At almost the same time, shrill alarms rang continuously in Jibei City's Baita Branch, Shahe Branch, Yongding Branch and Jibei General Administration.

In one afternoon, Bai Mao and others carried out six explosions in succession, all targeting the Jibei police!

Due to the timely response of the anti-explosion system, most of the explosions were intercepted at the first time.

Although explosions also occurred in Yangguang Road Police Station and Jiumen Police Station, fortunately the police station office staff evacuated in advance.

Except for two left-behind personnel who were slightly injured, the six explosions did not cause any casualties.

Upon hearing the news, Song An immediately returned to Yanshan Branch.

As soon as people arrived at the hall, the police officers who were busy cleaning up the scene all consciously put down their work.

Everyone raised their hands silently and saluted Song An.

Gu Ming and Guan Hongfeng came down from the second floor, and they walked towards Song An with a smile. 297

"Captain Song, thank you for reminding everyone in time to install the alarm device!"

Gu Ming patted Song An on the shoulder,"I spoke with Director Zhang on the phone, and the General Administration has decided to apply for first-class merit for you."

Applause rang out in the hall, and all the police officers watched happily together.

Song An waved his hands,"Director Gu, I don't like popping champagne at halftime the most. I heard that all the main culprits died on the spot?"

Gu Ming nodded, his face heavy,"Before the other party came, they were obviously prepared to die. Whether the explosion was successful or not, they would not continue to live."

"In one week, there were more than a dozen explosions, and all the criminals died! This is simply unbelievable. Even ants try to survive, do they really want to die so much?"Guan Hongfeng said angrily.

"They don't want to die. These people must be under mental control, just like in the strong acid murder case, the psychology professor used hypnosis to instigate others to commit crimes. I think the culprit behind the scenes must also know some methods of mental control, otherwise, how could he have so many loyal men working for him."

After Gu Ming's analysis, Guan Hongfeng suddenly realized,"Could it be that Feng Biao? Have these people been bewitched by Feng Biao?"

Gu Ming and Guan Hongfeng looked at Song An together.

Song An shook his head,"Feng Biao himself has suffered serious mental trauma. Judging from the watercolor paintings of houses, trees and people he painted, he himself cannot control his own heart. How can such a psychologically fragile person control others? In this series of bombings against Jibei, Feng Biao is a very small role."

Gu Ming and Guan Hongfeng were shocked!

"Xiao Song, isn't Feng Biao their leader? Does that mean they have a more terrifying target?"Gu Ming's face changed.

Even Guan Hongfeng, who usually kept his composure, was shocked after hearing Song An's analysis.

"Director Gu, Captain Guan, don't worry too much! I brought the video of Juyuan Group. Let Xiaoguang and the others work overtime to find the strange man who gave the peony flowers to the front desk. I think he must have been wearing a mask or a face shield. Technical Department Tang will take a look to see if there is any way to do facial comparison."

Song An handed a videotape to Guan Hongfeng, who nodded,"This is the only living murderer at the moment, we must pry the teeth out of him!"

""Come on, Xiao Song, I'll take you to the restaurant. The provincial and ministerial leaders are here. They all want to thank you for reminding them to install the alarm system in time, thus avoiding a major disaster."

Gu Ming pulled Song An and walked towards the cafeteria without letting him explain.

After get off work, Wu Jiaqi went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and prepared to go home to cook.

On the way home, she felt that the situation was a little strange.

She felt that the people in the vegetable market looked at her strangely, and there seemed to be someone following her.

Wu Jiaqi was confident that in terms of tracking and investigation, few people in Jibei could beat her.

But this time, she never noticed the other party's movement, but she intuitively felt that she must have been followed.

Wu Jiaqi returned to her residence, which was a two-story white building with white walls, black tiles, rockery and fish pond, quite in the style of Jiangnan water towns.

When she came to the door of the master bedroom, Wu Jiaqi put the vegetables at the door, gently bent down, and went to He touched his military boots.

Inside the knee-high leather boots, there was a military dagger made of wootz steel for self-defense. It was extremely sharp and could cut iron like mud and kill people with one blow.

After getting the dagger, Wu Jiaqi raised his eyebrows and kicked the bedroom open.

The old building had poor lighting and the room was dark. Wu Jiaqi was about to reach out to turn on the light when he suddenly felt a gust of evil wind coming!

Without waiting for himself to think, Wu Jiaqi instinctively stretched out his left hand, grabbed the man's shoulder, and with his right arm, he struck his elbow three times in a row!

His elbow hit the man's sternum. Although the line was dim, Wu Jiaqi could still feel that the man's body seemed to collapse.

With a wave of his hand, a dagger flashing with cold light was pressed against the man's throat.

Wu Jiaqi asked in a cold voice,"Tell me, who are you!"

Before the man could speak, applause suddenly rang out in the room.

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