Song An had carefully calculated this amount of money.

Zhou Xun's salary plus bonus was more than 30,000 yuan a year. Although he was a lavish spender, his family had at least 30,000 to 50,000 yuan in savings over the years.

The surgery to treat leukemia, plus the hospitalization fee, was estimated to be around 150,000 yuan.

Most of the people in the criminal police team had no money, and the amount of donations would not exceed 30,000 yuan.

If you are in the system, donating more than your superiors is definitely a taboo in the workplace, but Gu Ming and Guan Hongfeng are not petty people.

Moreover, Song An donated 80,000 yuan in the name of three people, so in principle there is nothing wrong with it..

"Xiao Song, is your life really not affected?"

Guan Hongfeng asked worriedly.

Song An waved his hand,"No problem, Captain Zhou and I have fought side by side many times, and his daughter is just like my own daughter. I'll get enough money for the surgery as soon as possible and let the child recover soon. Besides, Da Liu and Tian Rui mean the same thing."

The colleagues of Team Six all looked at Song An with respect.

These words were full of affection and justice, without a single flaw.

Bai Ling rubbed his eyes, sniffed and said,"Brother Song is so righteous." Meng Jia held a thick stack of money and didn't know what to say.

In the end, he could only hold the box and bow deeply to Song An.

Liu Mengyang came over, patted Song An on the shoulder vigorously, pursed his lips, and gave Song An a thumbs up.

Meng Jia and Captain Guan hadn't left yet, and Guo Zijian hurried over

"What's wrong, Captain Guo? Is there a case?" Guan Hongfeng asked immediately

"Lao Guan, the Bai County Police Department just called. A bus in their county was robbed last night. A passenger in the bus, a retired teacher, was shot dead by the gangsters! In addition, they also said that this was the fifth bus robbery in their county since October. The gangsters were very arrogant and often committed crimes with guns in broad daylight, and the public response was particularly strong!"

After Guo Zijian finished speaking, Guan Hongfeng immediately understood that this was because Bai County had been unable to find any clues and solve the case, so they found the Municipal Bureau to borrow people.

Shots were fired, people died, and the robbery case has been upgraded to a major criminal case!

Moreover, this is the carjacking case that has the strongest response from the people. This vicious case must be dealt with quickly.

Guan Hongfeng searched the office of Team 6 and finally stopped at Song An.

""Xiao Song, I'll have to trouble you to go over there! I guess the police station in Bai County is already furious. This case must be handled quickly!" Guan Hongfeng said.

Song An immediately picked up the briefcase,"No problem, the case will be solved within three days!"

Ji Jie coughed dryly and tried to wink at Song An, meaning that the time he had set for himself was too short.

"Don't worry, Captain Ji. I've dealt with car thieves and road bullies several times. I don't think this case should be difficult to solve." Song An said with a smile.

Meng Jia suddenly said,"Captain Guo, can I go with Inspector Song?"

Guo Zijian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered,"How could I forget that your hometown is in Bai County!"

Meng Jia smiled and said,"Yes, and my second uncle is a criminal policeman in Bai County. After I go there, Inspector Song will be more likely to coordinate the work."

"Okay, you guys go together. If you encounter any problems that cannot be solved, feel free to contact your family."Guo Zijian said.


Song An and Meng Jia saluted Guo Zijian at the same time.

Bai County is located in the easternmost part of Jibei and is under the jurisdiction of Dingfu District. The county has a permanent population of 360,000. Because it is located at the junction of three provinces, public security issues are very prominent.

Half an hour later, the Land Rover drove to National Highway 109.

In the passenger seat, Meng Jia drank a sip of mineral water and took the initiative to break the silence.

"Inspector Song......."

When Meng Jia spoke, she was crisp and clear, just like her capable appearance.

Song An interrupted her,"Sister, just call me by my name, just be casual."

Meng Jia nodded,"Okay, I've seen several cases you handled, especially the 'Dissolving Corpse Case', it's so exciting! If it were me, even if there were so much evidence on my desk, I might not be able to deduce it! Unexpectedly, the murderer turned out to be the deceased himself."

""Sister Meng is too polite. I heard that you have handled many major cases of cultural relics smuggling. This time when you went to Guanzhong, you must have caught a lot of tomb raiders." Song An responded.

"Mojin Xiaowei? That's a good name! Well, it's nothing. A few local tomb robbers bought 200 kilograms of explosives in advance and planned to rob Qianling Mausoleum in the middle of the night, which is the tomb of Wu Zetian and her husband Li Zhi! As soon as we arrived at the cemetery, we caught this group of people."

After Meng Jia finished speaking, Song An slapped the steering wheel and laughed.

"You said these tomb robbers are too crazy. Sun Dianying couldn't blast open Wu Zetian's tomb with cannons. They dared to rob the tomb with 200 kilograms of explosives. They are too bold! And they don't think about what kind of noise it would make if 200 kilograms of explosives exploded at the same time. Half of the Guanzhong Plain heard it."

Meng Jia glanced at Song An,"I didn't expect you to study cultural relics cases! By the way, I just handled a case yesterday and I think it's a bit strange. Can you help me figure it out?"

"Senior sister, you don't have to be polite. Just be casual."Song An said

"It was like this. An antique dealer named Huang Damao went to the countryside with his friend Lao Qian to collect antiques. Lao Qian found nothing, but Huang Damao found a porcelain bowl in a poor family in Laowu Temple. He and Lao Qian studied it for a long time, and finally they both felt that this large bowl should be a blue and white porcelain bowl from the official kiln of the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty!"

· ······Request flowers·· ········

After hearing this, Song An interrupted Meng Jia and said,"You just said that this Hongwu Sea Bowl was researched by Huang Damao and Lao Qian?"

Meng Jia thought for a moment,"To be precise, it should be Lao Qian who saw it first! So, Lao Qian was very regretful that he was a step late and Huang Damao got the good thing first! The rule in their antique business is that whoever sees it first gets it. Lao Qian didn't dare to break this rule and could only reluctantly give it up."

After hearing this, Song An had already guessed most of it in his mind.

"Let me continue. The family offered 180,000 yuan and refused to bargain. Huang Damao only had 9,000 yuan, so he borrowed 170,000 yuan from Lao Qian. A week later, Lao Qian went to Huang Damao to collect the money, but Huang Damao said that his family had no money and asked him to wait a few days. Lao Qian and his two brothers kidnapped Huang Damao and demanded that his family pay money to redeem him."


After saying this, Meng Jia took a sip of water and glanced at Song An."After we intervened, we quickly caught Lao Qian. Lao Qian admitted that he kidnapped Huang Damao, but the other party owed him money first, and he demanded that Huang Damao compensate him for 170,000 yuan! Lao Qian is still crying out in the detention center that he was wronged."

"He is guilty! This trick is not new, you have all been fooled by Lao Qian."

Meng Jia looked at Song An in confusion,"You said there is something wrong with Lao Qian?"

"How could there be such a coincidence in this world! The two of them went shopping together, and Lao Qian happened to get nothing, while Huang Damao happened to get the real thing, and it happened to be Lao Qian who identified this antique! The most incredible thing is that Lao Qian actually had 170,000 cash on him, and he readily lent it to Huang Damao to help him buy the so-called Hongwu celadon sea bowl!"

Meng Jia is also an old criminal police officer. She is not slower than Song An in reaction, but she focused all her energy on the kidnapping of Lao Qian.

Instead, they ignored the essence of the problem, which may be due to shopping.

"You mean, is this a scam? Lao Qian planned all this in advance, tricked Huang Damao into lending him money, and then went to collect the money a week later to defraud high interest?"

After Meng Jia finished her analysis, she looked at Song An.

Song An still shook his head,"I guess those 170,000 are all counterfeit money. Lao Qian is a gang that makes money out of nothing. Under the guise of collecting antiques, they are actually extorting money from others."

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