The huge air cushion deflated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"After the air cushion of the"Sand City" leaked, it was left there, motionless.

"Go check and see what's going on!"

Liu Cai'e jumped out of the cab with six men, holding submachine guns.

Song An jumped out of the sports car, used the sports car as a support, pulled out his pistol, and quickly aimed at the head of one of Sister Goose's men..


A bullet hit the man's temple, and the bald subordinate fell down without a sound.

Liu Cai'e was startled and quickly fired in the direction where Song An was dodging.

With the advantage of the powerful firepower network of the submachine gun, Song An was beaten by them and dared not raise his head easily.

However, the bullets will always run out. While one of his subordinates was changing the magazine, Song An really pulled out a triangular scraper!

With a shake of his arm, the scraper was thrown out and stabbed the lower abdomen of one of his subordinates.

The man covered his bleeding lower abdomen and fell down in pain.

Liu Cai'e was furious,"Throw a grenade to me and blow him to death!"

The four subordinates took out fragmentation grenades at the same time, deliberately delayed the grenade for one second, and then threw it out collectively!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Four loud noises came from the place where Song An was dodging!

After the fragmentation grenade exploded, metal fragments flew everywhere, and the strong airflow blew the sports car directly into the sky!

The man with a plane head raised his head, looked at the Porsche supercar floating in the sky, shook his head speechlessly, and said to himself:

"I must have been terrified today, seeing my 953 sports car flying in the sky! Shit!"

The smoke cleared, and there was no trace of a single person on the ground except for a few circles of black smoke.

""Where are the people?"

Liu Cai'e looked at the ground in shock.

The four men were all stunned.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed before their eyes. Liu Cai'e screamed, and someone had pointed a gun at her back.

"Let them lay down their weapons, otherwise, your sister will shed blood in Hong Kong."

Song An said with a sneer.

Liu Cai'e gritted her teeth, winked at several men, and said,"Put down your guns, do you want to kill me?"

The four men understood, exchanged glances, and dropped their guns at the same time.

""What about yours?" Song An sneered.

Liu Cai'e snorted and threw away the UMP45 submachine gun in her hand.

At this moment, several police cars on the opposite side stopped on the spot, and more than a dozen police officers rushed down from the police cars, pointing their revolvers at Liu Cai'e and others at the same time!

"West Kowloon Crime Unit! Everyone, raise your hands quickly, hold your head and squat, now!"

A man jumped down from the ship's cabin, raised his hands high, and shouted,"Officer, it's none of my business, I was coerced by them!"

Hong Kong police officers surrounded them.

A female police officer blinked her big eyes, saw Song An behind Liu Hui'e, and quickly pointed a gun at him,"You, drop the gun, quickly!"

Song An smiled,"Madam, we are in the same line of work, I am Yanshan criminal police Song An."

"Don't quibble! The police won't be fooled!"

The female police officer looked at Song An vigilantly, and moved her finger towards the trigger."You don't have to speak, but anything you say may become evidence in court!"

Song An smiled helplessly, looked at the other police officers and asked,"Excuse me, where is Senior Inspector Liang Xiaorou?"

"Hey, you actually know Inspector Liang?"

The policewoman looked at Song An in surprise.

This girl looked like a new police officer. If Song An was really a gangster, she would be fooled in a few minutes.

"What's the matter?"

A heroic and dashing female police officer with short hair came over. When she saw Song An, she immediately said in stiff Mandarin,"I've seen your photo. You are Inspector Song!"

"Hello, Inspector Liang, thank you for your great cooperation."

Song An smiled and extended his right hand to the other party.

"It should be! If there is a need in the future, we in Xiangjiang may also need your cooperation. Especially Officer Song’s name has been spread to our Xiangjiang Police Department, and we look forward to our cooperation."

Liang Xiaorou said with a smile


The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and the female police officer next to them put away her gun a little embarrassedly,"I'm sorry, Officer Song, I didn't know you were one of us."

""Turn off the safety first, and stop pointing the gun at your colleagues." Liang Xiaorou looked at her and said angrily.

The policewoman chuckled, looking a little silly, and looked at Song An with her bright eyes. She took the initiative to extend her hand and said,"Hello, Lin Tingting from the Forensic Department, nice to meet Officer Song."

Song An shook hands with her and looked at her strangely,"How come you, the Forensic Department, have joined the Serious Crime Unit?"

"There is no way, the police force is not enough, there was a shooting incident in Yau Ma Tei, and other colleagues went to provide support."Liang Xiaorou said helplessly

"So I was drafted into the army." Lin Tingting stuck out her tongue and made a face.

Song An felt very close to Lin Tingting. She and Tian Rui had similar personalities. They were both beautiful girls from a small family, full of energy, but also a little silly.

"Inspector Liang, I'd like to trouble your people to escort these suspects back to Jibei. Also, regarding the hostage Ge Tianjiao,......."

Before Song An finished speaking, he saw two police officers carrying a ragged, pale-faced middle-aged man down from the cockpit.

Although the man had been tortured to the point of being unrecognizable, Song An recognized him at a glance. He was the wealthy Ge Tianjiao who had attended Tian Rui's birthday party.

"Song, Officer Song,

Ge Tianjiao weakly greeted Song An, and grabbed Song An's hands with his greasy hands, holding them tightly,"Thank you for saving me."

Ge Tianjiao cried.

He was a wealthy businessman who had no worries about food and clothing. He had just climbed out of the gates of hell after experiencing life and death in just a few days. He was extremely grateful to Song An.

Song An shook his head and asked other police officers to help him change his clothes and eat something to fill his stomach.

Then Song An took out the maritime satellite phone and called Zhang Songquan of the Jibei General Administration.

At this time, in the command center building���Nearly a hundred police officers involved in the investigation of the case were anxiously waiting for Song An's call.

Zhang Songquan raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

The room was very quiet, so quiet that only the sound of the hour hand could be heard.

At this moment, the Nokia phone suddenly rang!

Everyone looked at Zhang Songquan.

Zhang Songquan picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

The call ended after only three seconds.

"I understand."

Zhang Songquan hung up the phone, and in the surprised eyes of everyone, Zhang Songquan picked up the intercom:

"This is the command center. I am Zhang Songquan. Now I officially announce that the hostages have been successfully rescued and all criminals have been arrested!"

In the command room, in the police public channel, everyone was stunned for half a second, and then cheered collectively! After several days and nights of sleepless battles, they finally won!

Zhang Songquan raised his right hand and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"In addition, I want to convey a greeting from Deputy Commander-in-Chief Song An.

Zhang Songquan smiled."Comrade Tian Rui from the Intelligence Group, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief asked me to tell you that you must eat on time tonight."

Surprised voices rang out in the public channel.

Is this Tian Rui again?

Who is she that the Deputy Commander-in-Chief personally told her to eat?

In the intelligence group's work police car, Tian Rui was holding a letter in a daze.

To be precise, it was a suicide note written by Song An before he carried out his mission.

There were only four words in the suicide note:

"Wait for me to come back".

At this time, my colleague took off his headphones and suddenly shouted:"Tian Rui, Tian Rui, your boyfriend, no, the deputy commander-in-chief succeeded, he is calling you to eat again in the channel!"

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