Song An walked out of the cold storage room and walked around the hall.

The floor was swept clean and there was no trace of blood.

The technical department was doing a bloodstain identification.

Song An found that all the benches in the fried chicken shop were placed upside down on the dining table, except for one.

The dining chair was close to the counter. Song An walked over and leaned over, and found some tiny crumbs on the dining table.

Wu Jiaqi came over and asked in a low voice,"How is it, did you find anything?"

"Printer, receipt printer! The last customer of this store may be the murderer!"

After Song An finished speaking, Wu Jiaqi hadn't reacted yet. Ke Wen came over with several team leaders,"Comrade Song An, have you found the murderer?"

Song An looked at Ke Wen and nodded slightly.

"The floor of this store is clean, and all the chairs are placed on the table in a row (177). The doors and windows are closed, which means it is time to close! But why is there still a chair in front of the table when it is closed, and it is not upside down? There is only one answer. A diner came into the store to eat after cleaning the fried chicken shop!"

Song An pointed to a pile of tiny crumbs on the table and continued,"Those crumbs seem to be fried powder. The waiter did not have time to clean up the table and chairs where this diner ate, because when the diner finished eating the fried chicken, the waiter was in danger! This diner has either seen the murderer, or he is the murderer!"

Wu Jiaqi's eyes lit up,"But the identities of the eight bodies have been confirmed, and there are no outsiders among them. If the diner has really seen the murderer, there is no reason why he can still be alive! In other words, this diner is actually the murderer!"

Several captains suddenly understood.

The way Ke Wen looked at Song An was completely different from the frivolous look he had before.

This reasoning seems very simple. In fact, without solid criminal investigation thinking ability, one would not have thought of this level at all.

Even an experienced criminal policeman with rich experience in handling cases would find it difficult to infer the murderer from an abnormally placed dining chair.

Ke Wen looked at his stunned subordinates,"Why are you all standing there like an idiot? People have already pointed it out to us. This is where the murderer eats. Let's collect evidence quickly!"

The technicians were startled and quickly took photos for archiving and prepared evidence bags to extract the debris and powder

"There is still one thing missing!"

Song An turned and came to the counter!

Wu Jiaqi had already rushed to the printer, tore off the last receipt and handed it to Song An,"The last receipt will be printed at 8:35!"

"They had lunch at 8:35 and killed the person at around 9:00. According to the forensic doctor's judgment on the time of death of the deceased, the time is right!"

Ke Wen patted Song An on the shoulder,"Officer Song, I really admire you!"

Song An ignored Ke Wen's praise and walked around the corners and asked,"Garbage bag, there should be a garbage bag at the scene that has not been disposed of! Has anyone seen the garbage bag?"

"I, I, I think I found something!"

A girl in her early 20s with a ponytail raised her hand in fear,"I found a bag of garbage outside the door, under the banyan tree about 50 meters away from the back door. It seemed to contain leftover bones or something."

""Where's the garbage bag? Is it still there?" Song An asked loudly.

The little policewoman shrank her neck and said,"I think it may be useless.......I just put it in the trash can."

Song An sighed.

"There may be key evidence in it to solve the case, and you actually put it in the trash can. You are really environmentally friendly! Look for it quickly. If you can't find that bag of garbage, all the police officers in your squadron will be suspended and write self-criticisms!"

Ke Wen put one hand on his waist, looking furious.

The clue that was finally found was thrown away.

In fact, the policewoman was indeed a bit wronged. Things found outside the crime scene would not be taken seriously by the newly-employed criminal police.

The policewoman was probably just promoted to a regular employee and it was her first time to go to the scene, otherwise she would not have made such a common-sense mistake.

The position gap between her and the captain was very different. Seeing Captain Ke get angry, the policewoman was so scared that she dared not say a word.

Song An walked over and said to the policewoman,"Don't be nervous. If I'm not mistaken, the bag of garbage you threw away was very light, right?"

The policewoman nodded,"It's just a little bit, very light"

"Come, let's look in the trash can together. It's night time now, so the garbage truck shouldn't come."

Song An took the female police officer outside and saw a row of five trash cans outside the store....

""Do you remember where you put it?" Song An asked calmly.

The policewoman shook her head,"Because the bag of garbage was placed outside the store, I thought it had nothing to do with the case, so I just put it in a trash can."

Ke Wen suppressed his anger and shouted to the people next to him,"Don't just stand there! Cooperate with Officer Song to find the garbage bag immediately. Even if you have to turn this place upside down tonight, you must find the garbage bag for me!"

More than a dozen police officers stepped forward immediately, some turned on the lights, some rummaged through the garbage, and all five garbage cans were turned upside down.

Fortunately, the time interval was very close, and in less than 20 minutes, the policewoman found a black plastic bag.

Song An, Wu Jiaqi, Ke Wen and others opened the garbage bag and looked at the contents together.

There were two whole fried chicken legs and a leftover chicken wing bone in the garbage bag.

There was also half a bag of French fries

"Jiaqi, compare the receipts! Quick!"Song An said urgently.

Wu Jiaqi quickly took out the receipt, glanced at it quickly, and said,"It's exactly the same! Two fried chicken legs, one fried chicken wing, and a large bag of French fries!"


Ke Wen breathed a sigh of relief."With the food the murderer ate, we can apply for a DNA test! It will be easy to catch him then!"

Wu Jiaqi looked at Ke Wen in surprise."Does your city already have a DNA database?"

Ke Wen's smile froze, and he slapped his forehead."���In the meeting for several days, we have been talking about how amazing DNA is in solving cases. I really treat it as a treasure! Without a database, the murderer's DNA is useless!"

Several squadron leaders looked at each other, happy for nothing, thinking that the case could be solved now.

Song An glanced at the female police officer next to him, who was still worried about her own mistakes, and deliberately said,"Although this bag of garbage can't catch anyone, it can at least help us identify the murderer. You have made a great contribution!" The female police officer raised her head, staring at Song An with big eyes, and looked at him in disbelief. She didn't expect him to praise her.

Wu Jiaqi saw Song An's intentions and stood behind him, her eyelashes trembling slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The big things show the pattern, and the small things show the character. People who can think of giving others a way out are not simple.

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