Director Gu Ming led the team personally, and the SWAT team was fully armed and surrounded the entire Anding Nursing Home.

The nurse who was so arrogant just now was so scared that she couldn't stand properly when she saw so many SWAT officers with guns.

"Who is the person in charge here? Come out!"

Gu Ming looked at the nurses at the reception desk with a pair of eagle eyes.

"Please wait a moment, I will go to the dean right away!"

A nurse put down the phone and hurried to the office area.

Song An and Lin Qi came over and explained the whole story to Director Gu Ming, especially the sashimi behind Wang Zhihe.

"Captain Xing, immediately order your SWAT team to shut down the Internet, cut off the phone lines, and seal off every exit of the nursing home! Also, immediately spread the word to the media that Wang Zhihe has fallen to his death!"


Captain Xing agreed and immediately went to make the arrangements.

Gu Ming had just finished his deployment when a short, fat, middle-aged man in a white coat came over from the office area with an angry look on his face.

"Who is Director Gu Ming?"The man in the white coat swept his round eyes across the criminal police and asked, suppressing his anger.

Director Gu came over and said,"Are you the dean?"

"My name is Cao Gongbao, the director of Anding Nursing Home! Director Gu Ming, you brought people to seal off my nursing home, what do you mean? Do you know the strength of our Wanma Group? Once Wanma Group is in trouble, do you know how big a social earthquake it will cause?"

Gu Ming laughed dryly,"Don't be nervous, Director Cao, we are just investigating the case here, and we ask you to cooperate with the investigation. But your staff not only refused to cooperate, but threatened the police. Is this your attitude?"

"Our attitude is very simple. You make these people in police uniforms get out of my nursing home immediately! Otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you. In less than an hour, I will make all of you take off your police uniforms and go home!"

Cao Gongbao stiffened his neck, pointed his index finger at Gu Ming, and threatened angrily.

Gu Ming was silent for a moment.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

Gu Ming went to answer the phone. Cao Gongbao looked at him with a sneer, turned his head and shouted to the nurses,"Do what you should do. After the police leave, mop the floor immediately. Mop the places where they have stood!"

""Yes, Dean." Several nurses said happily.

After Gu Ming finished the call, he glared at Cao Gongbao and walked to Song An.

""Xiao Song, are you sure that there must be something wrong with this nursing home?" Gu Ming asked.

Lin Qi pulled Song An's sleeve and reminded him to be careful with his words.

Song An certainly understood Lin Qi's good intentions. After he told the truth, the pressure on Gu Ming's shoulders would be very great.

However, if even they are afraid to retreat, who else can protect the people?

Song An did not hesitate and said directly to Gu Ming,"Director Gu, if you don't thoroughly investigate Anding Nursing Home, the 10.5 corpse dissolving case will always be an unsolved cold case! Moreover, who knows how many innocent people will be used by Professor Tian again in the future and become tools for him to commit crimes!"

"Okay, you don't need to say anything!"

Gu Ming waved his hand, stopped Song An from talking, and walked in front of Cao Gongbao.

Cao Gongbao folded his arms, sneered, and waited for Gu Ming to apologize to him.

"Comrades from the Yanshan Police Station, one by one."

Gu Ming looked at Cao Gongbao, but ordered all the police officers present.


All the police officers, including Song An, were alert and immediately straightened their backs and waists, standing in unison.

Cao Gongbao was stunned, not knowing what Gu Ming was going to do.

""According to the order of Zhang Songquan, Director of the Jibei General Bureau, from now on, a thorough investigation of Anding Nursing Home will be conducted! Take away all the accounts, lists, and information here, including the computer hard drives! Take them all away! Leave a few people on duty, and take the rest away!"

Gu Ming gave an order, and more than 50 police officers on standby immediately rushed over and began to arrest them!

"I want to see your chief, I am innocent! I want to see my own lawyer!"

Cao Gongbao panicked when he saw that Gu Ming was serious.

Song An walked up to Cao Gongbao and handcuffed him himself.

"Dean Cao, just because of those poor old people on the 10th floor, I think it's too easy for you to be shot ten times."

Song An said with gritted teeth.

Dean Cao was taken away by the police while cursing.

"Director Gu, I suggest that we arrange for reporters to interview here immediately, and quickly report the news of this black-hearted nursing home to the public through the media! This is also the goal that the manipulator, Professor Tian, wants to achieve." Song An said.

Gu Ming nodded,"It seems that this professor surnamed Tian is indeed a character! He thinks that he represents justice, so he can sacrifice the lives of Wang Zhi and these people to achieve the outcome he envisioned."

Lin Qi rolled up his hair and said,"However, no one can replace justice. Heroes use force to break the law. If everyone thinks that they are messengers of justice, this society will be even more chaotic."

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"Well said! I will arrange for the media to come here immediately. The abandoned elderly people on the tenth floor must be sent to a regular hospital for treatment! Song An, are you following me now, or........"

Gu Ming spoke to Song An in a negotiating tone.

Lin Qi's eyes widened. This tone was totally wrong. It was too weird for a police chief like Gu to discuss issues with a police officer.

"Director Gu, I want to stay here and continue investigating to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net."Song An said with a smile

"Well, you can do it freely! When I first came here, Mr. Cui specifically told me that special talents like you must be treated with special favors. I must support you, but I can't trip you up."

Gu Ming said with a big laugh.

"Thank you, Director. We are off now!"

. 0.......

Song An and Lin Qi said goodbye to Gu Ming, and the two began to search the floors one by one along the corridor.

When they arrived at a women's restroom on the third floor, Song An heard some movement inside and gave Lin Qi a look.

Lin Qi nodded, pulled out a pistol from his waist, held the gun with both hands, and moved forward carefully inch by inch.

When he reached the third stall in the restroom, Lin Qi shouted,"Come out, or I'll shoot you!"

"Don't shoot, I'll be right out."

After the cubicle was opened, a woman in cleaning clothes came out with her hands raised.

"Officer, I am just a sweeper, I really didn’t break any law!" the cleaner said tremblingly.

"It's not illegal, what are you doing here?" Lin Qi shouted, putting away his gun.

"I saw a lot of police coming to arrest people, I was so scared that I hid myself........"The cleaner whispered.

Song An walked up to her and said with a smile,"Sister, don't be afraid. We will just ask you a question. If you answer truthfully, not only will we not arrest you, but we will thank you instead.""

"What do you want to ask me?"The cleaner softened his expression and looked at Song An.

""Tell me, has your nursing home ever taken in a person named Zhou Jiang?" Song An asked.

The cleaning lady immediately replied,"Yes, I remember he was a writer. Great intellectuals are well-educated, very quiet and not noisy at all."

Song An immediately asked,"Then do you know if Zhou Jiang has any relatives?"

"It seems that he has a son who often visits him. His name is Tian........."

The cleaning lady looked at Song An, thought for a few seconds and said,"I remember, his name is Zhou Tian!"

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