"Report! Sniper is in position, request to shoot!"



A golden Type 53 7.62mm general-purpose machine gun bullet flew out from the Type 79 sniper rifle, drawing an arc in the air.

The bullet passed through the old locust tree at the entrance of the village, hit the bandit machine gunner between the eyebrows, penetrated his skull, and flew out from behind his head.

A burst of blood bloomed behind the machine gunner's head, and a large amount of red and white debris fell to the side!

After the machine gunner fell, before anyone could make up for it, the assault rifles of the special police fired intensively.

At the same time, the police sniper ran wildly with a Type 79 sniper rifle and changed position again!

This time, the sniper rifle aimed at a bandit on the wall who was holding a submachine gun and firing!

Zhou Xun growled into the headset,"Get to the back of the house and cut off these bastards!"

Zhou Xun led the criminal police of the Fifth Squadron and quietly moved to the back of the house.

Xinning Street, Brother Hui's Supermarket.

Song An had just arrived at the Super"043" City when a girl in a supermarket work uniform suddenly looked at Song An in horror and covered her mouth in fear.

Song An didn't think twice and quickly lowered his head!

Bang! Crash!

An engineer shovel that was originally aimed at Song An's head hit the counter on the side!

The cigarette counter was smashed to pieces by the engineer shovel!

The glass cabinet was like mercury falling to the ground, and the broken glass scattered and fell to the ground.

Song An pulled away, turned his waist, and threw a cannon punch, hitting the man's heart steadily!

The man stepped back several steps and hit the back wall, with his mouth A lot of blood flowed out, and he looked at Song An in disbelief, and slowly slid down from the back wall.


A bullet flew past Song An's shoulder, and Song An grabbed the swivel chair next to him and smashed it over!


The gunman was hit on the arm by Song An's wheelchair, and the pistol fell to the ground!

Song An kicked the gun aside and took away the gunman's belt. Before the gunman could react, he was hit in the face by the belt!

The cowhide belt was extremely painful when it hit a person's face!

The gunman covered his swollen right cheek, and Song An swung the belt again and hit him on the left cheek!

Song An used this belt as a nunchaku.

The gunman's head, face, and nose were all bruised by his own cowhide belt.

"Damn it, go to hell!"

The supermarket owner named Wang Yihui picked up the 25-inch Changhong color TV on the cash register and smashed it towards Song An!

Song An dodged and the color TV hit the ground with a loud bang, and sparks flew all over the supermarket!

Song An hooked his feet and took the gangster's Lolock 17 pistol in his hand. He held the gun with both hands, stood firm, and aimed the gun at Wang Yihui's abdomen!

""Brother, run! Lei Zi is coming!"

Wang Yihui shouted, and his right hand reached for his lower back!


Wang Yihui covered the wound from the bullet, and a lot of blood flowed out through his fingers.

The Lolock pistol has a very fast firing rate, which is much better than the criminal police's gun. Song An took him up the stairs step by step.

The first floor of this building is a supermarket, but the second floor and above are all tenants.

It was morning, and many residents who had just woken up, wearing autumn clothes and autumn trousers, were cooking in the open-air kitchen outside the room.

"Hey, did you hear a loud bang just now? It was quite loud!"A man who was cooking said

"I heard it, maybe it's thunder! Oh, the weather in Jibei is so weird, it's almost winter and there's still thunder!"

Song An didn't know which floor Qi Shengtian was on, let alone what Fatty Qi looked like, so he didn't dare to disturb the tenants easily.

He could only hide the gun behind his windbreaker, go up one floor at a time, lift his feet high and lower his feet low, and search room by room.

Song An came to the third floor. The hall here was a kitchen for cooking, and the rooms on all sides were filled with tenants. There was a whole row of gas tanks in the kitchen, about thirty of them, and the gas tanks were connected to the gas pipeline.

It was time to make breakfast, but there was no one cooking.

Song An's eyes moved, and he silently turned on the"analogy hearing" in his heart!

Three All the doors of other rooms in the building were closed, except for room 305, where Song An could clearly hear several violent heartbeats.

Song An put away his pistol, bent down and pulled out the dagger that Tian Rui had given him, and walked towards room 305 along the wall.

Ever since this dagger had performed a great service last time, Song An treated this short-handled three-edged scraper as a treasure. He did not expect that it would come in handy again today!

The kitchens here are all open-air. Once the bullet hits the gas tank and all the gas tanks explode, a chain reaction will definitely occur!

By then, I'm afraid the whole building will blow up!

One step, two steps, three steps.........

Getting closer and closer to 305!

At this moment, the door of room 305 was suddenly opened!

Song An quickly leaned against the wall!

Two kitchen knives whizzed past him.

One of the kitchen knives flew past him less than three centimeters away from his nose!

The kitchen knife hit the kitchen glass, and with a loud bang, the two glass windows shattered!

Song An quietly retreated to the entrance of the third floor.

A bald gangster walked out of the room, holding an MP5K submachine gun, and patrolled back and forth in the hall.

"Come out, I'm watching you! You're hiding your head and showing your tail, what kind of hero are you!"

The bald gangster shouted loudly...

When he approached the corridor, Song An attacked like lightning!

He sealed his mouth with one hand, and swung the three-edged scraper with the other hand, quickly cutting across his throat!

The bald gangster screamed and couldn't speak. His 180cm burly body let go of the submachine gun and fell heavily to the ground!

Song An took the gun with both hands, and when he was about to drag the body again, the door of 305 opened again!


A man came out of the house, wearing a black vest, with two arms as strong as iron towers, holding an M249 light machine gun in his hand!

The man saw his elder brother lying on the ground, screamed, and shouted heartbreakingly!

Behind the black vest, a big white fat man appeared!

The white fat man was wearing a white suit, a white bow tie, and stared at Song An with a pair of basically negligible bead eyes.

Seeing this man's appearance and aura, Song An was basically sure that he was the culprit of the major kidnapping case, Qi Shengtian!

"How did you know I was on the third floor?"

The fat white man looked at Qi Shengtian coldly, holding a cigar in his mouth, and asked coldly.

He was not afraid of Song An at all. He was surrounded by his men for protection, and Song An would never be stupid enough to shoot in such an environment.

"The third floor can be used for attack or defense, and what's more, you have these natural weapons!"

Song An glanced at the kitchen.

The whole row of gas tanks in it was the best barrier.

Once these things were ignited, the people in the whole building might be in trouble.

Fatty White 0.1 calculated that the police would not open fire, so he was fearless.

Fatty White laughed,"Brother, it seems that you are a smart man! In your line of work, you should put your head on your belt. How much money can you make in a month after working so hard! Why don't you follow me and give you 10,000 a month? Or if you let me go, I will give you one million, how about it?"

Fatty White had planned everything out, and knew that he was safe at the moment, so he negotiated with Song An with great interest.

He had calculated everything, but the only thing he didn't calculate was his brother.

The subordinate whose brother had died could no longer bear the anger in his heart, grabbed the M249 in his hand, decisively pulled the trigger and started firing!

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you to avenge my brother!"

The man in the black vest opened his bloodshot eyes and roared crazily.

The fat white man was startled and shouted,"Idiot! Don't shoot!"

It was too late.

Fatty Qi, who was half a step ahead of the others, was stabbed by his brother.

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