Director Dong, Fang Mu, Mu Jianyun, Luo Fei and the others were all stunned.

In their sight, it seemed as if a cannonball was fired into the emergency room, the glass door was knocked open, and Ma Wenkai was knocked to the ground!

The black shadow knocked Ma Wenkai away, and at the same time did a three-stage rapid front flip, and then fell to the ground!

The lighter fell into his hand, and the flame was still shaking slightly.

It was not until this time that the broken glass of the emergency room door all fell to the ground and broke into pieces!

Song An turned off the lighter, stood up with a somersault, and looked at Ma Wenkai coldly,"You are under arrest!"

"You've cornered me, I'm going to kill you!"

Ma Wenkai stood up, grabbed a sharp knife from the cart next to him, rushed forward, and stabbed Song An in the heart!

"Song An!"

Mu Jianyun covered his mouth in fear.

Song An snorted coldly, and seeing the sharp knife stabbing at him, he pulled away and chopped off the sharp knife in Ma Wenkai's hand, twisting and bending his arm.


With a standard shoulder throw, Ma Wenkai was thrown to the ground by Song An, and his teeth knocked on the terrazzo floor, causing him to scream in pain!

"Now I feel the pain! Those innocent people you killed, who should they cry out to for pain?" Song An angrily cursed.

"I was trying to save myself, I am innocent!" Ma Wenkai roared in a low voice,"You have never suffered from me, what qualifications do you have to judge me!"

"By the badge on my hat! By the people behind me!"

Song An handcuffed Ma Wenkai, grabbed his hair, and pulled him up from the ground!

The criminal police rushed over and subdued Ma Wenkai from Song An's hands!

Song An leaned over, put two fingers together, and touched the aorta in Jiaojiao's neck.

Xu Dong and Director Dong stood at the door, looking at him, Xu Dong's hands trembled to the extreme

"Still alive."

Song An smiled.

Xu Dong rushed into the emergency room with a howl, and everyone hurriedly grabbed him.

"Girl, you're still alive........."

Xu Dong picked up Jiaojiao and was about to kneel down to Song An, but Song An held him back and said,"We are all family, don't talk about this.""

"Officer Song, I am not kneeling for myself, I am kneeling for Jiaojiao's dead wife! Thank you for saving our child, thank you for not letting our family be ruined!"

Xu Dong held the child and knelt down to Song An.

Director Dong stood outside, smiled with relief, looked at Mu Jianyun and said:

"Professor Mu, I also want to thank you for your cooperation with Inspector Song! If it weren't for what you said just now, Ma Wenkai wouldn't have been attracted, and Song An wouldn't have had the chance to rescue Jiaojiao. You are all heroes!"

Mu Jianyun hugged the doll and smiled bitterly,"Song An taught me what I said. I used to laugh at him for not understanding psychology, but it turns out he is the master of psychology."

"What? It's him too.........My God, Old Gu has made a fortune. His general is a man of both civil and military talents!"

Director Dong thought of Song An's terrifying reaction speed just now, and his eyes were full of envy for Gu Ming.

At the same time, when the murderer was subdued and the child was safe, the audience in front of the TV applauded.

In front of the department store, there was warm applause, and some old ladies who were watching the children secretly wiped away their tears.

"What amazing skills!"

"I just needed help from him, but I don’t know his name!"

"I just saw his profile, so handsome!"

"Yes, let’s not chase after any superstars in the future. Policemen are more handsome than all the superstars!"

"I finally don’t have to worry about my children going to school anymore!"

"Yeah, we don’t have to worry about working the night shift anymore. These ten days have been like hell!"

"Quickly shoot that bastard, don't let him come out and hurt people again!"

Ma Wenkai was escorted out by four criminal police officers, and reporters rushed up, pointing cameras and microphones at him.

A reporter picked up the microphone and asked,"If you hadn't been caught, how many more people would you have killed?"

Ma Wenkai raised his face with a cruel smile on his face,"How many people? I will kill everyone in the entire city, I will suck the blood of this city! I will let this city be buried with me! Hahahaha!"

Even though he was caught at this time, Ma Wenkai was still as arrogant as before, with no fear at all!

At this moment, the phones of all news organizations, including TV stations, radio stations, and evening newspapers in Dongchang City, were all blown up!

All hotlines have one appeal,"For the sake of peace and prosperity for the country and the people, this shameless bastard must be shot!"

""Let's go!"

The criminal police captain pushed Ma Wenkai downstairs.

Ma Wenkai laughed all the way, without any fear.

When Song An came out, the reporters quickly surrounded him.

"May I ask this police officer, the murderer killed so many people, but it is said that he has mental problems. Will he escape legal punishment?"

This question is also of concern to all citizens in front of the TV.

However, this kind of question should not be asked to the police. The reporter is obviously setting a trap.

Fang Mu squeezed his eyes at Song An and coughed dryly, meaning to remind him to be careful with his words.

Song An looked at the camera and was silent for a while.

At this moment, at least 500,000 people in front of the TV were waiting for his answer.

"According to the Criminal Law, a mentally ill person will be exempted from criminal responsibility only if he completely loses the ability to identify and control.

However, when Ma Wenkai killed people, his purpose was very clear and his consciousness was very clear.

He even upgraded from cutting the throat to sucking blood at the beginning to storing and freezing the blood!

He is not a mentally ill patient, he is a truly cold-blooded executioner!

If you kill someone, you must accept the severe punishment of the law!


After Song An finished speaking, the whole city was filled with applause.


"Nicely said officer!"

"Anyone who kills someone must be shot. This has been the truth since ancient times. It’s true!"

A reporter looked at Song An and asked,"Excuse me, when you rushed into the emergency room just now, weren’t you afraid? Because if the lighter fell to the ground, you might also be hurt, and the murderer next to you was a lunatic who killed people without blinking an eye! Why did you rush forward regardless of everything?"

Song An smiled calmly.

"No reason, because I'm a policeman.".

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