Solving the case is a little bitter, but my sister is super sweet

Chapter 90 You'll be done for if I don't do it.

New clues?

What means of transportation are needed for criminals to move more than 140 oil barrels, and how many means of transportation are needed?

At the same time, they must appear at the dock as soon as the operation ship docks and transfer the oil drums containing the corpses.

At least a fleet of trucks is required, right?

There are also charges for using the port.

For example, terminal usage fees, container site fees, river fees, etc.

These will be recorded, as long as someone comes to pay in advance.

You can find some information.

The point is, is there a convoy of trucks gathering in Lucheng today, and its destination is the port?

Just check it out.

It's not just these clues.

What kind of ship is it that transports oil drums containing corpses to the sea?

If you go to the same place for five years in a row, you will definitely find a boat.

But these all take time to check.

Lin Xuan had no time and didn't want to waste time.

Ordered Lucheng Public Security Bureau to start investigation.

Let Wang Meng lead people to arrest eight doctors who are good at organ transplantation.

Then Zhan Shaoyang was asked to continue investigating the abnormalities in the hospital's medical record database.

Finally, it’s Guo Xu…

"I asked you to check for people with special military skills. How is the check going?"

Lin Xuan took the cigarette from Guo Xu, lit it and took a puff.

"Not our soldiers." Guo Xu said firmly.

"Why?" Lin Xuan was surprised.

"Ordinary soldiers have few opportunities to be exposed to special combat operations. Even if they participate in some confrontations, trainings, and exercises, they basically do not need fishing lines."

Guo Xu exhaled a breath of smoke, "Only special military police often go out on missions and are useful. I have investigated through special channels and found that there were no special military police nearby before and after the incident."

"How are you sure?"

After Lin Xuan asked this question, he felt that he was asking an idiot.

Because he has already thought of the answer!

"Those soldiers, as you should know very well, are all real humanoid killing weapons."

Guo Xu explained with a smile, "You put a tiger in a crowd of people and didn't you watch?"

Some special soldiers will be 'supervised' after they change jobs and return to their local areas.

Every time you go out, you need to register with the relevant departments, and you need to keep track of their movements at all times.

From time to time, some confidentiality or security reviews are required.

Everyone on earth knows how terrible these special soldiers can be if they want to do bad things.

Under normal circumstances, they will not be put back at all.

Even if they retire, most of them will be placed in some special institutions.

Just like Guo Xu.

After leaving the army, he became a police officer and joined the special criminal case team.

Special soldiers like them retire, and many departments and units are rushing to get them.

Is it still your turn?

Eat whatever you want!

Aren't they soldiers from the Dragon Kingdom... Lin Xuan's head hurt instantly, "Trouble!"


Guo Xu, who was smoking, also had a solemn look on his face, "Foreign soldiers, retired foreign soldiers, active duty, mercenaries, etc. No matter which one they are, we are in trouble!"

"That's not the trouble I'm talking about." Lin Xuan shook his head.

Foreign troops?

It’s not like I’ve never killed mercenaries before. What’s the difference between killing a few dogs?

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed, "What I'm worried about is, if, I mean if, the perpetrators...will they be foreigners?"

Guo Xu's expression suddenly froze, his whole face was dull, and he murmured, "How is that possible?"

It is normal to be a native or a local.

Familiar with the environment and everything in the dragon country.

Foreigners are not even familiar with domestic customs and customs.

Do you have the ability to cause trouble in the Dragon Kingdom?

To commit a crime for five years or more without being discovered?

This unscientific!

"Have you forgotten?"

Lin Xuan knew what Guo Xu was thinking and said with a cold tone, "There is a kind of beast called a traitor and a traitor!"

"Then how to infer whether this group of people are foreigners?"

An evil aura rose up from Guo Xu's body, flickering in and out.

"It's very simple."

Lin Xuan took a puff of cigarette and blew out a smoke ring. "We only have so many doctors in China who know about organ transplantation. Let's check the ones in Lucheng first. If there are no problems with the doctors in Lucheng, then check if there are any doctors from other provinces who know about organ transplantation." Doctors have entered Lucheng. If not, where do you think the doctors who perform organ transplant surgeries in Lucheng came from?"

Guo Xu suddenly realized, "Abroad?!"

Suddenly, Lin Xuan received a call on his cell phone.

Zhan Shaoyang’s phone number.

"Found it?"

Lin Xuan quickly connected and asked.

"Found it."

Zhan Shaoyang's tone was solemn, "I can confirm that this piece of shit not only touched the medical record database of three Lucheng hospitals, but also touched the medical record database of many hospitals in other provinces."

Then how did you know... Lin Xuan's mouth twitched, "You also hacked into other hospitals' databases and found traces of him?"

"Hey, I've got the same old habit."

Zhan Shaoyang laughed twice and said confidently, "But it's not my fault. I'm here to investigate the case."

"Get out of here, let's get to the point." Lin Xuan scolded with a smile.

"The point is..."

Zhan Shaoyang said in a deep voice: "I suspect that the other party has hacked into hospital databases across the country, not just in Lucheng, but also..."

"It goes without saying."

Lin Xuan thought of the hundreds of corpses, and his expression was as cold as Xuan Bing, "He is looking for people from all over the country who are suitable for organ transplantation!"

Said before.

Organ transplantation requires matching.

It is very difficult to match successfully.

However, if there is a hacker.

He can hack into the medical records database of major hospitals across the country.

Is this problem solved instantly?

As long as all the physical data of the people who need organ transplants are known.

Then start searching in the entire Longguo Hospital medical records database.

Perform matching comparison.

You can find a lot at once, right?

Then find a way to get these people to Lucheng to remove their organs and sink their bodies into the sea.

This operation is really cool... Lin Xuan thought of the murdered family of three.

Maybe the organs of this family of three have been "reserved" by someone.

When some people attacked the family of three, there happened to be a body recovery incident in the sea.

The other party used the bodies of the victim's family of three... as waste?

This is why the three bodies were sent back to the garage of the victim's family.

After deliberately dismembering them, they put out a terrifying skull pattern to confuse the audience.

Because they wanted to divert the attention of the police!

Unexpectedly, they backfired and were discovered by me... Lin Xuan sneered.

Through the clues given by Zhan Shaoyang, it can be more certain that the other party is committing an organ transplant crime.

It also confirmed his own guess.

Most of the victims are not from Lucheng.

The criminals are looking for successful matches all over the country.

It also further explains.

There is an "organ transplant hospital" hidden in Lucheng!

Knowing that you are still in Lucheng, I feel relieved... Lin Xuan showed a happy and ferocious smile on his face.

It depends on whether I do it or not!

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