A khaki Great Wall pickup truck was parked in front of the"Liu Yiguo" restaurant.

Song Laoer and his three brothers came out of the restaurant while picking their teeth.

Song Laoer was wearing grass green cropped trousers, a pair of yellow rubber shoes, and a black leather jacket.

Wearing such an incongruous outfit on the street, he attracted a lot of attention.

After the last incident, Song Laoer found that he could no longer stay in Wansui Town.

He brought a few brothers to the city and opened an auto repair shop.

The business in the city is much better than that in the town. Within a week of opening, his wallet was swollen faster than his fat.

"Brother, Officer Song is your lifesaver. He has been promoted to Grand Commander this time. We should show our appreciation, right?" said a rather uneducated mechanic.

"What Grand Commander? That's the Police Inspector! But you are right, if we forget our benefactors, how can we still be considered human beings? What can you give me, Brother Song?......."

Song Laoer was thinking about it.

Suddenly, a small bottle was thrown down from the upper floor and hit right next to his rubber shoes.

Song Laoer took a look and saw that it was a small brown bottle of oral liquid, about 100 ml, which fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Since he was almost hit on the head by a stone pier upstairs last time, Song Laoer has developed a psychological trauma against objects thrown from high places.

Although the small bottle is not fatal, it must be very painful to hit the head

"Which one is missing........"

Song Laoer raised his head and started cursing, but he didn't expect that as soon as he opened his mouth, another small bottle was thrown down!

""Did you see which floor it is?"

Song Lao Er asked his brothers.

Several brothers shook their heads.

""Fuck, we can't just let it go, keep waiting!"

Soon, another small brown bottle fell down and broke into pieces on the ground.

This time Song Lao Er saw clearly that the small bottle was thrown down from the fifth floor!

"Second brother, this is too crazy, throwing them down one by one, like Zhuge Liang's crossbow, we can't just let it go like this!"

"It's nothing, come to the fifth floor with me! I want to see which idiot dares to be so arrogant!"

Song Lao Er climbed to the fifth floor with a group of brothers and banged on the door.

"Why are you knocking? Has someone died in your family? Are you rushing to report the death?"

A bald man with a face full of flesh, a mustache and a gold chain around his neck pushed the door open cursing.

Song Lao Er grabbed the bald man's neck and pushed him into the house.

Several brothers also rushed in and closed the door.

The bald man wanted to pry open the other's arms, but his arms were like iron pliers and he couldn't pry them open no matter what.

Song Lao Er pushed the bald man into the living room and turned his head to take a look at the things on his coffee table.

The table was piled with dozens of bottles of oral liquid and the TV was on.

It seemed that the bald man had been lying on the sofa, watching TV and drinking oral liquid at the same time. He felt very satisfied after drinking it and threw it on the ground

"You are pretty good at enjoying life! Throwing objects from high places can kill people, do you know that?"Song Lao Er twisted the man's neck and shouted loudly

"No, who are you? Are you sick?" The bald man cursed,"Get out of my way quickly, or I will fight back!"

""Go to hell!"

Song Lao Er raised his fist and punched the bald man on the right cheek.

The bald man looked fat and strong, but he was actually a coward. Song Lao Er's punch directly knocked him to the sofa.

"Big brother, I was wrong, big brother, spare my life!"

The bald man knew that the other party was not easy to deal with, so he immediately became cowardly and knelt on the sofa to kowtow to Song Laoer

"What do you do for a living?" Song Lao Er sat on the coffee table and asked him

""Brother, I just graduated from a technical secondary school and haven't found a job yet." The bald man said tremblingly.

"You said you don't even have a job, why do you drink so much kidney-tonifying oral liquid? Do you have a partner? Which woman is blind to live with you?"

The bald man was completely scared and kept nodding and bowing.

Song Lao Er had no interest in bullying weak eggs, so he pointed at the bald man and said,"Hurry up and find a class to work! Don't be so stupid every day. The next time I see you throwing things down,"

""Brother, I won't dare to do that again. From now on, even if I chew the glass myself, I will never throw it on the street."

The bald man kowtowed and promised

"Brothers, let's go!"

Song Laoer waved his hand, and the brothers went down the stairs together, humming a song.

Just as they arrived at the gate of the community, a girl with a ponytail and a brown pullover, who looked quiet and gentle, rode a bicycle to come in.

"Everyone, get out of the way and let them come in first."

Song Lao Er and his group of brothers made way for the door, and the girl picked up her bicycle and entered the gate of the community, and quickly rode into the community.

""Second brother, why does this girl seem to be afraid of us? We are not bad people." One brother said in confusion

""Stop talking nonsense and go home to fix your car!"

Song Laoer cursed and looked up at the nameplate on the gate of the community.

It read"No. 653 Heping Road, Lecheng Home Community".

Song Laoer and his gang got on the pickup truck and drove away.

There was no case today. Except for Bai Ling and Bao Le who went to investigate the murderer of the"cattle theft case", everyone else in the sixth team was slacking off in the office.

Song An played a few games of Red Alert on the computer using the police station's intranet. The person he was playing against was Fang Yiren from the technical department.

His hand speed was too fast now. Before Fang Yiren's tank factory opened, Song An commanded a bunch of rhinoceros tanks to destroy the other party's nest.

After three games, Fang Yiren lost three games in a row.

Fang Yiren, who usually didn't like to chat with others, suspected that Song An used cheating tools, and ran to the office of the sixth team angrily to watch him operate in person.

· ·····Request flowers· ···

After Song An defeated the alliance of Xiaoguang and Feng Jing from the technical department, Fang Yiren sighed, shook his head and left.

Song An leaned against the wall, feeling the vicissitudes of life.

He was wondering why the system feedback had not arrived yet, when the mechanical synthesized voice appeared again.

【Congratulations! Solved the 10.5 corpse dissolving case!】

【Punishment index: five stars!】

【Reward! All attributes +2!】

【Reward! 2 million in cash, distributed in the form of investment dividends!】

【Reward! Advanced Lockpicking!】

【Special reward! Analog hearing! 】

Song An almost laughed out loud in the office.

It was indeed like this. The more complicated the case, the more generous the reward given by the system.

"The"Dissolving Corpse Case" was too tortuous and bizarre, so the system gave a 2 million cash reward directly

........ 0

""Lock picking" is also a very practical skill. When searching for criminals, encountering difficult locks will not be a problem in the future!

Song An silently turned on [Analogy Hearing] in his heart.

Suddenly, all kinds of sounds came from his ears, almost shattering his eardrums!

The police station is close to the road, and the noise of various vehicles, quarrels, and chats all go into his ears!

When investigating a case, this function is very good, and you can hear whispers from several kilometers away.

Of course, if you have a bad taste, you can also eavesdrop on other people's conversations and talk about some secret topics.

But Song An is devoted to his career and is not so bored.

When getting off work in the evening, heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky.

The weather is getting colder with each autumn rain. It seems that the temperature will drop again.

Song An picked up his umbrella and was about to leave when he saw Ji Jie standing at the window, looking out a little worriedly.

"Captain Ji, did you forget to bring an umbrella?"

Song An walked over and gave her his umbrella,"You can use mine."

"What will you do? Aren't you afraid of getting wet in the rain?"Ji Jie said with a smile

��An smiled and said,"I share an umbrella with others."

""Okay, since you have a car and I have to catch the bus, I won't be polite." After

Ji Jie left, Song An packed up and came to the door.

I hadn't seen Tian Rui for the whole afternoon. After the case report came out, she went to the procuratorate to submit the materials.

Song An took out his mobile phone and found that it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

Just as he was thinking about where to go for dinner, a small red umbrella suddenly appeared in the rain.

Raindrops fell on the umbrella, then rolled down the edge of the umbrella, splashing water on the ground.

Under the red umbrella stood a beautiful girl in her twenties.

She was wearing a blue-bottomed printed cheongsam and a pair of red high-heeled leather shoes.

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