Forensic Identification Center, Corpse Storage Room.

Cold air floats in the room, accompanied by the strong smell of disinfectant.

A square metal door of a refrigerator slowly pulls out from a metal wall.

A long strip of "corpse table" appears in front of everyone.

A skeleton wrapped in a transparent body bag lies quietly in front of the table...

Lin Xuan looked at the corpse in front of him calmly and got an answer.

When he first heard that the corpse was salvaged from the sea, he was still very surprised.

Why is it complete?

Those who understand medicine know that when the corpse rots to only bones, the bones will fall apart.

To piece together a complete skeleton, special techniques and tools such as steel nails are needed to fix it.

To form a complete state.

When he saw the corpse, Lin Xuan was a little surprised.

There was almost no meat on it, or it was eaten up by fish and shrimp.

But cartilage, fiber, ligaments, and joint capsules are still connecting the bones.

These human tissues are harder and decay more slowly, so fish and shrimps cannot gnaw on them.

This ensures the integrity of the skeleton and does not fall apart.

Lin Xuan's perspective is moving, looking at the leg bones of the corpse.

His eyelids twitched, staring at a piece of cement.

The cement is very special, like a funny cement hoop, or even more like a cement bracelet, wrapped around the leg bones.

It is not difficult to find through the gap between the leg bones and the cement.

The cement solidifies on the body when the body is completed.

When the muscle tissue of the body is missing, a large gap is formed.

The shape of the cement hoop on the leg bones is also very strange.

It should be broken from another piece of cement.


Lin Xuan's face changed, like an ice cube in the cold winter.

I think that piece of cement should be very big, right?

Big enough to completely wrap a person?

And then throw this person into the sea?

This strong sense of déjà vu has appeared in many movie plots.

And in the old gangs, there have also been rumors of such murders.

In jargon...planting lotus.

How beautiful, pleasant, and elegant!

The name of killing people is actually poetic!

Lin Xuan's brain was working fast.

He imagined a scene.

Someone was killing people.

After killing people, cement was poured on the body and sailed out to sea.

Throwing the body into the sea after the cement was hardened?

In this way, the body was destroyed and a person disappeared without a trace.

Some people may ask: There are so many ways to destroy the body, why choose this one?

Because throwing the body into the sea is the safest of many methods.

And as long as there are people living and people moving around.

No matter how the body is destroyed, the police have a way to find the body.

Lin Xuan still remembers that there was a perverted killer in his previous life who minced a body into mud.

Feeding pigs.

The police found human tissue residues in the pig's feces!

Some people say to use aqua regia and super acid to dissolve the body.

Have you ever thought that there are still human remains in the aqua regia and strong acid after the corpse is dissolved.

Can it be tested?

So the best way to deal with the corpse is to keep it away from human activities.

It is best to hide the corpse in a place where people cannot go, which is the safest.

For example... in the sea!

"Go to the place where the corpse was found and continue to salvage."

Lin Xuan ordered, "Find all the remaining cement blocks!"

It can be seen from the cement blocks on the corpse in front of him.

The cement is still very "new" and the corrosion degree of seawater is not high.

It has not been thrown into the sea for a long time.

The remaining cement blocks in the seawater should be very "complete".

As long as all these cement blocks are found, the original "form" of the corpse can be pieced together.

The reason why this case in front of him has not been taken seriously.

It is because a terrorist incident broke out in the Lucheng Public Security System.

Everyone was scared!

Almost all cases have been shelved, and the city's police force is fully investigating the terrorist incident.

This situation is normal.

No matter where the public security system is, as long as signs of terrorists are found, they must be fully cracked down.

Compared with terrorists and terrorist-related incidents, other cases, no matter how big they are, are small cases.

When Lin Xuan gave the order, the Lucheng police and the coast guard were dispatched.

They began to investigate the sea area involved in the case.

Countless divers entered the sea to search.

As a result... nothing was found!

Such a result made Lin Xuan happy.

I thought of a possibility.

Did the skeleton float from other places with the cement?

Of course, this is not floating, because the density of human bones is very high.

It is likely that the movement of sea water "transported" the body from a distance to the near sea.

This guess is not difficult.

Who dares to throw the body in a crowded place near the near sea?

It must be thrown in the far sea, so it is not easy to be discovered.

So why is Lin Xuan staring at this case?

Because the abnormality is too big!

Has anyone ever thought about such a question.

After killing, pour cement on the body, transport the body to the ship, enter the sea, and then throw the body.

How big a "process" does this require, and how much manpower is needed in the process?

If there is any small mistake in this process, it will be discovered and there will be problems.

If the corpse had not been found by accident near the sea.

Maybe it will become a perfect corpse dumping, and no one will find it.

Being able to do this can only mean one thing.

From killing to dumping the body in the sea, all the people who appear in the whole process are in the same group.

Only in this way can we ensure that there is no mistake, and the killing and corpse dumping will not be leaked.

Less than 3 people are gangs, less than 7 people are organizations, and more than 7 people are groups.

It is very likely that a criminal group has appeared!

And killing a person, to dumping the body.

So many people appeared just to kill and dump the body.

Think about it carefully, don’t you think it’s scary?

So what is this criminal group doing?

Recalling his bolder idea.

Could it be that someone is using the terrorist case to delay all the police.

Is doing something more terrifying.

Or are they delaying the police to destroy some secrets and clues?

And the corpse in front of him just appeared by coincidence.

According to Lin Xuan’s analysis, it may involve a criminal group.

Is it possible that the terrorist case and the case of the body being salvaged.

Can be linked together?

Corpse? Cement? The sea?

Suddenly, Lin Xuan's expression was dull and his whole body froze.

A layer of goose bumps appeared on his body.

A terrifying idea emerged from his mind.

Is there a possibility.

Someone used the method of "planting lotus" to kill many people?

And all these bodies are hidden in the sea?

One body had an accident and was discovered.

The criminal group is worried that other bodies will be exposed.

So they have to delay the police's pace and divert the police's attention.

Then, they will find a way to destroy all the bodies or move them away.

When the police investigate the incident of salvaging the bones in the future, it will be too late?


"Block the sea area!"

Lin Xuan came back to his senses and roared, "If you find any working boats, seize and check them immediately!"

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