Gulou District, Rose Villa.

Song An and Lin Qi drove here early in the morning.

Lin Qi was not dressed like before, in leather jacket, leather pants and leather boots, with a look that was as good as that of a man.

Her task today was to play the role of Song An's wife, an urban upper-class female elite who had returned from studying abroad.

In order to match Song An, Lin Qi deliberately put on light makeup, drew eyebrows, applied eye shadow, and lipstick.

She wore a backless evening dress with lace.

She wore a pair of red high heels. As soon as she put on this outfit, the aura of a celebrity, Captain Lin Qi, came out immediately.

Meng Da stood at the door and opened the car door himself. When he saw Lin Qi dressed fashionably, he was stunned.

"Officer Song, your wife has such a strong aura."

Meng Da was slightly shocked and said to Song An,"I have held many exhibitions in Europe, and Mrs. Song's temperament is definitely not inferior to any noble lady."

"Mr. Meng, you are too kind, because my wife is also from an artistic family. Both her parents are painters. When she was three years old, she learned calligraphy from Master Ouyang. Unlike me, I am a rough person!"

Song An said nonsense with a smile.

Lin Qi was originally arm in arm with Song An, and his shoulders trembled when he heard Song An bragging about himself to this extent.

Meng Da was overjoyed,"That's great. I am lucky to be able to chat about art with you today."

After a few pleasantries, Meng Da smiled and invited Song An and the others to the living room.

The nanny hurried forward to serve tea.

Song An took a casual look. Meng Da's villa was decorated magnificently, with all solid wood furniture, pure gold wine vessels, and gold everywhere.

The relief walls were covered with murals, some of which were contemporary treasures at first glance.

"I wonder which school of art Mrs. Song is most interested in?"

Meng Da started chatting with Lin Qi about painting.

Fortunately, Song An sent today's task to her mobile phone last night. Lin Qi spent three hours memorizing the history of European classical art. Today, she was able to use it.

"Mr. Meng, you guys continue chatting. I'm going to wash my hands."Song An said with a smile.

Meng Da was happily chatting with Lin Qi, and hurriedly said,"It's the first room on the left. Officer Song, please go."

Song An gestured to Lin Qi, meaning to calm him down.

He left the living room and quietly slipped into the study opposite the bathroom.

The study was very large, and the bookcases were filled with well-bound books, trophies, certificates, and some works of art.

Song An pulled out a book"Rodin Sculpture Lecture" from the bookcase, turned a page, and found that the book was actually fake!

Although the book was well bound, there was not a single word in it. It was completely a decoration!

He pulled out several other sets of books and found that they were all fake, and none of the books had any text.

Song An looked at the trophies and certificates again. They were all records of Meng Da's awards over the years. From domestic to international, he had won almost all kinds of art awards, big and small.

"It's strange that such a great master of art doesn't even have a single book in his study.¨¨ ?"

After coming out of the study, Song An looked around the other rooms on the first floor and found that they were all guest rooms, home gyms, or small living rooms for entertaining VIPs.

The only thing he didn't find was a work room.

At this time, a nanny was walking down from the second floor with cleaning tools.

Song An pretended to come out of the bathroom and walked over, holding his stomach.

""Sir, is your stomach okay?" the nanny asked quickly.

Song An shook his head,"I'm fine. May I ask where your master's workshop is? I have always wanted to see Mr. Meng's work. If there are semi-finished products, that would be the best!""

"There is no workroom. The second and third floors are all bedrooms. Mr. Meng doesn't like to bring work home."The nanny said with a smile.

Song An nodded, returned to the living room, and winked at Lin Qi.

Lin Qi put down the teacup,"Mr. Meng, I benefited a lot from chatting with you today. I will have a calligraphy exhibition at the Municipal Art Museum next Monday. If Mr. Meng has time, you are welcome to come."

""Of course, of course, I will come to Mrs. Song's exhibition!" Meng Da said flattered.

Song An and Lin Qi said goodbye to Meng Da. As soon as Lin Qi got in the car, she started to take off her high heels.

"It's so awkward. Why do those urban white-collar workers like to wear high heels?"

Lin Qi threw away his leather shoes, changed into his combat boots, stretched his body, and took a deep breath."Our leather boots are more comfortable!"

Song An drove the car out of the community and stopped at a fast hotel opposite the community.

"Fortunately, you came out early, otherwise I would have been discovered by Meng!"

Lin Qi looked at Song An and handed him a bottle of mineral water,"What are we waiting for downstairs in the hotel?"

"Wait for Meng Da, I found this kid has a problem."Song An looked at the entrance of Rose Villa without blinking.

"What did you find? I think he is quite normal. Lin Qi asked quickly.

"He is a contemporary sculptor, but his home is decorated like a nouveau riche, without any aesthetic sense. Also, there is not a single book in his study, only decorations. In addition, I also found that he has no workshop or unfinished sculptures at home, which is very different from what the media reported."

Lin Qi nodded,"I also felt something was wrong just now. It's a bit strange when you put it that way. He really doesn't look like a master of art. He is too........"

Song An thought for a moment,"Are you trying to say that Meng Da is too down-to-earth?"

Lin Qi didn't know the word down-to-earth.

"Yes, that's a good word! But even if Meng Da is really problematic, will there be any results if we wait here?" Lin Qi asked

"I found an invitation in his study. He will attend a trade fair tomorrow. If this person is really suspicious, he will definitely take action today. Wait."

The two of them stayed in the SUV, staring at the entrance of Rose Hill.

Lin Qi stayed up late last night and memorized art history for several hours. He began to doze off as soon as he got in the car.

".〃 You take a nap, I'll call you when he comes out later." Song An said.

Lin Qi smiled at Song An embarrassedly. Song An laid the seat flat for her, and Lin Qi fell asleep.

An hour later, Meng Da's car slowly drove out of Rose Villa and drove east along Wangyuan Road.

Song An immediately started the Land Rover and followed Meng Da's car.

Meng Da's car drove all the way to the East Suburb Liyuan, and finally stopped at the gate of a particularly dilapidated courtyard. At the gate of the courtyard stood a middle-aged blind man with a cane and a dog.

"Are you here, brother?" The blind man looked up at the sky and said with a smile.

"Brother, there will be a sales meeting tomorrow. I will come to your house to pick up the goods. Is the latest work out?" Meng Da asked with a smile

"It's all finished. It's the result of my hard work for the past six months! Brother, how are the last batch of sculptures selling? Is the boss satisfied?" the blind man asked

(Meng Da sighed,"Brother, you are not famous after all, and people say your works are too unique, so they don't want them! Three works, a total of one thousand, I will keep two hundred for myself, and you can take eight hundred."

""Brother, it's not easy for you to run around, how can you only ask for 800? What's the use of asking for money for a blind man like me? Just leave me some food and drink." The blind man said.

After a while of pushing and shoving, Meng Da finally put down the money and moved several works beside the blind man into his car.

"What's going on? How can Meng Da, an artist, pick up artwork from someone else's home?

In the Land Rover, Lin Qi was dumbfounded.

Song An sneered,"If we are not mistaken, this Meng Da is a fake! All his artworks actually come from that blind brother! What a great artist who deceives the world and steals his reputation!"

"Song An, I still don't understand. Even if there is something wrong with Meng Da, it's not our job as a criminal police officer to crack down on counterfeiting. Why do you keep staring at him?"

Lin Qi asked curiously.

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