After looking at the body several times, Bai Ling made his own judgment that the cause of death was suicide.

"It's a pity that he didn't commit suicide."

Forensic doctor Park Huizhen took off her mask and looked at Ji Jie and Bai Ling and explained,"The deceased's hands and feet have obvious signs of being tied up, and there are bruises on his limbs, which means that he must have struggled violently before his death. How could a person who committed suicide tie himself up?"

""Doctor Park means that he was actually killed?" Wang Guijin asked. Park Huizhen shook her head and said,"I am a forensic doctor. I cannot participate in criminal investigations. But from medical common sense, the deceased's radial artery in his right wrist was cut, causing excessive blood loss and death. If the deceased really committed suicide, he should have used his right hand to cut open the artery in his left wrist."

""Forensic sister, I still don't understand why suicide must be done by cutting the artery in the left wrist with the right hand?" Bai Ling asked puzzledly.

Ji Jie and Lao Wang looked at each other, and Lao Wang smiled and said,"Little Bai Ling, take a close look at the right wrist of the deceased. Is it thicker than the left wrist?"

Bai Ling squatted down to observe and nodded quickly,"It seems to be true."

"This means that the deceased was not left-handed and was not used to holding things with his left hand. How could a person who usually used his right hand suddenly change his habit and use his left hand to cut his right wrist when committing suicide? This is very unreasonable and ordinary people would not do such a thing."

Old Wang was very patient with the younger generation. Bai Ling and Chang Baole quickly took out their notebooks and carefully recorded what Inspector Wang said.

"In addition, there is one more thing. You can look at the wounds on the wrists of the deceased. They are all cut deep and then removed shallowly."Song An said.

Song An stood up and took off his gloves.

"There is a clear difference between the wounds of suicide and the wounds of being killed.

The wounds of suicide are generally shallow when the knife enters and deep when the knife is removed.

After all, the person who commits suicide has to use a knife to cut his own skin.

When he does it, he will inevitably feel fear.

But the wounds of murder are different.

The purpose of murder is to kill with one blow, so the knife is often cut deep and the wound is relatively shallow when it is removed.


"You know this too? It seems that all of us in the forensic department should be laid off."

Park Hye-jin looked at Song An and made a joke.

"I am just talking on paper. If I really do autopsies and pathological tissue sections, then I will be a past-life Bodhisattva, useless."

Song An made a self-deprecating remark, and everyone laughed.

Ji Jie said,"It seems that this case can be determined. The murderer disguised the scene as a suicide after killing the person."

"I think Jia Gui is the most suspicious! I visited several neighbors near Fan Dashan's home, and they all said that every time Fan Dashan and his wife Wang Yun had a quarrel, Wang Yun would go to Jia Gui to complain. The whole community knew that Wang Yun and Jia Gui were having an extramarital affair."Liu Mengyang said, shaking his sunglasses.

Gambling leads to theft, and adultery leads to murder.

Since ancient times, extramarital affairs are most likely to cause death.

Several people nodded. From the current point of view, this idea is the most reasonable.

"Xiao Song, do you have a different opinion?"

Old Wang noticed Song An's expression and asked with a smile.

Liu Mengyang immediately said,"Yes, Detective Song is the star of our team now. If you have any questions, feel free to speak up!"

"This is what happened. When I went to the bank this morning, I met the current suspect Jia Gui once. Jia Gui also tried to sell me his laptop computer. How could a murderer who just killed someone last night still be in the mood to sell computers to others?"

After Song An finished speaking, Chang Baole immediately responded,"Maybe Jia Gui has a strong psychological quality. The teacher talked about a similar case in the criminal law class. A worker killed his wife, cut the body into several pieces and threw it into the pot to cook. After he went out, he greeted the neighbors as usual, ate and drank as usual, and acted like nothing happened."

Song An shook his head.

"Jia Gui's face looked yellow and weak, and he would fall asleep after sitting in the car for a while. His nose was very red, his lips were black, and he had very serious dark circles under his eyes."

"What does this mean? I already have dark circles under my eyes from staying up late."

Chang Baole still didn't understand what Song An said.

"This means that the man named Jia Gui has a serious deficiency of kidney qi. From the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, people with insufficient kidney qi are naturally timid and cowardly. Even if he kills someone, he will feel guilty and become a frightened bird after killing him."

After Park Huizhen finished explaining for Song An, she looked at Song An again and said,"Officer Song is really knowledgeable, and you also understand Chinese medicine."

Song An was praised twice by the female forensic doctor in the morning, so he had to laugh dryly and said,"These are definitely just inferences, but I feel vaguely that this case seems to be more complicated than we thought."

Ji Jie thought for a while, and ordered,"So, Mengyang and Baole will investigate the deceased's wife Wang Yun, and visit the surrounding neighbors by the way"


Li Mengyang took his apprentice and set off immediately.

"Lao Wang, take Bai Ling with you. Go around the village first to see if there are any similar suspects. Also, investigate the deceased's social life and check if he has any enemies."

"Little White Antelope, take your notebook and let's act now!"After Lao Wang and the others left, Ji Jie looked at Song An, who was squatting on the ground with the sneakers picked up by the village chief in his hand.

"Song An, let's go back and interrogate Jia Gui first. Once Lao Wang has investigated thoroughly, we can then conduct targeted investigations."

""Captain Ji, did you bring a shovel?"

Song An did not answer Ji Jie's question, but asked her to borrow something.

Ji Jie immediately returned to the car and took out a folding engineer shovel.

Song An used the engineer shovel to shovel some dirt on the ground and put it all into the evidence bag.

He took the Double Star sneakers again, carefully scraped off some dirt marks from the soles, and also put them into the evidence bag.

"Doctor Park, please do a pH comparison when you go back.


: The picture shows Gu Ming, the chief of Yanshan Police Station. Thank you for the flowers. Keep going and keep writing.

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