"You probably can't do that. Since our police station was founded, there has never been a trainee police officer who has interrogated a prisoner. Do you understand the interrogation procedures?" Tai Wei asked.

"What's wrong with trainee police? Trainee police can catch gun thieves, can you guys do it?"

Gu Ming's majestic voice rang out in the corridor. Tai

Wei quickly laughed dryly,"No, Director, I definitely don't look down on newcomers. Our police station really doesn't have this precedent. If the General Administration's Inspectorate knew about it, we would all be criticized."

"Precedents are set by people, and I, Gu Ming, have to bear the blame alone! How can you solve a case if you are afraid of wolves in front and tigers behind?"

Gu Ming is a man of dignity without anger. He rarely gets angry like he did today, which frightened several captains so much that they dared not say a word.

Song An pushed the door and entered the pre-trial room. According to the pre-trial principle, there must be at least two people participating in the interrogation, one presiding judge and the other cooperating to record.

In the film and television dramas, when one person participates in the interrogation alone, the suspect has the right to refuse to sign, and he cannot do so during the trial.���Used as evidence.

In the interrogation room, Bai Ling spread out her notebook and turned the pen around in boredom.

The suspect Ma Xiaobao, who was sitting opposite her, was motionless, like a stone.

Bai Ling saw Song An come in, and quietly made a gesture to him, pointed at Ma Xiaobao, pouted her lips, and shook her head vigorously.

Song An thought for a moment, took something out of his arms, and slowly approached Ma Xiaobao.

When he got in front of him and glanced at him, Song An said nothing and sat directly on the table in front of Ma Xiaobao.

"What is Xiao Song doing? What is he taking out?"

Tai Wei was outside the interrogation room, scratching his head with a confused look on his face.

"Xiao Song is a smart man. He is slowly approaching the other party. Look, he took out a pocket watch from his pocket. Guo Zijian said with a smile.

Several captains stared at each other, not knowing what tricks Song An was playing. Ji Jie smiled and said,"It seems to be the old pocket watch of Lao Wang in our team. It was left to him by his father-in-law. It's been a long time."

In the pre-trial room, Ma Xiaobao found that the police officer who arrested him was sitting close to him, and he felt a little uneasy.

"Officer, I know you are powerful, but I didn't do anything and I won't say anything."

Ma Xiaobao raised the handcuffs, his face, which was red and dry from the wind, showed a very stubborn expression.

Song An put the pocket watch on the table and patted Ma Xiaobao on the shoulder,"Baoer, do you know how long you have left?"

Ma Xiaobao sneered,"Don't scare me, I heard them say that without evidence you can only detain me for twelve hours. After 10 hours, I will be free."

"Ma Xiaobao!"

Song An suddenly changed his expression and shouted,"What do you think this place is? This is the serious crime team. You have committed a serious crime, do you think we will arrest you? Do you think we are all just for free?"

Song An said, without waiting for Ma Xiaobao to speak, he took out a stack of evidence bags from his pocket and threw them in front of him.

Ma Xiaobao stretched his neck to take a look, his face slightly dazed.

Buttons, footprints, bed No. 23, and the back wall he climbed over when he stole the gun..........

"Ma Xiaobao!"

Ma Xiaobao was in a daze, and was frightened by Song An's loud shout.

"I tell you, there are your fingerprints on the button, plus this set of footprints, we can deal with you even if you don't confess! The reason why we let you speak now is to let you confess on your own initiative, admit your mistakes, and strive for leniency!"

Song An pointed to the pocket watch,"You are right, you only have 10 hours left, but I tell you, if you still want to say anything after 10 hours, it will be too late, and the nature of the matter will change completely! I am helping you to reduce your sentence. It's up to you whether you want to seize this opportunity!"

After Song An finished speaking, he ignored Ma Xiaobao and sat back at the interrogation table.

The room was very quiet, with only the ticking sound of the old pocket watch.

Bai Ling carefully glanced at Song An, and was so scared that she didn't dare to breathe.

Bai Ling, who was in charge of recording, was trembling with fear at Song An's terrifying shouting just now.

She couldn't believe it. Was this still the gentle and handsome guy who liked to joke? How could he be a different person?

Bai Ling wanted to open her mouth, but Song An immediately waved his hand, which frightened Bai Ling so much that she shrank her neck and dared not say a word.




Time passed by minute by minute.

In front of Ma Xiaobao was a photo of himself committing a crime, in his ears was the terrifying sound of his pocket watch, and three meters away was the terrifying police officer who was arresting him!

Ma Xiaobao's psychological defenses were crumbling bit by bit, and the sweat on his forehead was oozing more and more.

Every time the pocket watch made a sound, Ma Xiaobao felt his heart beat two more beats.

But he still bit his mouth tightly, and even though he was sweating profusely, he insisted on not saying a word. When

Song An saw that the time was almost up, he pushed open the door of the pre-trial room, and a bunch of criminal police team bosses were surprised to see him come out.

""Xiao Song, no, Officer Song, I underestimated you just now! I'm just a rough guy, don't take it to heart."

Tai Wei took the initiative to come over, patted Song An on the shoulder, and apologized to him.

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