous life and found no suspects.

Isn't it strange?

What method did the kidnappers use.

Can they accurately know the whereabouts of the Mu sisters, under the protection of guards.

Commit the crime and kidnap successfully?

Lin Xuan began to analyze the case.

Pondering over and over again, reviewing over and over again.


"Little brother, come and play with your sister?"

The coquettish words sounded in my ears.

At some point, Mu Qingtian lazily sat on the sofa.

Her moist and thin lips pouted, "Sister is so bored."

Lin Xuan deliberately said humorously, "What are you playing, the emperor and the concubine?"

Mu Qingtian's eyes lit up, "Is it fun?"

Concubine, I want to play blindfolded butterfly catching... Lin Xuan, who was driving in his heart, wanted to laugh.

There was also an illusion.

The beauty in front of him had an IQ of at least a three-year-old child.

Could it be the legendary silly and sweet?

Looking at Mu Qingtian's innocent, curious, and expectant eyes.

Lin Xuan felt guilty for bullying a silly child again.

He couldn't help but blurt out: "What do you want to play? I'll play with you."

Mu Qingtian smiled brightly, "Okay."

But soon, Lin Xuan regretted what he said!

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