Solving the case is a little bitter, but my sister is super sweet

Chapter 61 Forget it, we are civilized people

"It is unrealistic to hypnotize a person instantly. This is not writing a novel or making a movie."

Looking at Yuan Cuiling on the sofa, Professor Qian's expression was very solemn. "I was able to succeed because she had been hypnotized for a long time in the past, which made her defense against the hypnotist very weak."

"As long as some hypnotic guidance is carried out, she can enter a hypnotic state."

"The reason why I said she has been hypnotized for a long time is very simple."

"Because the subjects who have just come into contact with hypnosis can only enter a shallow hypnotic state at first, even if the hypnosis is successful."

"Only those who have been hypnotized for a long time will enter a moderate hypnotic state or a deep hypnotic state little by little."

"And her performance..."

Professor Qian pointed at Yuan Cuiling, "She is in a moderate hypnotic state. As long as the guidance continues, she can easily enter a deep hypnotic state!"

So that's it... Lin Xuan understood what Professor Qian wanted to express.

It's like a bathhouse in Northeast China.

It would be embarrassing to see a group of people naked together for the first time.

Especially when you are scrubbing your body, the master of the bathhouse will hold a lamp to clean your body for you.

I will be so ashamed that I want to roll on the ground.

Humans are creatures of habit.

The first time I was shy, the second time I was embarrassed, the third time I was calm, and the fourth time... I got used to it.

I felt it was normal, it was nothing, everyone looked the same, why should I be ashamed.

Hypnosis is almost the same.

If you never adapt, you can only enter a shallow hypnotic state.

Slowly, you can enter a deep hypnotic state.

It takes a process.

It shows that Yuan Cuiling was often hypnotized for a long time, which led to the current situation.


Is there an answer to the so-called "ghost pressing on the bed"?

Is it possible that Yuan Cuiling was not being pressed on the bed by a ghost.

But she was hypnotized, so she had those hallucinations?

And the death of her husband...

"Mr. Qian, can hypnosis kill people?"

Lin Xuan asked the key question, "For example, can it cause cardiac arrest or respiratory failure?"

In a moment.

Professor Qian's face was no longer calm, and he nodded heavily, "Yes!"

Damn... Lin Xuan and Ge Yang were shocked, even horrified.

"No matter what it is, it has both good and bad sides, like a double-edged sword."

Professor Qian explained: "Medicine can save people, but if it kills people, it is more terrifying than anything else. The same is true for hypnosis."

"Some powerful hypnotists can indeed kill people without being seen."

"There are many ways to use hypnosis to cause a person's heart to stop or their respiratory system to fail."

"For example, when a subject is hypnotized, the practitioner uses hypnosis to induce the subject to think that he is in a cold place."

"The subject will be induced to The body functions change, and the core body temperature drops rapidly if the patient mistakenly thinks that the patient is in a cold place. "

"When the body temperature drops to 35 degrees Celsius or lower, hypothermia will occur, which will slow down the blood flow in the human body and may cause cardiac arrest. "

"For example, the patient is induced by the practitioner to mistakenly think that he is in the water. In the subconscious mind, water can kill him and he cannot breathe in the water. "

"When in this hypnotic state, the patient can easily suffer from respiratory failure and then die due to holding his breath!"

"Long-experienced... Lin Xuan suddenly realized.

He looked at Ge Yang.

The cause of death of Yuan Cuiling's husband has been found!

As for why the police and forensic doctors in the Magic City did not find it at the beginning?

It has been explained before.

How many people can think that someone is using hypnosis to commit crimes?

Hypnosis has touched the knowledge blind spots of too many people.

Who can think that hypnosis can really kill people invisibly?

"Are there many hypnotists who can do this?"

Lin Xuan's hairs are all blown up.

After rebirth, although his body is outrageously strong.

The problem is.

Hypnosis looks scary.

No matter how powerful your physical attack is, you will be defeated by magic.

What if you are hypnotized without knowing it.

Maybe your head will fall off before you react.

Are you afraid?

"Don't worry."

Professor Qian looked at the little guy's face and smiled: "Hypnosis is magical, but not that magical. No hypnotist can hypnotize others at will. All sleep can be successful only with a prerequisite. The subject must be in a state of full cooperation, open his heart without reservation, and obey the hypnotist's command before hypnosis can be performed and hypnosis can be successful... Don't be fooled by the plot in the movie that hypnotizes people and strangers instantly... Every time we hypnotists see this kind of movie plot, our teeth are about to fall out of laughter, it's too brainless!"

Is this the so-called director, rubbing the audience's head on the ground?

As an ordinary person who has just come into contact with hypnosis and barely understands the hypnosis process.

What else could Lin Xuan and Ge Yang do except to say MMP in their hearts?

They were also the ones who were rubbed on the ground by the movie!

And Professor Qian's words gave them a clue.

All the hypnotized people.

They were all those who opened their hearts without reservation, cooperated, and took the initiative to be hypnotized by the hypnotist.

You can also understand it this way.

Yuan Cuiling and her husband were both voluntarily hypnotized at the beginning.

Including the night watchman at the funeral home!

So can you think so?

Have these people seen the hypnotist?

No... Lin Xuan frowned.

If I were the hypnotist, how could I expose myself?

Through the other party's methods of committing crimes, it can be felt that this person is very smart and has a very high IQ.


"Mr. Qian, I have another question."

Lin Xuan asked: "Is there any way to hypnotize the person being hypnotized without the hypnotist having contact with them?"

Professor Qian:......

He looked at Lin Xuan quietly, his eyes were very strange.

That look seemed to be caring for a mentally disabled patient.

Damn it... Lin Xuan almost couldn't help but punch the old man in the face.

Forget it, we are civilized people and never like to fight and kill.

"Maybe I didn't make it clear."

Lin Xuan smiled awkwardly, "I mean, can a hypnotist remotely control and perform hypnosis? For example, use remote calls or remote videos to perform remote hypnosis?"


The smile on Professor Qian's face began to falter, and his expression gradually became serious, "Theoretically, it's possible!"

If the caster wants to hypnotize the subject, sometimes he may need some props and environment.

But it is mainly through words and some professional hypnosis techniques.

And these can all be realized during remote calls or videos.

Therefore, in theory, it is possible to hypnotize others remotely!

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

A clue appears!

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