When Lao Feng heard that the director did not fire him, he was very happy and kept bowing to Gu Ming to thank him.

"All right, since we can't eat in the cafeteria, I'll treat you. Let's go to Beimen Shabu-shabu across the street!"

Gu Ming was very happy today. He didn't argue with Lao Feng and invited everyone to eat shabu-shabu together.

After entering October, the weather has obviously turned cooler, and more and more people are eating hot pot in restaurants.

The biggest advantage of eating hot pot is that it's fast.

The mutton in Beimen Shabu-shabu is all hand-cut, lean with fat, not too thick or too thin, and the mutton is fresh and tender!

When he saw that the mutton was almost cooked, Gu Ming raised his glass,"Come on, thank you all for your support for my work, let's toast!"

Everyone raised their glasses at the same time, clinked their glasses together, and then drank it all in one gulp.

The boiling hot steam came out of the copper furnace hot pot, adding a lot of fireworks and bringing people closer together.

Bai Ling looked at Gu Ming and asked,"Director, I heard that there will be a commendation meeting tomorrow, is it true?"

Gu Ming nodded,"It was supposed to be held yesterday, but because of our case, it has been delayed until now, but fortunately we have fulfilled our mission."

Liu Mengyang burped,"Little White Antelope, are you still thinking about being commended? If you and Baole can't solve a cattle theft case in three days, I don't think it's a big deal whether you can successfully pass the internship period."

Liu Mengyang is an old criminal policeman. He has been a colleague with Gu Ming for more than ten years and knows his temper very well. If it were another director, he would never dare to make such a joke.

"New comrades always need to experience more. You should also work hard and strive to catch up with Song An as soon as possible!"

After Gu Ming finished speaking, he poured the 247 plate of yuba in his hand into the hot pot.

"Director, it's not that we didn't work hard, this cattle theft case is indeed very unusual."

Bai Ling sighed,"8 cows have been lost in Dazhao Village, but the door locks of the families whose cows were lost had no signs of being pried open, and no strangers' footprints were found at the door. Don't you think this is strange?"

Gu Ming asked immediately,"Did anyone check the wall?"

Chang Baole said immediately,"We checked, and there are no footprints under the wall. It rained for two days in Dazhao a few days ago. If someone climbed over the wall, there should be no footprints left."

Zhou Xun took a bite of mutton and asked,"Have you asked the villagers how they usually graze cattle?"

""I have asked before. Because Dazhao Village is located in a ravine, the villagers drive their cows into the ravine to feed them with grass and drive them back home at night! There has never been an accident before, but I don't know what happened recently, several cows have been lost." Chang Baole said.

Hearing this, Zhou Xun looked at Chang Baole in disbelief,"Baole, did the villagers tell you that their cows were lost when they were eating grass in the ravine?"


Bai Ling and Chang Baole nodded at the same time.

Zhou Xun, Gu Ming, and Da Zeng all stopped eating and looked at the two newcomers.

"What happened?

Chang Baole was terrified.

"Baole, I told you that the cow was lost while eating grass outside! Why don't you investigate the ravine instead of going to someone's house to investigate?"

Ji Jie looked at Chang Baole speechlessly.

"However, we checked the ravine and found that vehicles from outside the village could not pass through it! There are also mountain ridges next to it. If someone steals cattle in broad daylight, the villagers will definitely see it."Chang Baole said.

Bai Ling also added,"Yes, many villagers grow white tea on the hills. If outsiders come to steal cattle in broad daylight, how could no one see it?"

Bubbles were coming out of the hot pot, making gurgling sounds.

The mutton was cooked, but no one picked up their chopsticks.

Gu Ming and others realized that there was something strange about this case.

There were no footprints, no tools used to commit the crime, and no strangers appeared.

Could it be that these eight cows were stolen by ghosts?

Eight cows did not seem to be a big case, and it seemed that the criminal police should not be involved.

But a yellow cow is worth thousands of dollars, which is the harvest of farmers for several years. After raising it with great effort, it is suddenly gone. No one would be willing.

This is why the local police station asked their superiors for assistance. Losing a cow is not a trivial matter in the countryside.

Several old criminal police officers looked at Song An at the same time.

Song An was eating meat with big mouthfuls, and Tian Rui poked him carefully,"Teacher Song, everyone is looking at you."

Song An put down his chopsticks after thinking for a moment, and looked up at Bai Ling,"In addition to these, have you found any abnormalities?"

Bai Ling shook his head, and Chang Baole suddenly said,"I did find some rotten leaves on the ground, but they should be vegetable leaves thrown away by the villagers, so I didn't pay much attention to them."

Song An turned on his mobile phone and turned on the function. His mobile phone is Nokia 7110, which is also the only mobile phone of this era that supports Internet access.

Song An pressed a few times on the phone, searched for a picture, and showed it to Chang Baole,"Is it this kind of rotten leaves?"

"It should be, yes, it is this kind of leaves, very similar!" Chang Baole said happily.

Song An looked at him and continued to ask,"Besides the village, where else have you found these leaves?"

Chang Baole shook his head and said,"I haven't found them in the village, mostly in the ravines, and I have found some here and there."

"Song An, what are you talking about? What rotten vegetable leaves?"

Gu Ming and the others were confused.

"This kind of leaf is called Guojianglong, which is actually the sweet potato vine. At this time of year, the grass outside is all yellow, and cattle like to eat this kind of vine the most. Therefore, many farms like to store some sweet potato vines or peanut vines during the winter, and cattle especially like to eat them."

After Song An finished speaking, several experienced old criminal police nodded.

Zhou Xun smiled and said,"I used to herd cattle when I was a child, and cattle really like to eat this kind of thing. Once, my cow gnawed on someone else's peanut vines, and I couldn't pull it away!"

"But I still don't understand, what does this have to do with stealing cattle?" Ji Jie asked

"Do you remember a scene in the cartoon Afanti?"

Song An said with a smile,"Afanti's donkey didn't want to move, so Afanti hung a carrot on a bamboo pole and put it in front of the donkey. The donkey saw the carrot and walked forward happily. Every time it took a step, Afanti moved forward a little. Afanti used this method to make the donkey carry him to his destination."

After Song An finished speaking, he looked at Bai Ling,"How about it, do you understand?"

Bai Ling scratched his head and analyzed,"Brother Song, do you mean that those who stole cattle used bamboo poles to hang a piece of sweet potato vines to attract the cattle to follow them?"

A sigh sounded in the box.

Ji Jie couldn't help but patted Bai Ling,"Silly girl, I just said that the villagers are working in the mountains. It's easy for a few outsiders to be discovered if they do it in such a high-profile manner."

"So, how did they steal it?"

Bai Ling and Chang Baole were both confused and looked at Song An at the same time.

""They didn't steal the cattle, the cattle ran away on their own!"

Song An explained,"They put a lot of sweet potato vines in the ravine as bait, which is very conspicuous among the dead grass. The cattle ate as they walked and soon crossed the ridge. The cattle thieves probably parked their cars on the other side of the ridge and waited for them to come."

"But, in this case, wouldn’t the villagers be alert? The cows have all run away."

Bai Ling still didn’t understand.

"Of course they would be alert, so there would definitely be villagers who would pull the cows that ran away back home. However, they did not take it seriously, because when they were grazing cattle, no cow would stay in the same place without moving! Therefore, there would always be some cows that had clearly crossed the ridge, but the villagers did not notice."

After analyzing the case, Song An found that the chopsticks were missing. It must have been accidentally knocked to the ground just now.

"Thank you for your advice, Brother Song. Now we know what to do when we go back! Come, eat meat, eat meat."

Chang Baole put two pieces of meat into Song An's small plate,"Brother Song, I have nothing to repay you, so I will give you the mutton!"

Song An didn't have chopsticks, so he had to pick up Tian Rui's chopsticks and ate the two pieces of mutton, smiling and nodding at Baole.

Everyone was stunned.

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