"Fang Yi hid a rubber tube in her suit, and potassium nitrate was hidden inside the rubber tube.

She stood at the French window on the second floor and injected herself with fentanyl. Like Li Xing, she had three minutes to live. Fang Yi used the last three minutes of her life to pour a bucket of gasoline on herself, then knelt on the ground, turned on the gas lighter, and ignited the rubber tube!

When the potassium nitrate in the rubber tube encountered a high temperature of more than 670 degrees, it quickly decomposed into high potassium nitrate, nitrogen, and released a large amount of oxygen that supported combustion. The rubber tube came into contact with the gasoline outside and began to burn violently, turning her body into charcoal."

Song An took out a small piece of burnt rubber tube from the evidence bag and said,"This is a small piece of rubber tube I found at the scene. You can smell a very pungent smell in it. It is the nitrogen released after potassium nitrate is heated at high temperature. Because the workers on the scene called the police in time, Fang Yi's body was not completely carbonized, and even her work permit in her suit pocket could be found by us! Of course, all this was also within her plan!"

Song An let���Turn on the projector, and a map of Yanshan District appears on the screen.

"As you can see, the fire station is 200 meters to the left of the building where the murder scene is located, so all this has been planned. Because only if the fire is put out in time, we will have the opportunity to see her work badge and the capsule evidence left in her body!"

After Song An finished talking about the second murder, he paused to give everyone enough time to question.

Perhaps because of the influence of the first murder, although the second murder was equally shocking, the discussion of the participants was much quieter.

Zhou Xun tore open a pack of cigarettes and was about to smoke a cigarette to relieve his boredom.

Suddenly he remembered that the expert sitting next to him was older than his grandfather, so he smiled embarrassedly and put the cigarette back.

"What do you think of these two deceased people, especially Fang Yi, who poured a bucket of gasoline on herself and set herself on fire? How much courage does it take? What on earth supported them to complete the suicide?"

Zhou Xun asked depressedly.

No one answered, because this matter was indeed beyond the cognition of most people.

Mr. Cui held his chin, thought for a few seconds, and suddenly looked up at Song An,"Officer Song, you must have known the answer."

Everyone looked at Song An.

Song An nodded,"Several experts just now accurately judged that there must be someone behind these two suicide cases! The other party is proficient in medicine and criminal investigation, but several experts made a mistake. The mastermind is not really proficient in these!"

"Xiao Song..."

Gu Ming's face changed, and he whispered,"How can you be so straightforward?"

Colleagues at the Yanshan Police Station were also worried about Song An. What he just said was too impolite.

Mr. Cui immediately said,"It doesn't matter. Criminal investigation has never been about seniority. In the face of the truth, everything must give way!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Gu Ming nodded immediately, and everyone applauded Mr. Cui's speech.

"Officer Xiao Song, you said we made a mistake, what is it?" asked Wang.

Song An said,"Please wait a moment! There is a third murder case, the Guo Jian case."

Wang nodded,"I'm sorry, please continue."

"The Guo Jian case was much simpler than the previous two cases. Guo Jian died of an overdose of fentanyl in front of a sculpture. In fact, Guo Jian also died of suicide, because the crime scene was a public business area. If someone committed a crime there, it would definitely alert others! Moreover, we did not find any suspicious clues at the scene. The only valuable clue was a tuft of dog hair found by the second captain Zhou Hao in the lawn."When

Song An mentioned himself, Zhou Hao quickly stood up and waved to several experts.

"In these three murders, although the victims all ended their own lives, there must be someone behind it. I suspect that the three victims were given psychological hints before they died, suggesting that they could help others realize their last wishes by committing suicide! Their deaths were carefully planned by a master of psychology!"

After Song An finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Even seniors like Cui Lao and Wang Lao were stunned.

"This can be proved by the evidence they left at the death scene. In the first corpse dissolving case, the deceased Li Xing posed in the scene of Fang Yi's movie"Bath", and the next deceased was indeed Fang Yi.

In the second charred corpse case, the company's shady business that Guo Jian was searching for was found in the stomach of the deceased Fang Yi, and the next deceased was indeed Guo Jian.

In the third death in the art district, the deceased Guo Jian fell under a sculpture. The author of this sculpture was apparently the famous artist Meng Da."

After listening to the introduction, Mr. Cui immediately asked,"You mean, the author of this sculpture is actually someone else!"

Song An nodded,"After my and Captain Lin Qi's investigation, Meng Da is a great artist on the surface, but in fact he is just seeking fame and reputation, and he doesn't understand sculpture at all! All his works are the creations of his blind elder brother, Meng Xuan! Although there is no DNA comparison for the dog hair found by the second captain at the scene, the hair color analysis shows that it should be from the dog Shunzi of the blind artist Meng Xuan!"

"So that's how it is! That's why you were so excited just now and asked the police to stop Meng Xuan from going to the TV station! Because Meng Xuan is the next victim, and his last wish may be to find the TV station and announce his brother's shameless behavior to the public!"

Old Cui said incisively.

Song An nodded,"You are worthy of being Old Cui, the younger generation has opened his eyes."

Director Gu said excitedly,"000 That's great, this time we can finally prevent a tragedy in advance!"

"Director Gu, I may need to interrupt you for a moment."An expert said,"If Officer Song's inference is correct, it means that this blind artist named Meng Xuan has been strongly brainwashed. Given his current mental state, he may think that our police are actually framing him!" There was another round of discussion in the office. After finally preventing a suicide, were they just going to watch him die?

"Experts, I have a way that may prevent the tragedy, but I need your help."

Song An finally told the purpose of coming to the conference room.

Cui Lao laughed and said to the experts,"Look, how did Officer Song do this? He has been waiting for us since he spoke the first sentence on the stage!"

"Good fellow, we old men, who are known as detectives, were actually tricked by a young man who had just started out, hahahaha!" Old Wang said with a smile.

Although everyone said it was tricked, no one was really angry in their hearts.

Matters involving human lives are definitely not for joking.

"Several experts, I want to meet a museum director, the more powerful the better."

Song An said very directly.

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