"No! This is where the leaders work. Unless you have the commander's authorization code, you are not allowed to pass! Please show your authorization code, otherwise, leave the command room immediately!"

Song An hurriedly stood up and walked out the door, looking at the security guard and whispered,"Comrade, this is my girlfriend, let her in"


The security officer saluted Song Anyi and immediately released the protective bar.

Tian Rui carried a lot of bags and ran over happily.

A short absence is better than a new love. The two hadn't seen each other for two days and missed each other very much.

However, this is an office after all, even if you miss each other, you must not be too much.

"Teacher Song, I bought you Heyan beef patties, Yonghe soy milk, Fengzeyuan braised prawns, crystal pork elbow, and mutton from Yangtou Ma's family, and mixed gluten from Dexingzhai...."

Tian Rui stuffed all the bags she bought into Song An's pocket and said with a smile:

"I said, it's night now, you let me eat so much, meat and shrimp, aren't you afraid that my stomach can't stand it?"

Song An pinched his girlfriend's little face lovingly.

Tian Rui must have run a lot just now, her face was covered with sweat.

"I was thinking, you will definitely take action tonight! I can't do anything else for you, so I bought these things, hoping that Teacher Song will have enough to eat."

Tian Rui raised her head and stared at Song An deeply, as if she wanted to imprint every inch of his face in her mind.

In particular, she saw the big red scarf inside the collar of her boyfriend's windbreaker.

The smile on the corner of the girl's lips became even brighter.

"You only bought it for me, did you eat it yourself? Your intelligence team is also very busy, don't starve yourself."Song An said distressedly.

Tian Rui nodded,"I ate it! Don't worry, I gained five pounds this month.〃」 "

"Who has gained five pounds?"

Zhang Songquan squinted his eyes and walked out of the office, looking Tian Rui up and down, and patted Song An on the shoulder.

"I thought you were good at solving cases, but it turns out you are the best at finding a wife!"

Tian Rui was shocked!

She kept reminding herself on the way that she must be low-key when she saw her boyfriend in the command building.

If the boss knew that she and her boyfriend worked in the same department and the same squadron, it would be a big deal!

This is why Wang Guijin was so secretive even though he had guessed the relationship between Tian Rui and Song An.

This kind of thing can be big or small, the key is whether the supervisory department will intervene.

"Leader, Mr. Song An and I are just ordinary colleagues........"

Tian Rui hurriedly explained, but Zhang Songquan waved his hands,"I didn't hear anything! However, I heard that the braised prawns at Fengze Garden are a must-try. Do you mind if Comrade Song An and I share the prawns?"

Tian Rui was startled. This was not like General Director Zhang's usual speaking style. When did he become so kind?

Could it be because Song An was here?

"I don't mind, I don't mind at all! Director Zhang, please do as you please, Director Zhang, eat and drink well, Director Zhang, goodbye!"

After all, Tian Rui had just started her internship. The gap between her and Zhang Songquan's positions was too great. She stuttered a few words and winked at Song An.

The girl ran away.

Zhang Songquan looked at her back and laughed for once.

"Xiao Song, I like this girl's personality very much. You have to work harder! I can't be wrong about her. She will definitely be a good wife in the future."

Song An touched his hair and nodded a little embarrassedly.

Tian Rui ran out of the General Administration. A Xiali taxi stopped at the door. Female colleague Feng Qiu waved to her desperately.

""Hurry up, Tian Rui, we're going to be late!"

After Tian Rui got in the car, Feng Qiu touched her arm with his elbow and said,"Have you given all the things to your boyfriend?"

Tian Rui nodded happily.

"Are you stupid? There's our dinner in there. If we give it all to them, what will we eat?" Feng Qiu rolled his eyes at Tian Rui.

"Go buy some more. I won't eat anymore. This is enough for me."

Tian Rui picked up a food box on the seat, which contained the Big Mac that Song An ordered for her last time.

Tian Rui took a small bite, as if she had eaten the most delicious food in the world, with infinite joy on her face.

"I'm really impressed! Are you people who are in love so uncaring about yourselves?"Miss, these are from the night before yesterday. You should finish them tonight, otherwise they will go bad!"

Feng Qiu looked at Tian Rui speechlessly and said.

Tian Rui came to Feng Qiu and said happily,"¨. Sister Qiu, Sister Qiu, please tell me again what my boyfriend said on the intercom last time. I still want to hear it...."

"You've heard it eight hundred times! I'm telling you, you have to treat me to a big meal tomorrow!" Feng Qiu took the opportunity to put forward a condition

"Please, please, I will treat you to roasted whole lamb tomorrow, hurry up~" Tian Rui pushed Feng Qiu anxiously. Feng Qiu coughed,"I am Commander No. 009, please tell Comrade Tian Rui that I ordered a set meal for her at McDonald's, please remind her to eat on time..."

A white light flashed outside the car window, and fireworks bloomed in the night sky.

Brilliant, gorgeous, and beautiful like shooting stars.

Tian Rui hugged Feng Qiu's arm and listened to her repeating her boyfriend's words that night over and over again.

Every time she heard it, Tian Rui felt a warm current (from King Zhao) flowing through her heart.

The girl's heart was also like fireworks, blooming brilliantly in the night sky.

Wu Jiaqi didn't drive back to the command center until three in the morning.

Song An and Zhang Songquan were smoking.

The operation has just begun, and tonight is destined to be a tough battle. They all hope that a few cigarettes will refresh their spirits.

""Why did you take so long?"

Song An pulled out a chair for her and poured her a glass of water, then asked.

Wu Jiaqi drank a whole glass of water and panted,"Don't mention it! The computer at the paging station broke down and can't be turned on! It was said that the staff was careless and the hard drive was damaged by water!"

"Is there such a thing?"Song An had a flash of doubt in his mind.

"I went to Bainaohui overnight and invited several repairmen to come over. They worked until late at night and finally fixed the bad sectors on the hard drive.".

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