Wu Jiaqi supported Song An and walked down the stairs slowly.

Bai Ling and Chang Baole followed them gloomily.

"They're coming out! They're coming out!"

As soon as Song An and his companions walked out of the building, people gathered around them, asking about their well-being.

The couple rescued by Song An and Wu Jiaqi came over and wanted to kneel down to Song An.

Song An supported them and asked,"Do you know the man who installed the bomb?"

They both shook their heads and said,"He put an advertisement in the newspaper saying that he was selling a house, and the price was very cheap. My husband and I came to see the house in the afternoon, but he knocked us unconscious and tied us up in the room."

Song An and Wu Jiaqi looked at each other.

The victim did not know the criminal!

Just like the previous bombings, the murderer was not after money, sex, or to vent his anger, he was simply committing a crime!

If it was a coincidence, there have been too many coincidences in recent days! At

11 o'clock in the evening, Jibei General Administration, major case analysis meeting room.

The participants were the main persons in charge of each branch, the captains and captains of each criminal investigation brigade.

Only Song An was an exception.

He had no position and attended the meeting as a police officer.

But his police rank 22 happened to be very high, higher than many senior criminal police.

Moreover, I don't know if General Administration Zhang deliberately arranged for Song An's seat to be next to him.

"Comrades, within three days, five explosions occurred in our city! Moreover, in these five cases, the murderers did not have a clear motive for committing the crime, they simply wanted to destroy the target! Just now, if it weren’t for our police officers Song An and Wu Jiaqi’s prompt decision, there would be two more victims!"

After Zhang Songquan finished speaking, he picked up the teacup and slammed it heavily on the table!

"I tell you, they are just provoking the police, they are treating us as idlers!"

Zhang Songquan shouted angrily.

Captain Chen Bing coughed and said,"From the current perspective, the five bombings do have many similarities. For example, the explosion sites are all in the city center, and the people who threw the bombs have no conflicts of interest with the victims, and they don't even know them at all! In addition, there is another unfortunate news. These murderers are all dead, and so far, we don't have any valuable clues about them."

The branch directors who attended the meeting also looked gloomy.

Gu Ming immediately stood up and said,"Director Zhang, it's my fault. My people didn't keep a good lookout for the murderer. I accept all the punishment."

"Punish, punish, can you catch the murderer? You are just talking nonsense!"

Zhang Songquan rolled his eyes at Gu Ming, and Director Gu lowered his head in embarrassment.

Song An was looking down at the files of the five bombing cases.

He had participated in two of the five cases, and they were indeed completely different from the cases he had encountered before. You had no way of judging what the murderer was going to do.

The second case occurred at Xiaguang Central Primary School, where a man carrying a backpack suddenly rushed towards the students after school.

Fortunately, the security guards reacted quickly and two security guards came forward to hug him.

As a result, the man detonated the C4 in the bag, seriously injuring two security guards and he died on the spot.

The third case occurred almost at the same time as the second case. The only difference was that the location chosen by the murderer was the vegetable market.

The fourth case was the Juyuan Building explosion handled by Ji Jie and others.

The impact of this case was very large. Since Ji Jie handled it decisively and avoided casualties, the provincial department specially called to praise her.

Song An tapped his fingers on the table and whispered,"There are schools, vegetable markets, communities, and buildings. Why are the locations chosen so different?"....."

The meeting room was originally quite quiet, but when Director Zhang got angry, everyone else was so scared that they dared not breathe.

Only Song An was immersed in the case analysis and did not pay attention to these things.

"Comrade Song An, what did you say?"

Zhang Songquan immediately changed his tone and asked.

Song An looked at Zhang Songquan,"Director Zhang, I have a bold hypothesis! If there is a mastermind behind these five cases, then he may have only one purpose for making these bombings!"

"What is it?"

Everyone looked at Song An.

"It tests the ability of our Jibei police to handle such cases!" Song An said

"How absurd! This group of gangsters is so rampant! How dare he test us, who does he think he is!"

Director Zhao was the most irritable, and he slammed the table and cursed,"Catch them! We must catch them all! I want to see what kind of courage these bastards have!"

Chen Bing looked at Song An,"You mean, there may be a bigger explosion waiting for us?"

Song An nodded,"According to my intuition, this group of people is definitely not ordinary criminals, and their ultimate goal is definitely not as simple as blowing up a building or killing a few people!"

At the case discussion meeting, the word"intuition" was a big taboo. When senior criminal police heard these two words, they would knock the heads of young criminal police.

Only when Song An said these two words, no one dared to object.

Because every time his intuition was accurate, it was ridiculous.

At this moment, a clerk walked into the office, saluted Zhang Songquan, and said:

"Director Zhang, Juyuan Group just received a mysterious phone call. The other party claimed that they were the ones who blew up the Juyuan Building!"

There was a commotion in the conference room.

The gangsters had come to our door!

""Have you identified the source of the call?" Zhang Songquan asked immediately.

The female police officer shook her head and said,"The person from the technical department said that the other party was using a modified wireless phone, so the specific location could not be detected.""

""What do they ask for?" Song An asked immediately.

The policewoman shook her head again,"No request, they just said that they will contact Juyuan Group again in the future!"

This news livened up the atmosphere in the depressing office.

It's good that the murderer can open the phone and take the initiative to contact the victim!

Whether it's asking for property or something else, as long as they dare to ask for money, there is hope to catch them all in one fell swoop!

After the policewoman left, Zhang Songquan looked at everyone and said,"Comrades, I want to tell you a piece of news.

Three days ago, I received a call from Director Leng Feng of the Sixth Division of the Ninth Bureau of the Security Bureau of our province!

Director Leng told me that their technical department intercepted several encrypted emails sent abroad.

After the emails were deciphered, a large number of words related to Jibei, destruction, explosion, etc.

were found!

In addition, a person named 'David' was repeatedly mentioned in the email!

Director Leng suspected that this person named 'David' was very likely the leader of their group 567!


The conference room was very quiet. Everyone was thinking about the information provided by Zhang Songquan.

Chen Bing put out his cigarette, looked at everyone, and said,"In addition, I want to tell you that we have conducted facial recognition on all the perpetrators of the five bombings. At present, the data of these people has not been found in our database! In other words, these people have no criminal records!"

Director Zhao was eager to try,"Director Zhang, Captain Chen, I think we should set up a special task force and draw on the elite of our city to solve this case as soon as possible and eradicate this cancer for the eight million people in Jibei!"

Zhang Songquan shook his head,"It's not a special task force. With the special approval of the provincial department, this time, we will set up the first special case brigade in the country! This major transnational bombing case has been personally supervised by the state! This case is the first case after the establishment of the special case brigade!"

"Special Case Team? What kind of organization is this? I've never heard of it."

"Is it in the same sequence as the branch’s criminal investigation brigade?"

"I don't understand. This is the first time I've heard of it."

Amid the discussion, Zhang Songquan smiled for the first time.

"The Special Case Team is on par with the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Jibei General Bureau! The captain of the Special Security Team is on the same level as Captain Chen Bing!"


The conference room was silent, and everyone was guessing who had the ability to become the captain of the Special Security Team.

However, after guessing, it seemed that no one else was qualified to take on this position except him.

Everyone looked at the position to the right of Director Zhang with a meaningful smile.

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