How much energy does 300 tons of TNT release?

When Song An was taking a criminal investigation class before, the professor once showed a photo.

The photo shows a pit that is 11 meters deep and 15 meters wide.

This is the destructive power of just one ton of TNT.

Not only that, all buildings or people within 100 meters around this pit will be destroyed by the shock wave.

Theoretically, 300 tons of TNT can easily destroy a mountain and knock out the enemy's command post.

However, these are not the most terrifying things.

Once a nuclear artillery shell explodes, people within hundreds of kilometers around it will be exposed to fatal nuclear radiation, even if they do not die at the time.

The quartz clock hanging on the wall is turning non-stop.

Time is decreasing second by second.

The people attending the meeting are standing in front of their desks, listening carefully to Song An's analysis.

"If I'm not mistaken, Guo Jie will definitely learn from the lesson of the 1993 explosion and prepare enough gunpowder to blow up the main pillar."

Song An said this and suddenly raised his head. Wu Jiaqi understood and immediately gave him a pen.��

"The main pillar of the second phase fell to the southwest and hit the shorter main pillar. If this continues, both buildings will collapse!"

Song An used a red pen to mark the approximate direction of the explosion on the map.

Zhang Songquan felt his heart was about to jump out, and asked cautiously,"Xiao Song, can you deduce where the other party might place the explosives?"

All the branch directors and police station chiefs looked at Song An.

All members of the special case team looked at their captain.

At the same time, the police officers who were ready to go at the door of their respective branches were also holding their breath and waiting for combat orders.

Song An pondered for a moment and drew a circle at the location of the second phase building with a pen.

"The main pillar in the southwest of the second phase parking lot! The bomb must be hidden here!"

After Song An finished speaking, there was a noise in the office.

The heads of the various branches discussed with each other, and they were somewhat skeptical about the location specified by Song An.

Only ancient military strategists could make plans and win battles thousands of miles away.

But the problem is that Song An is not Zhuge Liang. He has not arrived at the scene. Can he really calculate the location of the explosive with just a map?

"All units, please pay attention and quickly move to Xiangtai Building! The bomb disposal team will immediately go to the second phase parking lot to check the main pillars!"

Zhang Songquan did not hesitate and quickly issued a combat order.

The heads of the various branches immediately received the order, and Song An led the special case team to set off.

In the huge office, Zhang Songquan and Chen Bing were the only two people left.

It was time to get off work, and the fashionable young men and women who walked out of various buildings and office buildings stepped onto the subway to go home.

Seven o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening are the busiest time for the subway company.

In the office hall of the subway control department, hundreds of large screens were flashing, and the real-time monitoring screens of various sections could all be seen in the hall. Nearly a hundred subway dispatchers sat in front of the large screen. These people were dressed in the blue subway company uniforms, holding walkie-talkies in their hands, and reporting the situation of each section to the subway driver at any time.

At the entrance of the hall, security guard Lao Qian was on duty.

Suddenly, Lao Qian heard the sound of military boots stepping on the concrete floor. These people walked very fast and arrived at the entrance of the hall in a while.

"Stop! Which unit are you from? What are you doing here at the subway company?"

0 ···Request flowers···· 0

Old Qian looked a little nervous, and he took out the plastic baton from his waist, and his eyelids trembled slightly.

In front of him appeared dozens of people wearing European and American camouflage uniforms, holding all kinds of guns and weapons.

These people were murderous, with a creepy murderous aura in their eyes, and they were not ordinary people at first glance.

Those people completely ignored Old Qian and walked straight to the entrance of the hall.

"Stop, if you take another step forward, I will not be polite!"

Old Qian was very nervous, but as a militiaman, he did not know what retreat meant!


Old Qian blocked their way with both hands and waved his baton, trying to intimidate the group of people.

The man walking in front raised his arm, holding a silver Desert Eagle pistol, which glowed silver in the afterglow of the setting sun.


The man fired decisively, and the bullet penetrated Old Qian's forehead, and a stream of blood spurted out from the back of his head.

"A few hundred yuan a month, what's the point of risking your life!"

The man snorted coldly, stepped over Lao Qian's body, and kicked open the glass door of the hall.

In the main control hall, the chief dispatcher Hou Chun picked up the intercom and said in a deep voice,"This is the main control room. According to the police report, from now on, all subway lines 3, 5, and 8 will be suspended! All buses and coaches passing through Xingtai Building will stop running!"

Hou Chun's order had just been issued when he suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking behind him.

Then, a man wearing foreign camouflage and a full beard walked in on the broken glass.

Behind the man, followed by more than 20 men dressed in the same way and fully armed, rushed in with murderous intent!

Hao! Hao! Hao! Hao!

The bearded man raised the P90 submachine gun in one hand and fired at the ceiling! Towel.

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