Song An was silent for a moment. He found three clues from the scene of the corpse dissolution case at the Millennium Hotel: a bathtub plug, an unknown black plastic sheet, and a needle.

"I remember! Have you guys got the test results?" Song An asked

"That thing is polypropylene plastic."Qin Ming said.

Song An was slightly surprised,"If I remember correctly, the material of disposable syringes seems to be polypropylene!"

"You are right, syringes are indeed made of this kind of plastic!" Qin Ming said.

"It seems that after the murderer killed Li Xing, he separated the needle and the syringe! The needle was thrown into the bathtub drain, and the syringe was thrown directly into the bathtub!"Song An analyzed

"Song An, there is a problem with what you said just now, it doesn't make sense at all."Qin Ming said

"Lao Qin, what do you want to say?"

"Fentanyl is not a poison. Even if an overdose is injected, people will not die immediately! Why did the murderer have to inject fentanyl? Wouldn't it be simpler to just strangle the person to death and throw him into the bathtub?"

After Qin Ming finished speaking, he let out a sigh of relief,"This method of killing is completely contrary to medical common sense. The murderer either knows a lot about medicine or knows nothing about medicine........-."

Before Qin Ming finished speaking, Song An asked anxiously,"Old Qin, based on the fentanyl content found in the body during your autopsy, please make a judgment! Once such a large dose of fentanyl is injected into the human body, how long can Li Xing live?"

"About 3 minutes, no more than 5 minutes at most!"

After Qin Ming answered, he continued,"So, I think the murderer is a madman with no medical knowledge! He didn't run away after killing someone, but stayed there and waited for 3 minutes. After Li Xing died, he slowly poured in piranha acid and watched Chen Xing's body dissolve bit by bit!"

"Lao Qin, you are wrong"

"Wrong? How did I go wrong? I made a normal inference based on medical common sense. Hello? Hello? Hello?"

The phone was hung up.

Qin Ming was so angry that his head hurt."This Song An is always like this. The killer is a lunatic, and I think he is even more of a lunatic."

Park Huizhen was doing an autopsy. When she heard Qin Ming's complaints, she couldn't help but chuckled.

Song An took a taxi to the scene of actress Fang Yi's death, in front of the unfinished building.

Under the building, Song An found many burnt white candles.

The TV station reported that after many people learned about Fang Yi and Guo Jian's affairs, they quietly came to the bottom of the building, lit white candles and prayed.

""What is that?"

Song An found an orange peel among all the white candles.

The orange pulp had been hollowed out, and the orange peel was broken into six petals and strung together with a thread, like a blooming flower.

Song An also found traces of candle burning inside the orange peel.

"Is this........Small orange light?"

Song An was silent for a moment. He didn't know what the small orange light meant, so he put it into the evidence bag.

Then, Song An turned on the eagle vision, and the scenery in the building in front of him became like under a microscope.

Even a small stone five hundred meters away, he could see it clearly.

Song An used the eagle vision to look around the building. Finally, he found a small piece of rubber tube under a small cart pushing mud and sand.

He smelled it and found a very pungent smell in the rubber tube, a bit like the smell of nitrogen fertilizer in a fertilizer factory.

After Song An put the rubber tube into the evidence bag, he went to the Millennium Hotel and the"Drunk Eight Immortals" sculpture workshop.

In these two places, Song An also found two"small orange lights" a few hundred meters away from the crime scene.

Among them, the small orange lamp found by"Drunk Eight Immortals" had not been completely burned out of the candle oil on it, indicating that the"small orange lamp" was placed today.

Twenty minutes later, Song An rushed back to the police station and searched for the meaning of"small orange lamp" on the office computer.

Unfortunately, apart from a famous essay, no other valuable clues were found on the Internet.

"Xiao Song, Director Gu and his team are looking for you. It is said that several criminal investigation experts are discussing you in the conference room. Why are you in our office?"

Wang Guijin came over with an enamel pot and smiled.

Song An stretched his body and said,"I am looking up the customs of a place. People in which place make orange peels into the shape of lanterns, and what does this mean, but there is no information about it on the Internet."

"Oh, I know this, this is the custom in our hometown Sishui area." Lao Wang said with a smile.

Song An's eyes lit up,"Lao Wang, what does this little orange lamp mean?"

"Oh, according to the customs of the older generation, if a person commits suicide, the underworld will not accept him after his death, and he will only become a wandering ghost, unable to be reincarnated. So, the custom in our place is to place a small orange lamp next to the grave of those who died by hanging, drowning, or drinking pesticides."

· ·····Request flowers·· ···

Old Wang smiled and sighed,"I remember when Shan Shan was little, I made a small orange lantern for her and told her about the customs of my hometown. I told her that there are no obstacles in life that cannot be overcome, and seeing the small orange lantern is like seeing hope."

Song An slowly left the swivel chair and looked at Wang Guijin.

The three small orange lanterns should have been placed by Wang Shan. Wang Shan is Wang Guijin's daughter. She knows this custom, so she left the small orange lanterns at the crime scene.

Wang Shan, indeed, is related to the murder case!

"Xiao Song, how is your case going? Wang Shan........"


Lao Wang hesitated to speak. He knew that he was not a member of the serious crime team. According to the discipline of the police force, he must avoid such matters.

"Old Wang, Shanshan will be fine, and she has left us a very important clue!"

Before leaving the office, Song An finally said to Wang Guijin,"Wang Shan was educated by you, she is a good child."

Wang Guijin's hand trembled, and the tea in the enamel pot fell to the ground.

The tea pot fell to the ground and scalded his foot.

When Song An came to the general meeting room, the expert group had already made a preliminary judgment on this case.

"We all agree that there must be a person or an organization behind the three murders who is controlling everything. The initiator of this organization has certain medical knowledge and has a very strong anti-reconnaissance level!"

Song An found a seat at the back and sat down silently.

He heard the words of several experts for the first time and was immediately shocked.

Gu Ming noticed Song An and said with a smile,"Mr. Cui, Mr. Wang, several experts, the young comrade who just came in is Officer Song An. Strictly speaking, he is now a trainee police officer, but because of his outstanding performance, we made an exception and exempted him from the internship period."

Several experts have experienced big figures and have seen all kinds of scenes, but they were still broken by Gu Ming's words.

The internship period was exempted? What an outstanding performance!

Song An stood up, raised his head, straightened his waist and straightened his back, and saluted several experts with a standard military salute.

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