In the darkness of the night, two men were running wildly in the alley.

They ran through a narrow and deep alley and climbed to the top floor of a building that was still under construction.

They looked behind them and saw that no one was following them. They both breathed a sigh of relief.

""Brother Lai, all the brothers are dead, and the money is gone, what should we do?"

The ponytail man spat out a mouthful of blood,"Go to Jibei and find Fatty Qi! Damn it, just to do this, I have lost the family business that I have worked hard to build for ten years! If Qi doesn't compensate me 100 million, I will never let him go!"

"The boss is right, if you don't chop down the green mountains, you will have no firewood to burn! The police must not have had time to check the train station yet, let's leave overnight, to Jibei overnight!"

The two supported each other, got up from the ground, and prepared for a new round of escape.

The clothes on their bodies were torn into strips while running, and the blood, sweat and mud on their faces were mixed together. The two brothers in distress were in a mess. Just as the two were about to leave the big"473" building, a sneer suddenly came from behind them.

"I'm afraid you won't have a chance to make a comeback."

Song An and Wu Jiaqi appeared behind the two of them at some point.

"It's you two again!"

Qian Qinglai gnashed his teeth in anger,"Can you please let me live? Why do you have to kill me all?"

"Okay, come back to the police station with me and tell me who Fatty Qi is. I will plead for you to the judge."Song An sneered.

"Are you kidding me? I'll kill you!"

Qian Qinglai was furious and was about to open fire, but his men stopped him and whispered,"Brother, hurry up and leave. I'll cover your back!"

"Second brother, you are my only brother. Let’s die together!"

Qian Qinglai had just finished speaking when the subordinate pushed him away, swung a Tang sword in his hand, roared, and slashed at Song An viciously!

Song An dodged the blade and lowered his head to see a five-foot square hardwood board next to the scaffolding.

"Go to hell!"

The man swung the Tang sword again and slashed at him. Song An raised the wooden board to block it, but the Tang sword pierced into the board and could not be pulled out!

"Let's die together!"

Seeing that he couldn't pull out the Tang sword, the bandit simply let go of the sword, lifted up his coat, and revealed a circle of grenades on his belt.

The bandit smiled grimly, took out two grenades, and was about to pull the safety pin, but Wu Jiaqi, who was standing behind Song An, decisively pulled the trigger!


A streak of blood bloomed on the bandit's head!

The bandit widened his eyes and fell backwards with an unwilling look.

At this moment, Qian Qinglai was more than ten meters away from Song An and Wu Jiaqi!

Seeing his accomplice fall, Qian Qinglai's eyes were bloodshot and he roared loudly,"Second brother!

" Wu Jiaqi was startled and quickly pointed the gun at him!

Qian Qinglai held an MP5K in his hand, pointed the gun at Song An's chest, his eyes widened, and roared loudly,"Come on!

Shoot, if I die, your man will not live!

" Song An smiled,"Brother Lai, you are wrong, I am just her colleague, not her man


"Bullshit! You risked your life to save her when you weren’t her man? Do you think I’m a three-year-old kid?

Qian Qinglai cursed, and continued to point the gun at Song An, but his eyes were on Wu Jiaqi,"Put down the gun, I’ll count to three, if you don’t put it down, I’ll shoot him to death!"

Song An could feel that Wu Jiaqi’s breathing was getting heavier. Obviously, she was having a fierce struggle in her heart.

"1, 2, one"

"Stop, stop, stop!

Qian Qinglai just shouted"2" and Song An smiled.

""Brother Lai, should I squat down with my head in my hands first? If I stand, you will be worried when you see me." Song An said with a smile.

Qian Qinglai was stunned. He didn't expect Song An to take the initiative to cooperate. He snorted coldly,"I saw you saving people just now and thought you were a real man. I didn't expect you to be a coward!"

"Brother Lai is right! Compared to me, who is both intelligent and brave, I am really nothing! Not to mention me, even our director will be impressed by Brother Lai's charm when he arrives."

Song An smiled and slowly squatted down.

Qian Qing looked at Song An with a little more contempt in his eyes, and because of contempt, he did not look at him again.

"You, put down the gun!"

Qian Qinglai shouted loudly!

Wu Jiaqi had no choice but to loosen his grip, and also slowly bent down and put the gun on the ground.

At this moment, Qian Qinglai's eyes were motionless, and he had been focusing on the gun in Wu Jiaqi's hand.

He did not notice that one of Song An's hands was slowly reaching towards his trouser leg.

At this moment!

Song An's eyes lit up, and he swung his right hand and raised his arm!

A sharp dagger flashed with cold light, drew an arc in the night sky, and before Qian Qinglai could react, it pierced his right shoulder directly!


Qian Qinglai felt pain in his right shoulder, the submachine gun in his hand was still on the ground, he covered the injured part and screamed.

Blood flowed down his sleeves and dripped onto his leather shoes.

Wu Jiaqi reacted very quickly, hooked his toes, and immediately took the Type 64 pistol in his hand, pointed the muzzle at Qian Qinglai, and shouted,"Qian Qinglai, you are arrested, put your hands up!"

Qian Qinglai looked at Song An and the others viciously and laughed,"I, Qian Qinglai, choose to die, no one can stop me!"

Qian Qinglai took two steps back and came to the edge of the roof. Song An and Wu Jiaqi shouted in unison,"Danger!"

"I will never lose to you!"

Qian Qinglai looked at Song An coldly, turned around and jumped down...

Qian Qinglai was an important insider in the case. When Song An saw that he really jumped off the building to commit suicide, he was shocked!

He stomped his feet hard, and a lot of dust rose up from the roof. In a blink of an eye, Song An had reached the edge of the roof.

Unfortunately, when he stretched out his hand, Qian Qinglai had already fallen straight down.

As luck would have it, Ke Wen's police car just drove downstairs.

Qian Qinglai screamed and fell heavily on the roof of Ke Wen's police car.

With a loud bang, Qian Qinglai rolled off the car and fell to the ground. His body was covered in blood and his life or death was unknown.

Countless police cars broke the tranquility of the night and came to the construction site one after another.

Ke Wen picked up the walkie-talkie,"I am Ke Wen, I will dispatch one immediately......"

At this time, Song An and Wu Jiaqi also came down. Ke Wen saw the wound on Song An's forehead and immediately changed his words,"Send two ambulances over!""

"No, no, I'm fine! I just have some scratches, you guys save Qian Qing first." Song An explained.

The nurses didn't care about this, and the two female nurses didn't know where they got the strength from, but they actually carried Song An directly to the ambulance.

Ke Wen shook the walkie-talkie in his hand,"Comrades, the arrest work is completed! Clean up the battlefield quickly and call it a day!"

A burst of applause rang out at the construction site.

Wu Jiaqi looked at the ambulance going away, heaved a long sigh of relief, picked up his phone and called the General Administration to report.

The next morning, 2.2, the red sun rose, and the warm sunshine shone on the land of Fujian.

Nanquan's autumn is beautiful, with golden sycamore leaves and fiery red maple leaves swirling and falling to the ground with the autumn wind.

The sky is blue and cloudless. It was a good day with a clear sky. The October autumn breeze blowing on people was neither cold nor hot, but very comfortable.

People who are walking in the park, jogging on the street, eating breakfast, going to school, or going to work will probably never know that just last night, a group of lovely people lost their young lives forever in order to protect this city and to fight crime.

On the way to the police station, thousands of Nanquan police officers took off their hats and silently mourned to the four slowly moving police cars.

Special police captain Zhao Ming, with all the special police, guarded the door of the police station.

After the police car drove in, Zhao Ming shouted,"Brothers, go home!"

The special police who participated in the operation last night shouted in unison in grief,"Go home!"

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