The birthday party was drawing to a close.

People were chatting quietly to the music, and someone was dancing to the soothing music on the dance floor.

Song An had drunk countless cups tonight.

Meng Xuan, Wang Zhihe, Li Jun, people he knew and didn't know, he clinked glasses with them whenever he saw them.

The reason was simple, Song An was grateful to these people from the bottom of his heart, thanking them for supporting his girlfriend.

Although he also wanted to organize a birthday party for Tian Rui, he would never reach this level.

"Xiao Song, let me introduce someone to you."

Mr. Meng led a man in a tuxedo over,"His name is Ge Tianjiao, he is a famous entrepreneur in our province, and he has always wanted me to introduce you to him."

Ge Tianjiao walked up to Song An, took the initiative to extend his hands, and shook hands with Song An.

"Officer Song, I have long admired you. I hope you will take good care of me in the future.".

"" Mr. Ge, you are too polite. In a society ruled by law, as long as you obey the law and pay taxes on time, you don't need any favors." Song An said calmly.

Ji Jie coughed dryly in Song An's ear,"Ge Tianjiao is the richest man in the province and a well-known philanthropist. It is said that he has donated to more than 300 primary schools."

After hearing Ji Jie's introduction, Song An looked at Ge Tianjiao again and said with a smile,"Thank you, Mr. Ge, for attending my friend's birthday party."

"Inspector Song, you're welcome. I know that although you're young, you're a master at solving cases! I seem to be being targeted recently. Can you......."

Ge Tianjiao had just started to speak when Song Anli173 interrupted him.

"Mr. Ge, I am very grateful that you have come to the banquet, but please remember: I am a people's criminal police, not your bodyguard! If there is no evidence, the police cannot protect you alone."

Seeing that Song An was a little angry, Ge Tianjiao nodded quickly,"Superintendent Song is right, I may have sequelae after being kidnapped last time, and I am too nervous! When I went out, my wife laughed at me for being timid."

Several people laughed.

Song An secretly admired him. Although Ge Tianjiao was worth a lot of money, he had a very high emotional intelligence. Unlike those nouveau riche, he did not put on airs at all.

Especially he was good at self-deprecating. Such people are indeed easy to make people like him.

At this time, Song An's mobile phone suddenly rang. After picking up the phone, he found that it was Gu Ming who called.

Song An quickly found a corner where no one was and turned on the phone.

"Xiao Song, congratulations on your superb efficiency in solving the Dongchang City 10.5 blood-sucking case! The General Administration and the Provincial Department are very happy, and have sent a telegram to the provincial public security system to congratulate you! Your name was mentioned eight times in the congratulatory message, which shows how much your superiors appreciate you!"

Gu Ming seemed very happy on the phone. This case was difficult to solve. The original time given was to solve it within three weeks. Gu Ming thought the time was too tight and had a big quarrel with General Director Zhang.

Unexpectedly, Song An and his team arrived in Dongchang City. Within two days, they not only caught the murderer, but also found evidence of his premeditated murder!

Director Dong of Dongchang called Gu Ming specifically to thank him for cultivating a good seedling!

Director Dong's words implied that he wanted to poach people with high salaries, and he specifically stated that if Song An fell in Dongchang, he would be directly given a squadron leader!

Gu Ming's reaction was very direct, and he said,"You're dreaming!", and then hung up the phone.

It's fine that he solved the case efficiently, but the key is that he can also complete the task in excess. Where can you find such a subordinate? If he is in your hands, would you be willing to let him go?

"Director Gu, I want to make a request. Song An said with a smile

"You tell me, as long as I can do it!" Gu Ming said happily.

"Give our team six a few days off. Some officers haven't been home for weeks and are a little homesick."

Gu Ming was silent for a moment,"Okay, leave one person on duty every day, and give the rest of you three days off!"

After hanging up the phone, Ji Jie and others came over.

"What are you so happy about?" Ji Jie said with a smile

"Captain Ji, get ready tomorrow, we will all go to visit Tian Rui's hometown, Xitian Town!" Song An said with a smile.

Ji Jie and others were stunned, and Tian Rui was also shocked.

"That's not right. Shouldn't our team take a break tomorrow?" Bai Ling asked doubtfully.

"I fought for everyone! Everyone change into casual clothes tomorrow and gather at the Drum Tower at 8 a.m. I'll book a car for everyone!" Song An looked at everyone with a smile,"By the way, family members are allowed!" The people from Team 6 cheered in unison. Bai Ling and Chang Baole jumped to Song An's side, hugged his shoulders and jumped like two children.

"These little guys must be so bored that they must be stupid."Da Zeng said with a smile.

Tian Rui looked at Song An deeply with a faint smile on her lips.

She didn't need to guess to know that her boyfriend knew that she missed home and was worried that she would feel embarrassed to go home alone, so he invited everyone to go back together.

Everyone played around for a while, and the staff came to clean up the table, and Song An and the others also left in the car.

Ji Jie drove the police car and sent the people from Team 6 home one by one.

Although Tian Rui wanted to go to her boyfriend's house, she was embarrassed to speak with Ji Jie around, so she made a phone call gesture to Song An.

At night, the two talked on the phone for a long time and didn't hang up until midnight.

The next morning, Yuan Laoliu came to knock on Song An's door.

Song An had just finished washing up, and looked at Yuan Laoliu who was dressed neatly, and asked curiously,"Liuzi, didn't you ask Lao Er to charter a car? Why are you here?"

Yuan Laoliu touched the back of his head,"The task given to me by the boss is to be your driver. If I don't perform well, I will deduct half a month's salary from me."

"This Song Laoer! I asked him to hire a car, and he hired the driver for me!"

Song An laughed and led Yuan Laoliu to finish breakfast and get in the car.

Yuan Laoliu drove an Iveco, which could accommodate the seven or eight people in the Sixth Team, even with their families.

The two drove to the Drum Tower, where Ji Jie, Da Zeng, Hao Jia and others were already waiting.

In the past, the Sixth Team liked to wear police uniforms or jackets and casual clothes, but this time they all changed into sportswear, looking chic and energetic.

""Brother Song, nice to see you again!"

After Song An got off the car, Wang Shanshan held her father Wang Guijin's arm and greeted Song An with a smile.

Tian Rui and Ji Jie stood together. Ji Jie was wearing a white Peak sports suit, a pair of Huili sports shoes on her feet, and her hair was tied up, which made her look more capable.

Tian Rui might have gone home because she was wearing a half-length floral skirt, a pink knitted sweater on her upper body, and her hair was casually tied up with a red headband. She looked at Song An with a smile.

This dress is very simple, but beautiful people can wear any clothes well.

Song Andu glanced at his girlfriend twice, quietly walked behind her, and grabbed her little hand. Unexpectedly, Tian Rui held back her laughter, turned over and grabbed her boyfriend's hand and held it in her hand.

Song An coughed dryly,"Everyone get in the car. Those who haven't eaten yet, prepare some bread and mineral water. We will go to Xitian Town at noon and let Tian Rui's mother kill chickens and cattle to entertain us!"

Everyone laughed, and Ji Jie smiled and said,"Then let's go there. Won't we eat Xiaotian's family out of money?"

Tian Rui held her boyfriend's hand, her eyes smiling into crescents,"It doesn't matter, my parents are very hospitable, they are not afraid of going broke."

After that, Tian Rui quietly leaned into Song An's ear and laughed softly,"If my family really goes broke, you will have to pay the bride price to marry me, and then we will be the unlucky ones. The bride price is also paid by our small family, so we are reluctant to give it."

Song An laughed, this girlfriend is too virtuous, she has started to worry about him before she even got married.

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