After entering winter, the days always pass quickly.

A police car roared and drove through Yong'an Street. The dead leaves on the street were thrown into the air and slowly fell down.

Since the serial bombings, according to the unified deployment of Song An, the captain of the special case team, more than half of the mobile police forces in the city have been dispatched to patrol suspicious persons 24 hours a day.

Regarding this order, no one in the Jibei Police Station system complained.

The reason is very simple. Song An saved the lives of thousands of colleagues with the anti-explosion system installed in the police stations throughout the city.

Sunset Bar is located at the north end of Yong'an Street. It is one of the best bars in Jibei City. This bar focuses on the"Hong Kong and Taiwan nostalgia style" and attracts many post-70s and post-80s drinkers to consume.

A woman in a dark green silhouette coat ordered a glass of tequila and was sitting at the bar drinking.

The woman was wearing exquisite makeup, and her carefully decorated nails scratched the glass wine glass. Her two lake blue eyes were full of sorrow, and she looked pitiful.

The bar was very quiet, with a few drinkers chatting in low voices. Only the large LED screen hanging in the room was broadcasting the live broadcast of the World Cup.

The woman looked behind her and saw a short man, less than 1.6 meters tall, wearing a leather jacket and with dark skin.

He was a big bald man, leaning against the wall, watching the live broadcast of the game seriously.

The bald man held the remote control in his hand, and he ignored the beauties walking around in the bar, as if the game represented everything.

The woman in the ink-colored windbreaker walked over with a tequila and said indifferently,"Sir, can you change the channel? This is a bar, I want to listen to music." It took the man at least ten seconds to react. Seeing the cold woman who was half a head taller than him, the man's facial features were even colder than hers.

"No."The man in the leather jacket shook his head and said indifferently.

The woman in the black windbreaker was very angry. She felt that the man in front of her looked wretched and had no gentlemanly spirit, so she snatched the remote control from his hand angrily.

The TV quickly switched to the MTV channel. A female artist named Mei, who was wearing a black evening dress, was singing a popular song called"Woman Flower" with deep emotion.


The woman in the dark windbreaker threw the remote back, looked at the dark-skinned bald man provocatively, and returned to the bar with her head held high.

The bald man stared at the TV for a few minutes. The TV changed the channel and he became very unhappy.

The man walked to the corner of the wall without saying a word and picked up a can of dry powder fire extinguisher from the corner.

He carried the fire extinguisher behind the woman, gently put it on the ground, and then patted the woman in the dark windbreaker on the shoulder.


The woman turned her head impatiently. She thought she had met a man pursuing her again, so she was ready to refuse him.

But the scene before her made the woman never expect that the bald man standing behind her actually ordered a glass of Chivas, and then without saying a word, he poured the glass of Chivas on her face!

"You, what are you doing!"The woman yelled angrily.

The bald man seemed not to hear her. He took out a matchbox from his jacket pocket, struck a match slowly, and threw it to the woman.

0 ···Request flowers·· ········

The match started to burn after it met the alcohol. The woman screamed in fear and was quickly covered by flames.

The bald man walked out of the bar with his hands in his pockets as if nothing had happened.

The security guards on duty reacted quickly. They quickly found a dry powder fire extinguisher behind the woman and immediately opened the fire extinguisher to spray out the flames.

The bar was in chaos, the guests screamed in fear, and the bartender quickly called 110 to report the incident.


The police car arrived at the bar 4 minutes later. However, when the police asked several parties who had clearly seen the appearance of the arsonist, everyone was speechless.

Apart from the bald head, dark skin and short stature, none of them could remember the appearance of this mysterious drinker.

In Dayaowa, Nanyuan Town, inside an abandoned brick kiln factory.

The girl in a windbreaker named Meng got out of the Jetta and shouted at the kiln factory,"Brother Shanjia, Brother White Cat, something big happened, Brother Jinzi was beaten to death by the police! Come out and see!" The dilapidated iron gate of the brick kiln factory was pushed open, and five men ran out in a hurry.

Feng Biao, also known as White Cat, saw the woman named Meng coming back alone, and immediately asked,"Where is the female police officer named Wu?"

"She ran away! A policeman named Song An showed up on the way, and I couldn't beat them."

The girl in the windbreaker kicked the stone helplessly, looking very aggrieved.

"Song An? Wasn't he killed in the explosion?

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