"No, definitely no smoking!"

"I've never seen her smoke!"

Liu Caijie's parents denied it at the same time.

"Thank you for your hard work. You can go back first."

After the neighbors left, Ji Jie, Director Feng and others came over.

""Song An, do you have any new discoveries?" Ji Jie asked.

Song An looked at them with puzzled faces and said,"Everyone, follow me."

Ji Jie, Feng Suo, Wang Guijin and others followed Song An to the morgue again.

""Take a close look at the deceased's right hand. Is there anything abnormal?" Song An asked.

Several people slowly squatted down and began to check the deceased's fingers as Song An said.

The deceased's right hand was very delicate, a pair of carefully maintained hands.

Although it had been soaked in the river water for a night, it could still be seen that the deceased had never done heavy physical work before his death.

"The end of her right middle finger seems to be thicker than the other fingers."Wang Guijin said.

Song An nodded,"This kind of finger is called clubbing in clinical practice. I have just consulted forensic doctor Park. Clubbing is most likely to occur in patients who smoke for a long time."

Several police officers hurriedly lowered their heads to check the condition of their fingers.

Song An smiled and said,"Don't get me wrong, clubbing is actually a sign of advanced lung cancer. Smoking does not necessarily lead to lung cancer, but the chance is higher."

"You mean, the deceased was a lung cancer patient?" Director Feng looked at Song An and asked.

Song An nodded,"She had lung cancer, and look at her palms, it's obvious that she hadn't worked for a long time! In addition, there are traces of nail polish on her fingertips, she must have had a manicure before she died."

"That's not right!"

Tian Rui looked at Song An strangely,"I've seen Liu Caijie many times. The palms and backs of her hands are very rough. She's still washing clothes in the pond outside in the middle of winter. It's impossible for her to have time to do a manicure." ¨!"

"And lung cancer is not right! We have just checked Liu Caijie's hospitalization records at the town hospital, and she has no record of any lung disease."Da Zeng said

"Could it be that she is not Liu Caijie? Then who is the deceased?"

Director Feng was dumbfounded.

Song An walked around the body and analyzed,"The murderer cut off her head and sank the body into the reservoir, in order to prevent us from discovering the identity of the deceased! But why did the stone happen to fall off? What's even more strange is that why did the murderer put Liu Caijie's wedding ring on the deceased, making us suspect that the deceased is Liu Caijie?"

Director Feng's eyes lit up,"Could the murderer be Liu Caijie? She used a scapegoat to impersonate her own identity, but she escaped!"

"It's entirely possible! Liu Caijie is unhappy in her life and is eager to escape from her husband's control. If everyone in the town thinks she is dead, she can take the opportunity to escape to a faraway place and continue to live in anonymity!"

After Liu Mengyang finished speaking, the six teams nodded.

Only Wang Guijin shook his head,"If this is true, why did her husband Qiao Mancang show a very ashamed expression after seeing the dead body? Liu Caijie's parents beat him up, and since he was wronged, why didn't he say a word?"


Liu Mengyang and others were stumped by this question

"Hey, where is my master? Has anyone seen Teacher Song?"Tian Rui suddenly asked.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one noticed when Song An left the morgue.

At this moment, Song An locked Qiao Mancang in a small empty room.

This room was used by the Xitian Town Police Station to interrogate prisoners. There were only two tables and a desk lamp.

Song An pressed Qiao Mancang on the chair, staring at him intently.

"You, you keep staring at me, what are you doing?" Qiao Mancang didn't dare to look Song An in the eye, and lowered his head and said

"Qiao Mancang, you and I both know that things have gotten completely out of control, right?"

Song An pretended to be deep and threw a smokescreen.

Sure enough, when Qiao Mancang heard Song An's words, he suddenly raised his head and stared at him,"How did you know?........"

Song An patted Qiao Mancang on the shoulder and said,"You, you have suffered from lack of education. Why didn't you read more books back then? You were deceived by others!"


Qiao Mancang shook his head with a confused expression.

"Isn't it obvious? You were asked to kill her, so you did it. You cut off her head, tied it to a rock and pushed it into the reservoir! The original plan was very careful, and the body sank to the bottom of the water, and no one would find it! But what you never expected was that the body actually floated up again!"

Song An walked behind Qiao Mancang, put his arm around his shoulders, and sighed.

".」 Not only did the body float up, but she was wearing your wife's engagement ring! This is trouble, everyone in town knows that you beat your wife! Your wife just happened to be missing again! The dead woman also had her wedding ring on her hand, do you think the police will arrest you?"

"Damn it! I was fooled by that bastard!"

Qiao Mancang spat on the ground and stomped his feet heavily,"Damn dog, I won't let you go!"

"Who is that person? Why did he arrange for you to kill him? What benefits did he give you?"

Song An's eagle eyes swept coldly at Qiao Mancang and asked three questions in succession.

Qiao Mancang shuddered and stammered,"No, no one, I'm talking nonsense, I don't know anything (Qian Dezhao)!"

Song An stared into his eyes. Qiao Mancang dodged and dodged, obviously something was on his mind.

But asking more seemed to have little effect, as the other party seemed to have something on him.

"Mancang, I'm a policeman, but I pity your situation! We are all men, and no one wants to have that thing on his head and let people gossip about him."

Song An said sympathetically to Qiao Mancang, took out the key and opened the handcuffs for Qiao Mancang.

Qiao Mancang looked at Song An in surprise.���"You, you really want to let me go?"

"Yes, you were also bewitched. Our police are reasonable. The real murderer is the one hiding behind you! I guess he must be standing somewhere now, secretly laughing at you for being an idiot, tut tut tut."

Song An shook his head and made an expression that he felt very sorry for Qiao Mancang.

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