At Bai County Police Station, Director Li held a meeting with Song An, Meng Jia, and Meng Hao.

The people from the pre-trial department interrogated Pi Jiu overnight, but Pi Jiu remained silent for two hours.

At two o'clock in the morning, the two groups who went to arrest Qiao Dazhu and Feng Gunzi came back.

Song An saw their dejected look and knew that the two teams must have come up empty-handed.

"Director Li, we have contacted Qiao Dazhu's bicycle shop and Feng Gunzi's family, but we didn't find these two people."The captain of the criminal police said guiltily.

Director Li put out his cigarette butt,"So, the only breakthrough lies in this Pi Jiu!"

"Pi Jiu knows that he has participated in robbery and murder, which is a serious crime, and he will definitely not easily give up Qiao Dazhu."Meng Jia analyzed.

Director Li looked at Song An who had been silent,"Officer Song, I heard that you are good at pre-trial investigation. Pi Jiu is so stubborn, is there any way to deal with him?"

"Director Li, let me try."

After Song An finished speaking, Director Li immediately stood up and took him and Meng Jia to the pre-trial room.

The two police officers from the pre-trial department were replaced, and Song An and Meng Jia took their places.

""Pi Jiu, I heard from people on the street that you three have a very good relationship."

Song An said while holding a teacup and drinking tea.

Pi Jiu glanced at Song An and laughed,"That's for sure! We swore in front of Master Guan that we would make money together and spend money together! So, officer, don't waste your time on me. No matter what means you use, I have nothing to say."

"Pi Jiu! You think what you did is honorable, right? You even swore in front of Lord Guan that Lord Guan is the god of the common people and will not protect you, a bunch of car bandits and bullies!"

Meng Jia threw away the pen, slammed the table, and said angrily.

Pi Jiu stared at the ceiling angrily, not daring to look Meng Jia in the eye.

At this time, a police officer knocked on the door and walked in, handed a stack of materials to Song An, and said loudly:

"Inspector Song, Feng has already put down all the sticks. According to his confession,........"

The police officer wanted to continue talking, and Song An frowned,"Is this your first day as a police officer? Who told you to leak the contents of the transcript? Don't you understand the pre-trial discipline?"

""I'm sorry, Officer Song. I was so excited that I let it slip." The police officer quickly apologized.

Pi Jiu kept looking at the ceiling with his sidelong glances. He seemed to have no interest in the conversation between Song An and Pi Jiu, but he was clearly nervous when he glanced at Song An.

When the police officer was about to leave, Song An stopped him and said,"Since Feng.......Since that guy has confessed his crime voluntarily, according to our policy of leniency to those who confess and severity to those who resist, his meritorious service should be emphasized in the materials submitted to the procuratorate, and his sentence should be commuted if necessary, and he should be rewarded if necessary!"

The police officers nodded repeatedly, opened the door and left.

Pi Jiu looked at Song An,"You are acting, right? You can't catch Feng Gunzi, and Feng Gunzi is even less likely to betray us. I don't believe it!"

"So I say, among the three of you brothers, you are the most innocent! What a critical moment it is now, your father has died, your mother has remarried, everyone has to take care of themselves! Everyone is going to jail, who will care about whom! Now it’s a competition of time, whoever explains the problem first, will be the first to leave the jail."

Song An said, picking up a box of Hongtashan cigarettes on the table, slowly walked to Pi Jiu, and handed him a cigarette.

After the cigarette was lit, Pi Jiu took a deep breath, collapsed on the backrest, and had a big eye circle.

Song An saw that the time was almost right, patted him on the shoulder and said,"Pi Jiu, do you know how much money you robbed in your last operation?"

Pi Jiu thought for a while,"Qiao Dazhu said, excluding some watches and jewelry, a little over 50,000"

"Fifty thousand, do you really believe it?"

Song An laughed,"Pi Jiu, you are too naive! Feng Gunzi just said that you got at least two hundred thousand this time, and Qiao Dazhu got one hundred and fifty thousand alone!"

"Impossible, I don't believe it! Although Qiao Dazhu is ruthless, he is also loyal, otherwise why would we follow him?"Pi Jiu shook his head repeatedly.

Song An sighed,"Pi Jiu, you definitely don't believe me, but Yuan Laoliu, Li Laoguaizi, and Aunt Sun, they wouldn't lie, right? They all told me that you robbed more than 800,000 yuan in total in these few times, of which Qiao Dazhu took 700,000 yuan alone, and you only took a small amount!"

"You mean, Li Laoguaizi told you that?" Pi Jiu looked at Song An in surprise.

Song An nodded,"If you still don't believe it, we can show you Qiao Dazhu's bank statement, then you will know if I am lying to you."

Song An's words were part true and part false, mixed together they were pure deception, Pi Jiu saw that he was serious and believed it about 70%.

After thinking for a few minutes, Pi Jiu raised his head,"Officer, he is unkind, don't blame me for being unjust! But I really don't know where Qiao Dazhu is."

"Pi Jiu! Are you kidding us?"Meng Jia stared at him angrily.

Meng Jia and Song An had a division of labor, one was the red cop and the other was the white cop. Meng Jia's specialty was intimidation.

"No, I really don't know! Every time we finished work, we would ask a female driver named Wang Xiaoai to take us to the county town, and then we would go to Baiyun Hotel to get a room. Qiao Dazhu would give us money, and then we would go our separate ways!"Pi Jiu said

................ 0

Song An looked at Pi Jiu and found that when he was talking, his eyes kept wandering to the upper left corner. His handcuffed hands kept rubbing against the table, and a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Baiyun Hotel.........Did you go to Baiyun Hotel to divide the stolen money every time?" Song An asked immediately.

Pi Jiu's eyes drifted to the upper left corner, then nodded,"That's right! All five times, the money was divided at Baiyun Hotel, without exception! I even laughed at him, wondering if this hotel was opened by his mistress!"

"OK, got it!"

Song An gave Meng Jia a look, and the two walked out of the pre-trial room.

Meng Jia looked at Song An,"Is he lying?"

Song An shook his head,"Probably not, he was always looking at himself when he spoke, there must be something wrong with Baiyun Hotel!"

The two came to the conference room and reported the pre-trial situation to Director Li. Director Li immediately said,"Order all criminal police, special police, and police officers to take guns and go to Baiyun Hotel immediately to arrest the criminal suspect Qiao Dazhu! The murderer may be carrying weapons, and if he resists, he can be shot directly!"

The three captains immediately stood up and went to arrange the personnel.

In the conference room, the four police officers of the pre-trial department looked at each other, their minds full of question marks.

They had been interrogating for several hours without any results, how could these two people come up with a"Baiyun Hotel" in just a few minutes! Wan.

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