After returning from Heping Road, Song An brought Tian Rui to the residential area where he rented.

Song An had agreed to go to Fengze Garden to eat prawns, but Tian Rui was reluctant to let her boyfriend spend money in the end.

Tian Rui pestered Song An and insisted on visiting his home.

Tian Rui had wanted to visit her boyfriend's home for a long time.

Because she hadn't been home for two days, the house was a bit messy.

After opening the room, there was a layer of dust on the ground, and the lunch boxes on the table had not been cleaned up.

"I'll clean up first."

This was the first time Song An invited his girlfriend to his home, and this was the result. He was a little embarrassed.

Tian Rui pushed Song An back on the sofa, took an apron from the wall and put it on herself, and tied up her scattered hair with a rubber band in her mouth.

"You, just read a book, watch TV, and leave the rest to me! I promise that it will only take an hour to give you a clean and tidy home!"

Tian Rui smiled sweetly at Song An, and her eyes turned into a crescent.

Before Song An picked up the remote control, Tian Rui had already started mopping the floor.

Looking at her busy figure, Song An suddenly felt warm in his heart17.

I used to live in this room alone, eating when I was hungry and sleeping when I was tired.

But today is different.

The coffee table was cleaned up, covered with a white tablecloth, and a bottle of daisies was placed on it.

The floor was wiped so clean that it could be used as a mirror.

Even the shoe cabinet under the balcony was neatly arranged.

The pots of orchids on the balcony were also watered.

After doing all this, Tian Rui did not stay and went to the kitchen to make arrangements.

"Teacher Song, what do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you."

Tian Rui stood at the kitchen door holding a spoon and said with a smile,"This restaurant provides ordering service."

"Just a few home-cooked dishes will do. Do you really not need my help?"Song An was embarrassed.

"Of course not! Your boyfriend has been out all day, so it's only right for him to cook for you."

Tian Rui smiled and returned to her own battlefield.

Song An had found the feeling of getting married.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen door, watching Tian Rui cut the ingredients, sauté the onions, ginger and garlic, and then put the ingredients into the wok.

Especially the way she flipped the wok, it was impossible to be proficient without several years of cooking skills.

The smell of food began to fill the room, and the house began to have more fireworks and became warmer.

Song An moved a stool and sat at the kitchen door. He took the drawing board and pencil and began to sketch Tian Rui.

Because he had to profile the murderer, Song An also had sketching classes in college, but he didn't study it in depth.

This time he had"advanced sketching skills" and he was able to draw like a fish in water.

What's more, he was drawing his favorite person, so his pen was three times faster.

When Tian Rui walked out of the kitchen with a few hot dishes, Song An's sketch was already finished.

""Teacher Song, is this a picture of me?"

Tian Rui asked happily after taking a look. She was immediately attracted by the person in the sketch.

On the drawing board was the back of a woman, holding a rice spoon and cooking seriously.

I don't know if it was because of her love for the whole woman, but Tian Rui felt that this sketch was particularly vivid.

"If you like it, take it! I will draw many, many pictures for you in the future, until you are sick of it."

Song An smiled and put the sketch into Tian Rui's pocket.

"I won't get sick of it. Teacher Song is a great painter." Tian Rui wrinkled her nose.

The dinner was very sumptuous, with three dishes and a soup, all typical home-cooked dishes.

Stir-fried pork with beans, pickled cabbage, stir-fried squid, and tomato and egg soup.

Song An turned off the other lights, leaving the restaurant lit with a small orange light.

"Open your mouth, ah--"

Tian Rui smiled, picked up a piece of fried meat and put it into Song An's mouth.

Song An also wanted to pick up the squid strips to feed his girlfriend, but he got numb again when he raised his hand.

"Don't move, I'll feed you."

Tian Rui sat down next to Song An, picked up the food with her chopsticks, and began to feed Song An. Every time

Song An took a bite of the food, Tian Rui praised him,"Good baby."

Since she helped him cook today, Song An decided not to bother with his girlfriend.

The meal lasted more than an hour, and Song An got up to clean up the dishes.

Tian Rui suddenly gently pulled his sleeve.

Song An turned around and saw the girl's charming eyes, looking at him motionlessly.

There was love, shyness, happiness, and expectation in her eyes.

There were no too many words, and a look between lovers made their meaning very clear.

Under the orange light, the two leaned against the sofa and hugged each other gently.........

In front of Song'an Community is the famous Oak Garden, which is a famous villa area in Jibei City.

Those who can buy a house in Oak Garden are either very rich or very noble.

In Villa No. 309, Oak Garden.

A middle-aged lady with a plump temperament, wearing a suspender skirt, was standing in front of the window sill, looking at the moon in the sky.

The middle-aged lady held a slender lady's cigarette in her hand and took a puff of the cigarette.

In front of her, a smoke ring slowly rose.

Behind her, a man in a white suit was walking towards her with a sinister look on his face.

As if sensing something, the middle-aged lady suddenly turned her head, her permed hair scattered on her shoulders, and her face was soft and charming.

The man in the white suit was startled, and quickly changed his expression into a smile, and said with a smile,"Mrs. Wang, you are so beautiful today." The man in the white suit walked over gently, opened his left arm, and gently hugged the middle-aged lady's shoulders.

The two stood in front of the window sill at the same time, looking into the night sky.

The middle-aged lady surnamed Wang gently rested her head on the arms of the man in the suit and murmured,"Dear, thank you for having you by my side. I am very happy."

"I am also very happy, but unfortunately, I can't wait any longer."

When the woman heard the man's voice was wrong, she turned around and was shocked to see the man's ferocious face!

The man held something like an axe in his right hand and was smashing it hard at her sack!


The woman screamed, but it was too late.

The axe hit her back of the head, and the woman slowly closed her eyes with a confused expression on her face.

The man glanced at the quartz clock on the wall, cleaned up the scene, picked up his coat and quickly walked out of the Oak Garden!

Half an hour later, the shrill sound of sirens cut through the quiet of the night.

Two police cars drove out of the Yanshan Police Station and headed towards the Oak Garden.

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