The chief steward's words stunned Song An and the others.

"Did you make a mistake? We didn't buy first-class tickets."Wu Jiaqi asked hurriedly.

The flight attendant smiled and shook his head,"No mistake, this is the Nanquan ground control station, the commander-in-chief personally requested, please follow me."

Song An and Wu Jiaqi had no other choice. Since they were in the sky, they had to listen to the arrangements.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Song An stood up, Kong Furong refused to do it.

"Hey, can I upgrade to first class, please?"

The purser smiled apologetically and said,"I'm afraid not."

"We came together, why can they do it but I can't? When your airline upgrades the cabin, are there different levels?"

Kong Furong is a journalist by profession, and she is a professional at leading the conversation. As soon as she said this, several passengers next to her started to yell, demanding an explanation.

The flight attendant was forced by Kong Furong and the others and could only say:

"Dear passengers, the officer behind me, Song, is the detective mentioned in the TV news, who solved the fried chicken shop murder case last night!

I believe everyone knows how serious the case was last night.


Song caught the real murderer in an hour and sent peace to Nanquan.

This morning, the streets of Nanquan were celebrating!

The Nanquan tower commander personally contacted our captain and asked for special treatment to upgrade Officer Song and Officer Wu to first class!

Everyone, do you think this is really too much?"

"Not too much!"

""We should!"

The passengers in the cabin stood up and applauded. The flight attendant's words moved everyone.

Especially the passengers whose hometown is Nanquan, they were so excited that they burst into tears.

Song An saluted everyone and said hurriedly,"You are too polite. This is just our job."

"Detective Song, maybe this is just an ordinary murder case for you, but for the folks living near Licheng, it means they can live a stable life in the future. Your contribution is no less than that of scientists.¨々 !"

One passenger said

"This comrade said it well! Scientists improve our living conditions and promote national progress, so of course they should enjoy high courtesy! But in ancient times, a good policeman like Officer Song who serves the people would have to build temples and erect monuments to accept offerings from the people! What's the big deal about sitting in the first class!"

Amidst everyone's applause, Song An and Wu Jiaqi saluted all the way, thanked the passengers, and walked into the first class cabin.

Kong Furong couldn't hold her face, so she quickly lowered her head and dared not talk nonsense anymore.

The seatmate didn't want to let her go, and deliberately said loudly,"This big reporter, who said just now that he knew Detective Song and was very familiar with him? But he was right behind you, why didn't you see him say hello to you?"

"That’s right, she was fooling us!"

"Detective Song and his team are so low-key! It's you, as a reporter, who don't conduct interviews in a realistic manner, but instead make up stories all day long."

The passengers knew they were cheated, and they took their anger out on Kong Furong.

Kong Furong knew she was in the wrong, so she could only apologize to everyone with a miserable smile.

At the same time, in a building in the suburbs of Jibei City.

There were guards inside and outside the building, and all of them put their hands on their waists, looking around vigilantly.

The curtains in the room were closed, and even in the daytime, the room was dark.

In the quiet room, no one spoke, and the three people were smoking silently.

A deep voice suddenly sounded:

"I just received news that Qian Qinglai and his gang have been wiped out by the Nanquan Public Security Corps! Old Qian is now in the hospital, his life or death is unknown."

The second person slapped the table,"There are at least seventy or eighty people in Old Qian's gang! More than sixty guns, and they were wiped out in one night? Are these policemen really gods? How did they find Old Qian's hideout?"

The third figure suddenly stood up, picked up his coat, and said,"You guys play, I don't want to play anymore! Now that the money is gone and Old Qian is dead, there is nothing we can do with our group!"

The gloomy voice sounded again,"Don't worry, everyone, at least the hostages are still in our hands! If Mrs. Ge can come up with 100 million US dollars, she can come up with another 100 million US dollars! As long as the hostages are there, we will not be considered a failure!"

After Song An and his companions arrived in Jibei, Wu Jiaqi went to the General Administration's command center to report on Nanquan's situation, and Song An went to Heping Road to find his friend Song Laoer.

As for the consigned gifts, Song An found a freight logistics company near the airport and asked them to deliver them to Yanshan Team 6.

An hour later, Song An came to"Laoer Auto Repair Shop."

Because of Song An's relationship, Song Laoer's business is booming.

In addition to the police cars coming to him for repairs, the location of the repair shop is also very good. It is at a traffic intersection, and the Liyuan toll station is not far away. There are many trucks coming and going. The gangsters and colleagues on the ground nearby all know that Song Laoer has the support of the famous Detective Song, and no one dares to trouble them. As soon as

Song An got off the car, Yuan Laoliu ran over, asked Song An to sit down, handed him a cigarette and poured him water.

"¨. Liuzi, you said in the text message that you found a suspicious person, what's going on?"

Song An took a sip of red tea and asked directly

"This is what happened. A sneaky guy came to our store last night and asked us if we would accept a used car."

Yuan Laoliu pulled a chair, sat down and continued,"It would have been nothing, but he told us that he had a Volvo 960, the top version, which he bought last year and had rarely been on the road. He only wanted this amount!"

Yuan Laoliu raised three fingers.

"Three hundred thousand? The car he bought last year has shrunk by half? His car is not legitimate, right?"

Song An was also shocked by the price.

Yuan Laoliu shook his head,"That guy told us that the car belongs to his eldest brother.

His eldest brother has something urgent to do and needs cash!

In addition, in addition to Volvo, he said there are two other imported cars, both of which are top-of-the-line and super cheap.

The only requirement is cash!

By the way, Brother Song, he also asked me to find out where to recycle jewelry at high prices.

His eldest brother is in a hurry to cash out!

Boss Song and I discussed it and decided that his eldest brother must have(���Li Hao) Things are fine, otherwise I wouldn’t be so anxious!


""Have you checked where this man came from?" Song An asked.

Yuan Laoliu nodded,"We checked, his name is Guozi, he usually checks the bars over on Nansi Road, he's a street urchin, and he doesn't have a proper job! But we haven't found out the identity of his eldest brother yet."

Song An thought for a moment, and said to Yuan Laoliu,"You should make an appointment with Guozi right away, and ask him to drive the Volvo to Housha Town, and tell him that I like his stuff, and if the price is right, I'll give him cash on the spot! By the way, if he asks me what I do......."

Song An thought for a moment,"Just say that I got this stuff from outside."

Song An made a pistol gesture.

Yuan Laoliu immediately picked up his phone and called the other side. After the two whispered a few words, Yuan Laoliu immediately hung up the phone.

"Brother Song, Guo Zi said, let's meet at the Pizza Hut in Housha Central Square in an hour.".

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