Movie posters in the dormitory manager's room.

The small cubicle next to it.

The veiled expression of the dormitory manager Xu Aizhi.

The slogan on the wall of the Eagle Class.

Instant noodles and manuscript paper found in the grove.

Chen Qian and a man walked up to the rooftop, talking and laughing.

A couple hugging each other in the transformer room.....

These fragmented scenes appeared one by one in front of his eyes, then broke the order and reassembled.

In the end, a complete picture was formed.

A few seconds later, Song An opened his eyes and smiled.

The mystery in his heart has been completely solved!

The murderer has been locked by him!

At nine o'clock in the evening, in the conference room of the administrative building.

This time is exactly the time when the case handlers agreed to meet.

The air in the conference room solidified, and Director Zhou smoked one cigarette after another.

There is no need to ask the people who came back one after another. You can tell from their faces that there is nothing to gain.

Director Zhou put out his cigarette butt, sighed and said,"That's it tonight! The students are all going to turn off the lights. We will send special police to patrol more. No matter what happens, the murderer can't succeed again!"

Everyone was silent for a while, silently packed up their things, and prepared to go back to the hotel after work.

At this time, the door of the office was knocked open!

Zhao Kang appeared in front of everyone panting.

Director Zhou frowned,"Old Zhao, you are getting more and more outrageous now! Even if you don't solve the case, you don't have to make trouble with the door! This is in someone else's university, not your criminal police team!"

""Director Zhou, Director Zhou! Song An, Song An, he found the murderer!"

Zhao Kang shouted breathlessly.

Wang Yong:??

Zheng Yimin:??


Fang Mu: Calm face

What the hell, the murderer was found?

Damn it, we haven't even found any clues, and you started to catch the murderer directly?

Director Zhou suppressed his inner joy,"Where is Officer Song?"

"In the Academic Affairs Office, everyone follow me!"

Director Zhou took everyone to the police car and came to the downstairs of the Academic Affairs Office.

He took the lead and ran to the sixth floor and opened the door directly.

Song An just opened his eyes at this time and figured out everything.

"Comrade Song An, have you really found the murderer?"

Zhou Ju, Zhao Kang, Fang Mu and other police officers stood at the door, running out of breath.

""Director, the murderer is Wu Ruoxiong, a student at Yandu University!" Song An said.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Principal Mo almost fainted when he heard Song An's words,"How could it be him? I just heard from the president of the drama club that there was originally a play starring classmate Wu Ruoxiong to be performed tomorrow, but it had to be postponed because of the murder. He has been rehearsing hard during this period. How could he kill someone?"

Zhao Kang said immediately,"Song An, you must have made a mistake! Wu Ruoxiong is the roommate of the deceased Li Hongbao, and he is also the first suspect we have checked out! His roommate and the dormitory manager Xu Aizhi can testify that he was on night shift on the first floor last night and did not go out at all!"

A Yandu criminal policeman also said,"Moreover, we have found other students in Building 8 and asked them, and they can all testify that they have seen Wu Ruoxiong from 8 pm to 10:30 pm! He was watching the game in the dormitory manager's room and had no time to commit the crime!"

"One of the students did not return to the dormitory until eleven o'clock because he was reviewing his lessons. When he returned to the dormitory, he also saw Wu Ruoxiong watching football!" Another criminal police officer added.

Zheng Yimin immediately said,"Based on the time of death of the first victim, if Wu Ruoxiong had been in the dormitory manager's room at half past ten, he would not have had time to commit the crime, because it takes at least half an hour to walk from the grove to Building 8."

Principal Mo looked at Song An and said,"Officer Song, you must be wrong! Even if Li Hongbao was indeed killed by Wu Ruoxiong in the grove, the school was closed after ten o'clock and there were security guards on duty. How did he get back to school?"

"Could it be that he climbed over the wall to get in?" Han Li said.

"Absolutely impossible! We went to the wall to investigate. There are high-voltage power grids on all four walls. The high-voltage grids on each wall are more than three meters high. It is impossible for him to climb over the wall! Unless the high-voltage wires are cut in advance, but all the high-voltage wires have no signs of being damaged."

Zhao Kang denied it flatly.

Principal Mo touched his head a little nervously,"It's like this. In the past six months, students have generally reported that valuable items such as notebooks are often stolen! The security department has no choice but to set up a high-voltage grid to stop the thieves."

After everyone finished speaking, everyone looked at Song An.

There is no doubt that based on everyone's reactions, his conclusion is wrong.

"Officer Song, I understand your eagerness to solve the case, but we are also eager, but what they say also makes sense."Director Zhou said something polite.

Fang Mu and Song An have the best relationship. Seeing that he was questioned by so many people, he felt a little unhappy and opened his mouth to explain for Song An.

Song An quietly patted the back of his hand and shook his head at him.

"Director Zhou, Captain Zhao, and all my colleagues! I can answer all your questions, but I can't answer them now! Also, I need you to cooperate with me in one thing, which is to tell everyone on TV that the suspect has been arrested and the murderer has been caught!"

All the police officers were stunned.

Zhao Kang hesitated and said,"If we wake up the suspect, we may lose all our efforts."

Fang Mu looked straight ahead expressionlessly,"There is no saying that the serial killer will be awakened or not. Besides,.....We have gained nothing so far, let alone all our previous efforts have been wasted."

This was too impolite, tantamount to slapping someone in the face twice in public.

Fortunately, Zhao Kang was thick-skinned and gave a bitter smile,"Yeah, we've been busy all day and gained nothing."

Everyone looked at Director Zhou 363, and he made the final decision.

Director Zhou hesitated,"Do the rest of you have a better idea?"

Everyone was silent.

The situation was pressing, and Director Zhou could only say,"Okay, I'll go meet the people from the TV station now and spread the fake news! As for whether it will succeed, it depends on you!"

After Director Gu and his group left, Song An looked at Fang Mu and Zhao Kang.

Song An smiled and said,"Thank you both, without your support, my plan would not have come true."

"You're welcome, it's all for solving the case! But I'm curious, why do we have to do this, is there a safer way?" Zhao Kang asked.

Song An shook his head,"So far, we haven't actually found any evidence of the murderer. Even if we catch him and ask him for a confession, it won't make much sense."

Fang Mu and Zhao Kang both shared Song An's concerns.

There were no other clues, only confessions. The case was sent to the procuratorate and directly sent back by the public prosecution office.

Not only would it waste time, but it would also have a bad impact on society.

Therefore, Song An's purpose was very clear, to spread false news to paralyze the murderer, and then force the murderer out, forcing him to commit the crime in full view of the public!

Zhao Kang pouted at Fang Mu,"You just said that the serial killer will never wake up, is it true or false?"

Song An laughed,"Fang Mu made it up just to fool your director".

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