Song An sneered and took another half step forward

"Well, even if your excuse is reasonable, then what about your so-called psychological experiment? You killed seven innocent people in order to avenge your father and for the sake of your so-called psychological experiment! You are a lunatic!".

"I'm not crazy, it's you mortals who can't recognize gold and jade, you are crazy!"

Zhou Tian shouted angrily,"All seven of them volunteered! Although they died, they died with a smile! In addition, these seven people are either mediocre, disabled, have cancer, or are old and ugly. They don't want to live anymore! For this society, their deaths will not cause any loss, but for my psychological experiment, they have made a huge contribution!"

Song An stared at him coldly as if he was looking at a poor creature,"Zhou Tian, you are all wrong!"

"840""Wrong, what am I wrong about? I am not wrong at all. How can a mediocre person like you be qualified to criticize a great man?���Psychologist?"

Zhou Tian sneered loudly.

"Zhou Tian, do you really think they all want to die? Fang Yi, she is a down-and-out actress. She did make mistakes before, but every year she uses her own money to donate to more than a dozen children in the mountains to go to college. Even in her most down-and-out years, she took out loans to send tuition for her children! Do you know how those children in the mountains call her? They all call her mother!

Li Xing, although he is looked down upon, he is a very responsible person! His sister had a fight at school, and he went to the police station again and again, begging the police again and again not to leave a criminal record for his sister! He wrote to his sister every day over the years to encourage her not to go astray! If he were alive, his sister would have a big brother who loved her so much!

And Guo Jian, his father has Alzheimer's disease, he has forgotten everything, but he has never forgotten that he has a son who makes him proud! His own room is a mess, but his son's room is cleaned by the old man! If Guo Jian didn't die, he could have dinner with his father a few more times. Do you know what it means to have dinner with relatives?"

Zhou Tian was shocked by Song An's words.

These words fundamentally denied him and his so-called mind control experiment.

"You just said that their death did not cause any loss to the society, but I tell you that their death is like the collapse of the sky and the earth for their families behind them!"

Song An took another step forward. At this distance, he already had the opportunity to directly control the other party.

"Psychology should not be about controlling others, it should bring happiness to people! You don't understand what psychology is, and you are not worthy of wearing a suit, standing in a university as a teacher, teaching and answering questions. You can't do it! You are a loser!"

Song An deliberately raised his voice and shouted

"I........Have I really lost?"

Zhou Tian looked at Song An, these words were breaking down his psychological defenses bit by bit.

While you are sick, I will kill you. Song An started to make the final blow to Zhou Tian.

"Besides, you don't seem to know yet? That Meng Xuan is not dead. He is now a great artist admired by thousands of people."Song An said with a smile

"What did you say?! But didn’t your police release news that a floating corpse was found in the river? Is the news fake?"

Zhou Tian was shocked.

Song An smiled,"So I said, you are a loser. How many tricks do you think you have left after your tricks are exposed? Meng Xuan is not dead, and Wang Zhihe is not dead either. He should be accompanying his wife for a prenatal check-up and trying to prepare to be a good father! By the way, do you still remember Wang Shan?"

Wang Shan will definitely die! She hates her father to the core, and she has no chance of living at all.

Zhou Tian panted and said with the last glimmer of luck.

Song An laughed

"Do you know what it means that there is no overnight hatred between father and son? Do you really think that Wang Shan hates her father to death? Let me tell you, when Wang Shan asked her father to inject fentanyl, and her father pointed the needle at himself without hesitation, all your mental control over Wang Shan over the years was declared a failure!

Do you know why you failed? Because you never thought that there would be someone in this world who would die for the other person without hesitation!

Don't forget, that's her father!


Song An showed a mocking sneer on his face.

"I don't believe it! People are cold and selfish animals, how could they die for others! You are lying, you are cheating, I don't believe it!!"

Zhou Tian screamed hysterically, and his mental defenses were finally on the verge of collapse.

Song An reached into his arms, and Zhou Tian shouted vigilantly,"Don't move!"

Song An ignored him, took out a mobile phone from his arms, and dialed a number......

"Hello, Lao Wang, is Wang Shan next to you?"Song An asked with a smile.

Zhou Tian looked at Song An nervously, his facial muscles twitching constantly.

"It's like this, can you let Wang Shan praise you? Some people still don't believe that Wang Shan has truly forgiven you."

Song An smiled and handed the phone to Zhou Tian, "Listen for yourself."

Zhou Tian took the phone, and Wang Shan's joyful voice came from the other end of the microphone,"Old man, my daughter loves you for ten thousand years!"

The phone fell to the ground.

Zhou Tian looked at Song An absentmindedly,"Wang Shan, how could she laugh? Doesn't she want to die? How could such a person laugh?"

Song An walked over, grabbed Zhou Tian's shotgun, threw it to the old village chief who had been dumbfounded, and then handcuffed Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian seemed to be unconscious and let Song An handcuff him.

His two eyes slowly lost their vitality, and he kept shaking his head like a neurotic.

"Zhou Tian, you probably don't even know it yourself, right? You are a loveless patient. To use the terminology of your industry, you are an ARMT patient. People like you have no emotions, no empathy, and of course you don't understand the thinking of normal people like us."

Zhou Tian turned his head and looked at Song An in confusion,"You mean, I, I have a mental illness?"

Song An shook his head,"I don't know if lovelessness is considered a mental illness, but legally speaking, you have instigated and guided many people to commit suicide, and your social impact is bad. The death penalty is definitely more than enough."

Song An made a gesture to close the net, and the special police and criminal police jumped down from the wall and subdued Zhou Tian.

"Officer! If I can tell you where the fentanyl was stolen from, if I can confess how I exercised mind control over them, can you tell me whether I am mentally ill or not?"

Zhou Tian no longer felt the fear of death. As a scholar, Song An's words just now had fundamentally broken him down.

Song An said nothing more. There was nothing more to say to him.

Zhou Tian was taken away by four special police officers, pushing and shoving.

Gu Ming and Zhou Xun came over and looked at Song An with joy.

Zhou Xun said to Gu Ming,"What did I say? Our little officer Song is like Zhang Fei sitting in court to try cases. He is a man of both civil and military talents! Director Gu, you have found a treasure this time.".

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