Gu Ming was very dissatisfied,"You are also veteran criminal police, how could you kill such an important witness?"

Lin Qi and Yan Liang could only bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

Director Li, Director Zhao and others hurriedly comforted Gu Ming,"Forget it, old Gu, anyway, the mission is completed and the safety of the masses is guaranteed, which is more important than other things."

Gu Ming was about to say something else when his phone rang.

A minute later, Gu Ming put down the phone and said,"Director Zhang called and said that a group of armed bandits took control of the subway company and surrounded the dispatching hall! At present, the true identity of these armed bandits cannot be determined!"

Director Li was stunned,"What is the purpose of controlling the subway dispatching hall? Why do I feel it is getting more and more bizarre! How could someone rob the subway company?"

Other leaders of the temporary command center also felt strange.

Tonight's action was originally sudden in nature. Everything that happened tonight was full of evil, as if nothing was planned!

Song An was shocked, and the thing he was most worried about really happened!

At that time, there was only a flash of inspiration in the car, relying entirely on intuition, and there was no evidence.

Now, he heard the police report that the subway dispatch hall was controlled by gangsters, and the last glimmer of hope was gone!

"This group of people must be the same group as the ones responsible for the bombing! If I'm not mistaken, their next step is likely to take control of the subway station and hold the subway driver hostage!" Song An said.

Gu Ming, Director Li and others were stunned at the same time,"Hold the driver hostage, why hold the driver hostage?々` ?"

Lin Qi also asked,"Yes, we have found their explosives, and they are about to dismantle them. Are they holding the subway driver hostage at this time to escape?"

Wu Jiaqi, Fang Mu and Luo Fei behind Song An had already heard Song An talk about it in the Land Rover. Now after hearing Song An's analysis, the faces of the three of them changed drastically at the same time!

Song An looked at Gu Ming and others, and said word by word,"They are going to transport the bombs to the target location through the subway train, and then create an explosion that will shock the world!"

Song An's words made Gu Ming and others dumbfounded.

Lin Qi's face turned pale,"Captain Song, don't scare me, aren't the explosives found in the underground garage their ultimate goal?"

"Of course not! From now on, their goal is far more terrible than blowing up two buildings, not to mention that what was found in the underground garage is not a nuclear bomb!"

Everyone took a breath.

If Song An's inference is correct, it means that tonight's operation has completely failed!

They were busy all night, but in fact they fell into the enemy's trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain!

""Damn it! I've been fooled by these bastards again!"

Yan Liang punched the hood of the car, his teeth itching with anger.

Song An said urgently,"The most urgent task is to find out which line the bandits want to control. As long as we find which subway line it is, we will know their final plan!" As soon as he finished speaking, the walkie-talkies in everyone's hands rang.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Yunlong, a special police officer from Baita. Metro Line 4 has been controlled by someone. The group has held one hundred passengers hostage and threatened the subway driver with a gun to start the subway Line 4!"

"Subway Line 4!"

A huge map appeared in front of Song An's eyes. All the important places where Line 4 appeared on this map flashed red lights.

In just one second, Song An had locked the final location!

"How about Song An, can you see the enemy's ultimate goal?"Gu Ming and others looked at him anxiously.

"Xiangtai Building is a decoy. What they ultimately want to destroy is the terminus of Subway Station No. 4, Longze International Airport!" Song An said

"International Airport? You mean, their ultimate goal is to blow up Longze International Airport?"Zhao Ju's eyes widened.

Gu Ming was stunned for a moment, then quickly took out his phone and said,"` 々We have special police on duty at the airport. Although there are not many of them,......."

Gu Ming couldn't continue talking.

There were only a dozen special police officers at the airport. With such a force configuration, it was simply a fantasy to stop a high-speed train.

"Song An, what should we do?"Gu Ming swallowed his saliva.

Song An spread a subway map on the hood and said,"Line 4 has eight carriages, divided into three groups! They will definitely place bombs in each group!"

"In this way, the bombs will blow up Shuangjing Bridge and Qingshui Subway Station respectively, and the locomotive will crash into Longze Airport! The nuclear bomb is inside the locomotive, and once the locomotive is hit hard (money), the detonator will automatically start!"

"In this way, the nuclear shell and the bomb inside the locomotive will explode together. Such firepower is enough to completely destroy Longze International Airport!"

"Not only that, due to the addition of gunpowder, the radiation radius caused by the explosion of this nuclear cannon will also increase! The powerful shock wave will turn the area within 200 miles around Longze Airport into ruins, and in the next few decades, it will be difficult to see even a living tree in these irradiated areas."

Gu Ming shook his body and grabbed Song An's arm,"Xiao Song, you can analyze their plan, so there must be a way to stop it, right? Within a 200-mile range, half of the city will suffer, and how many people will be homeless!".

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