"Chang Baole, do you have a pig brain? What did Captain Song say on the intercom? We were not allowed to wake up the suspect. What are you trying to do? Now the clues are lost, and the gun is lost too!"

In the office of the Special Case Brigade of Yanshan Branch, Chang Baole sat blankly at his desk, and his master Liu Mengyang was yelling at him.

Chang Baole said nothing, with regret written all over his face.

"Just wait and write a self-criticism!"

Liu Mengyang scolded, picked up the teacup angrily, took a sip and found that the tea inside was cold, then put it back angrily.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Losing a gun is a serious work error. According to work discipline, suspension is the minimum."Two eight three"

Luo Fei frowned helplessly,"This is still a light punishment. If that person used Bao Le's gun to kill someone,....."

Chang Baole suddenly became nervous. Liu Mengyang seemed even more nervous than his apprentice."You won't be sentenced for this?"

He was very harsh when he scolded his apprentice just now, but when he heard that he was going to punish his apprentice, sweat broke out all of a sudden.

"You are an old criminal policeman, what do you think?"Luo Fei asked back.

Before Liu Mengyang could react, Chang Baole stood up, stared, gritted his teeth and walked towards the door.

"Team Song!"

""Hello, Captain Song!"

Song An came to the office, and Hao Jia and the others stood up to greet Song An.

Song An held a sandwich in his mouth and the review report that Ji Jie had just given him in his hand. He waved his hand casually to signal everyone to continue working.

"Captain Song, I made a mistake. I lost the clue and my gun. Please punish me."

Chang Baole stood in front of Song An, with a tear in his eye.

"Captain Song, I am his master, you should deal with me. Baole has just finished his internship. What if his future is ruined?....."

Liu Mengyang also ran to Song An and pleaded for his apprentice.

The other team members in the office looked at Song An at the same time. Song An put away the report and said with a smile,"Why are you so nervous? Don't worry, after the case is solved, Bao Le's gun will naturally be found."

"Solve the case?"

The members of the special case team looked at each other.

Fang Mu asked Song An in his usual cold tone,"Now the only clue is lost, and we have no clue at all. How can we solve the case?" Chang Baole lowered his head sadly when he heard it. Song An laughed, patted Chang Baole on the shoulder, and motioned him to sit down.

"If they hadn't made the blackmail call, I really wouldn't have been able to do anything. Now that the other party has shown up, I guarantee that they will take action next! As long as they dare to move, are they still afraid of not being able to catch them?"

Song An smiled at Baole,"It's okay to make an accidental mistake. You can get back the lost honor yourself."

Chang Baole nodded heavily to Song An. Liu Mengyang still asked worriedly,"Captain Song, Baole won't be laid off because of this, right?"

Song An was about to answer when his cell phone rang.

After answering the call, Song An was about to go out. He looked back at Baole and asked in a gentle tone,"Baole, do you still remember what that man looked like?"

Chang Baole nodded heavily,"I can remember him even if he turns to ashes!"

"OK, tell Wang Xiaoguang of the Technical Department the suspect's appearance and ask them to produce a criminal portrait. Don't worry about your work. I will definitely help you get your gun back before the investigation team arrives."

Song An made an encouraging gesture to Bao Le and hurried out.

Bai Ling made a face at Tian Rui,"Look at the courage of our captain! He is capable, responsible and charming. I just can't understand what kind of woman is lucky enough to marry him..... "

Tian Rui lowered her head, feeling sweet in her heart, and a trace of happy smile appeared on her face, like a layer of ripples on the lake in autumn, beautiful beyond words.

Ji Jie glared at Bai Ling, clapped her hands and said,"Everyone take a break for half an hour, and take action immediately after half an hour to continue to investigate the explosion site!"

Hujialou Street, Neptune Bar.

After Song An got off the car, he entered the bar, pretending to look at his watch and raised his wrist, but his eyes quickly swept across the booth area.

Soon, sitting in booth No. 13 at the back, a yellow-haired young man wearing a yellow jacket and a Hong Kong and Taiwan-style split hair attracted Song An's attention.

Opposite the yellow-haired young man sat a fashionable girl, wearing a sequined nightclub skirt, wavy curls, and exaggerated smoky makeup on her face.

Feng Qiuxiang had just called Song An, and Feng Biao asked her to meet at the Neptune Bar. Based on Feng Qiuxiang's description, Song An immediately locked on the young man named Sang Biao.

Taking out a Zippo windproof lighter from his windbreaker pocket, Song An lit a golden leaf, took a step, and walked leisurely towards No. 013. The man in the yellow jacket, who was eating Western food with his female companion, looked up and saw a young man with a mustache smoking and looking at him with a smile. The man in the yellow jacket fiddled with his knife and fork and asked coldly,"Sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

Song An made a careful disguise before going out. He was not afraid that he had seen him on TV, and said with a smile,"Brother Biao, right? I have a fishing company in Kouzi Bay and need to buy some goods from you."

"Purchase? What do you mean?"The yellow jacket looked puzzled.

Song An smiled, bent down and whispered to the yellow jacket,"I want to buy ten kilograms of explosives to fry fish.".

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