After the man's voice ended, another woman's voice was heard."It's too high!"

Wu Jiaqi said immediately."The woman's voice behind must be Mrs. Ge's."

"How about it, Song An, can you understand what it means?" Zhang Songquan asked

"Mrs. Ge is from Rongcheng, and the other party spoke the Minnan dialect near Rongcheng! The general meaning was to ask her where you are, wait for me, I will continue to call you! Mrs. Ge replied that she would be there soon!"Song An said.

The leaders of the command center are all from the north, and of course they can't understand Rongcheng dialect.

Zhang Songquan frowned,"This group of people is really cunning! Knowing that we are from the north, they deliberately use southern accents to talk!"

"This also proves Song An's analysis. They are definitely not a group of people! The members of this kidnapping case are all over the world."Gu Ming said immediately.

Zhang Songquan looked at Gu Ming and nodded.

On the top floor of Hongxia Hotel opposite HSBC Building, Liu Mengyang was holding a cigarette in his mouth and looking across the street with a telescope in his hand.

"Captain Ji, Mrs. Ge has already arrived at HSBC! No suspicious targets were found around."

Ji Jie looked at Wang Guijin,"Old Wang, how are you doing?"

Old Wang was lurking in another direction on the top floor. After hearing Ji Jie's question, he also shook his head.

At this time, in the VIP reception room of HSBC, the other party called again, and the 127 used was still the Minnan dialect.

The other party asked him to separate 40 million from the 100 million US dollars, put it in a briefcase, and then put it in the third trash can at the door of HSBC.

The other 60 million US dollars were all exchanged for 50 bank drafts.

Mrs. Ge looked at the special police Zhuang Yan sitting next to her, Zhuang Yan nodded and asked her to do it.

At the command center, Zhang Songquan received a message from the intelligence center that they had found the location of the kidnapper's first phone!

The first call was a female The call was from someone with a cold and harsh voice.

The technical staff of the intelligence center analyzed that the other party was located in a telephone booth on Wuhou Street in Yubei City.

Zhang Songquan immediately picked up the phone on the table and called the Yubei City Police Station to explain the situation, hoping that they would help to arrest the kidnappers!

Ten minutes later, Mrs. Ge came to the door of the HSBC Building carrying a large leather bag full of cash.

According to the kidnapper's request, the black leather bag was put into the third trash can.

After Mrs. Ge put down the cash, she walked towards her Porsche sports car.

Just after getting in the car, she received another call from the kidnapper, still in Minnan dialect.

The kidnapper's words were recorded by the monitoring department and passed to Song An for translation.

"Mrs. Ge, go to the Standard Chartered Bank on Jingshan Road right now, exchange the promissory note for 60 million US dollars, and remit it to the account I designated! After you arrive, I will call you again and tell you the account number of the remittance account."

Mrs. Ge immediately started the sports car and drove from the industrial area to Jingshan Road.

At the same time, a black Suzuki GSX1300R rushed over diagonally from an alley.

The rider, wearing a helmet and a black jacket, came to the door of HSBC Bank, did a beautiful drift, and stopped the motorcycle in front of the bank.

A circle of black marks was left on the road, and the tires rubbed against the road, giving off the unique burnt smell of rubber.

The rider saw the black leather bag and was about to take it, but he saw countless people rushing towards him from all directions! People repairing bicycles, selling breakfast, sweeping the streets, drinking tea, going to and from work, and waiting for people.......

Half of the passers-by on the street ran to the entrance of HSBC Bank and surrounded him!


The rider cursed, picked up his briefcase and smashed it towards a special police officer in front of him!

At the same time, the rider stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward madly, knocking down three plainclothes officers in a row, and rushed forward recklessly!

"Stop the car, someone is shooting!"

Ji Jie stood in front of the intersection, took out her gun, pointed the muzzle upwards and fired a warning shot.

After the gunshot, the rider not only did not stop, but became even crazier, speeding towards Ji Jie!

Ji Jie was shocked, she had never encountered such a desperado!

Ji Jie reacted very quickly, immediately pointed the muzzle of the gun at the rider's left arm, pointed it at the rider in a standard standing shooting posture, and shouted loudly,"Stop the car!!"

The rider continued to speed up!

Ji Jie gritted her teeth and was about to press the trigger, at this time, a red dump truck suddenly rushed over at the intersection!

The motorcycle couldn't dodge in time and crashed into the front of the dump truck!

The rider's head hit the bumper, and the dump truck dragged him forward for dozens of meters before slowly stopping.

The road where the dump truck was dragging was covered with blood.

"Get out of the car!"

Several special police officers surrounded the driver of the dump truck and pointed their guns at him.

The driver raised his hands and got out of the cab with a bitter face,"Officers, I really don't know anything! I was driving normally, and he took the initiative to crash into my car! I am so unlucky!"

Ji Jie put away her gun and came to the rider.

The rider's helmet had fallen off, his face was covered in blood, and he was in a deep coma.

Ji Jie touched his carotid artery and found that he still had a pulse, but it was very weak.

"Command center, this is Ji Jie from the action team. A kidnapper on a motorcycle was trying to escape but was hit by a dump truck and is now seriously injured and unconscious."

The command center immediately dispatched an ambulance to take the injured rider to a nearby hospital for emergency treatment.

At the same time, the dump truck driver was taken back to the police station for investigation.

Half an hour later, the intelligence team had located the source of the second call!

The second kidnapper who spoke Minnan dialect actually came from Temple Street, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong City, across the strait!

Zhang Songquan immediately called the Hong Kong police.

After the call was connected, a female police officer with somewhat awkward Mandarin said,"Hello, West Kowloon Serious Crime Unit, this is Liang Xiaorou!"

"Hello, Inspector Liang, I am Zhang Songquan, the chief of Jibei City Police Station! A major kidnapping case has occurred in our city, and one of the ransom calls came from Yau Ma Tei Temple Street, which is under the jurisdiction of your bureau! We desperately need your help!"

"No problem, please give me the specific address, I will send someone to check it out immediately!"

Zhang Songquan gave Liang Xiaorou the specific coordinates of the phone booth. Liang Xiaorou hung up the phone and immediately said,"Shen Xiong, take a few people to the phone booth opposite Tangtai Seafood Restaurant and arrest the man who is making a phone call in the phone booth!"

At the same time, on Song An's side, Yuan Laoliu had already caught Xie Xiaomeng!

Song An and Wu Jiaqi drove to Shacheng Wharf. Song Laoer and Yuan Laoliu, holding a tall, white and fat man, jumped off the boat.

The man was not wearing a coat or a shirt. He was only wearing shorts in October and no shoes. He was shivering with cold.

His chubby face was bruised and purple. It seemed that Song Laoer and the others were quite vicious.

"Brother, Liuzi and I went to the mountaintop villa but didn't find him! This guy was about to escape by boat, but was spotted by a buddy of mine at the port. He made up an excuse to deliberately make things difficult for him, and when we got here, this guy peed himself!"

Song Laoer said somewhat complacently.

Wu Jiaqi looked at Song An in surprise,"Your informant is too strong, he was able to catch him?"

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