"You're just bragging."

Wu Jiaqi took a towel from the car and wiped the dust off Song An's cheek.

"Song An, when you were arresting Qi Shengtian, our colleagues arrested more than a dozen people, all of whom were Qi Fatty's men. And I heard that many people were also arrested in other dens! I never thought that Qi Shengtian could organize such a huge criminal network!"

"He started out as a tomb robber and has no shortage of money. If he hadn't kidnapped the richest man in Jiangbei and wanted to uproot them, we wouldn't have had a chance."

After Song An finished speaking, he looked at Wu Jiaqi and said,"Jiaqi, although Fatty Qi has been caught, it may not be easy to get the whereabouts of Ge Tianjiao from him! I tried upstairs, and I almost strangled the old guy to death, but he still refused to explain the situation!"

Wu Jiaqi frowned,"He is not afraid of death or threats. Doesn't this guy have any weaknesses?"

"I have read the interrogation materials of Song Lao Hu. According to Song Lao Hu, every October 20th, Fatty Qi would go to Wuding Temple to burn incense and kowtow."Song An said.

As the two talked, police officers who came to support saluted Song An from time to time.

After the rescue of the firefighters, the fire had been reduced, but the street was still a mess.

The two talked while walking and had come to the side of the Land Rover..

"Wuxiang Temple 633 enshrines Bixia Yuanjun. According to folklore, Bixia Yuanjun is also called Taishan Grandma, a very kind and benevolent deity. Therefore, ordinary people who don't have children or want to pray for their parents' birthdays like to go to Wuxiang Temple to burn incense and pray."

After Song An finished speaking, Wu Jiaqi thought for a while,"Qi Shengtian's information doesn't mention whether he has a lover or a wife. This person seems to have no interest in love. Is he going there to pray for his parents?"

"That's probably the case."

Song An nodded, got in the car and picked up the car intercom,"I'm Deputy Commander Song An, is the Intelligence Group here?"

Tian Rui's voice rang out on the intercom,"This is the Intelligence Group, Comrade Deputy Commander, please speak."

"I need all the detailed information about Qi Shengtian. Please sort it out as quickly as possible at all costs!"

"Intelligence team received it."

Song An hung up the intercom, fastened his seat belt, stepped on the clutch and released the handbrake, and lightly stepped on the accelerator with his right foot.

"Let's go to the General Administration and wait for news. We must find a way out of Fatty Qi today no matter what!" Song An said gritting his teeth.

Wu Jiaqi smiled and said,"I believe you if you say this."

Song An gave an order, and everyone from the intelligence team to the mobile team and the electronic tracking team immediately became busy.

All police officers went to Qi Shengtian's hometown, residence, former workplace and other places and quickly launched an investigation!

After Song An and Wu Jiaqi returned to the command center, nine commanders in the command center stood up and applauded him at the same time.

""Leaders, what are you doing? I'm a little flattered."

Song An smiled embarrassedly.

Gu Ming stood behind Chen Bing and silently gave Song An a thumbs up!

Zhang Songquan personally went���Song An said with a smile,"Comrade Song An, Qi Shengtian was successfully arrested and brought to justice, and Qi Shengtian's gang was caught in one fell swoop! You are the first hero!"

Gu Ming immediately said,"Director, based on our Song An's performance this time, I think it's okay to apply for a first-class individual merit?"

Zhang Songquan waved his hand,"Director Gu, you are too narrow-minded! What's the point of a first-class individual merit? I plan to report directly to my superiors and apply for a second-class hero model for Comrade Song An!"

The command center was stunned.

Everyone was shocked by what Director Zhang said.

Hero model!

That is an honorary medal that is more difficult to get than the first-class merit!

The second-class hero model not only has a bonus of 30,000 yuan, but also a special national bonus!

This is not enough. Police officers who have won the honor of hero model can also apply to continue their studies at the Public Security University.

This is not enough!

I can be promoted by exception and awarded a higher police rank! My children can get extra points in the college entrance examination, can apply for or even be directly recommended to the highest public security institution!

Of course, although there are many honors, ordinary people can't get them.

Except for special circumstances, only a few people in the national public security system receive this honor each year.

Moreover, many of them are awarded posthumously, and when they receive the honor, they have already left us forever.......

From the establishment of the Jibei Police Department system to now, no police officer has ever received such an honor!

Not to mention Jibei City, even in the entire province, the number of people who have the opportunity to get the title of model hero can definitely be counted on one hand!

But this time, Zhang Songquan actually promised in person in front of his subordinates that he would apply for the model hero medal for Song An!

This shows how outrageous Song An's weight has become in Director Zhang's heart!

The heads of all branches were all shocked by Director Zhang's words!

Amidst the surprise, Director Gu Ming was the first to react and applauded enthusiastically.

Others followed suit, even Director Zhao, who was a little picky about Song An, sincerely applauded him at this time.

There is no way, in the face of absolute strength, age and qualifications have to be put aside.

From the deployment to the accurate inference of Qi Shengtian's real hiding place last night, Song An performed impeccably.

The key is that I am still very low-key and humble, and I pay great attention to uniting my colleagues. I am not a domineering and arrogant character.

Any director who sees this kind of treasure will be so happy that he can't sleep at night.

"You got it for free!"

Director Zhao bumped Gu Ming with his shoulder and said sourly.

Gu Ming chuckled and said,"Thank you, thank you."

After all, Qi Shengtian had not confessed yet, and the whereabouts of the hostages were still a mystery.

While everyone was happy that Fatty Qi was arrested, they were also working hard to study the next step of the investigation.

"Report! The intelligence team just sent the faxed document requested by the deputy commander-in-chief!"

A guard police officer stood at the door holding a faxed document.

Song An nodded and let him in.

After quickly browsing the information compiled by the intelligence team, Song An said to Zhang Songquan,"Director Zhang, Qi Shengtian has no wife or children, his father died early, and his only concern is his mother. I suggest making a breakthrough from here."

"Good! Playing the emotional card may seem old-fashioned, but it is often the most effective."Zhang Songquan nodded in agreement.

Song An picked up the intercom,"I am Song An, a standby police officer of the action team. Go to Wudaoying Hutong, Haitian Road immediately and ask Qi Shengtian's mother Wang Guifang to come to the General Administration."


Several neat responses came from the intercom.

Song An sorted out the files, stood up and said,"Director Zhang, Captain Wu and I will go to interrogate Qi Shengtian! Please be prepared to communicate at any time. I still think the hostage is on the sea!"

"Don't worry, once the news is accurate, I will contact the Coast Guard and the Hong Kong Marine Police Headquarters immediately to ensure the safe return of the hostages!"

Zhang Songquan stood up and shook hands with Song An,"Song An, work harder and try to rescue Ge Tianjiao within three days! Fight a perfect final battle!"

"Guaranteed completion of tasks".

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